UK Climate Chaos Newswire Archive
2007 Ulley reservoir danger could have led to a "breakdown in social cohesion"
30-06-2008 19:22
Interesting article in the Independent today, "MI5: revealing areas at mercy of collapsing dams is a terror threat"
Some extracts follow, basically if the damn had burst last year Sheffield would have had no electricity for "an indefinite period" and also the "main 42-inch gas main serving Sheffield" would have been taken out.
Coast Is Clear - Let's Suck The Oil Out!
30-06-2008 13:02

#6 The July Show Now Online ~ Riseup! Radio - check it out
30-06-2008 11:02

Ahoy! From the heart of our lovely city we bring you another lively show, this time with special guest presenter Hicham Yezza, who was arrested at Nottingham Uni in May on Terrorism Charges but is now free (on bail) to join us, talk about his experiences and play some music. Other than that, lots of news, commentary and local music. Check it out..
Listen: #6 The July Show
Climate Camp's response to E.ON's request to meet
30-06-2008 00:48
The original letter sent to Climate Camp, and our response (being sent out today).Radio Ecoshock on James Hansen on Climate Criminals
29-06-2008 22:37

NASA scientist James Hansen shakes up Capitol Hill (and the media) with explosive testimony to the Select Committee on Energy Independence and Climate Change. For one thing, he thinks oil industry executives who purposely (and secretly) fund groups to confuse the public about climate science – should be charged with crimes against humanity.
Roots of Change - Bath climate camp/eco event - Sat 12th July
29-06-2008 17:17

Activists disrupt work at site of opencast coal mine
29-06-2008 17:03
Activists yesterday obstructed a steamroller which was being used to set a tarmac ramp designed allow heavy plant machinery access to the fields where UK Coal intend to extract around 1 million tonnes of coal.Critical Mass in Remembrance of Marie Vesco
27-06-2008 22:39

Following the killing of Marie Vesco on the A23 her friends, rampART and Food Not Bombs asked people to ride to Brixton, where she served free food every Sunday afternoon with Brixton Food Not Bombs.
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Climate Change: The lost generation, and possibly much more
27-06-2008 10:05
Read the article Rising seas threaten west Antarctic, and it’s all but impossible to think, yet again, of all the chances to take serious, desperately needed action on CO2 emissions that we’ve thrown away over the last twenty years. What could trigger such a bout of depressing navel staring?
Leave it in the Ground… in Court and a protest
26-06-2008 22:51

Come and show your support with a fun little protest at 9 am
camp for climate action northwest neighbourhood get-together
25-06-2008 23:58

Noise demo at UK Coal 14 July
25-06-2008 16:16

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Anniversary of the first week at Shipley Bodge
24-06-2008 22:23

Bath Bomb #11 out now
24-06-2008 12:51
Monthly tabloid rantfest fresh out of the mean streets of BathNorth east's second (black) gold rush
23-06-2008 14:03
Plans for a new generation of opencast mines for a new generation of coal fired power stations.A visit to the Opencast Squat
21-06-2008 18:17

Nottingham Animal Rights Meeting Minutes 20/06/08
20-06-2008 15:44
Minutes following our fortnightly meeting. Discussed: 'free food' McLibel event, forthcoming events, merchandise, meetings, KFC, Foie Gras, Viva! Roadshow, 'Food Not Bombs', 'Food & Climate Change'Nottingham: 'Food Not Bombs', Food & Climate Change Meeting
20-06-2008 15:14
Following a series of successful events in recent months (June 19th: McLibelTrial Anniversary, June 3rd: Day of Action on Food and Climate Change, May
15th: McLibel Human Rights Anniversary) activists are interested in
organising future events along similar lines.
Resources for London E.ON Demo, 16.07.08
19-06-2008 16:32

Wednesday, 16th July, 8.15 AM, London