UK Climate Chaos Newswire Archive
Camp For Climate Action N/W Social Event: Wed 2nd July
19-06-2008 14:37

N/W Neighbourhood social event
July 2nd from 7pm
Next To Nowhere, 96 Bold Street
KENYA: Impact of climate change on three Masai families.
18-06-2008 19:33
Climate change is threatening the livelihoods of thousands of people in Kenya. One of the hardest hit communities is the Masai. Up to 80 percent of those living in Magadi, in southern Kenya, have lost their cattle due to drought, which is becoming more frequent as a result of global warming.
Open Cast Coal site request for help
18-06-2008 10:55

Climate change protestors occupy Derbyshire open cast site
18-06-2008 04:59
Today climate campaigners from ‘Leave it in the Ground’ have occupied the UK Coal’s Lodge House site in Derbyshire by barricading themselves in a disused farm building and taken to the trees on the site of the open cast mine.Full article | 1 addition | 1 comment
Lodge House open cast mine site occupied
18-06-2008 04:51

Campaign against misleading car adverts.
18-06-2008 04:45
There is every reason to believe that 99% of car adverts published in newspapers and magazines and on roadside hoardings in the European Union are illegal.Global Land Surface Temperature for Spring Tied as Third Warmest
17-06-2008 17:04
Highlights from NOAA's latest report of 6/13/08:Hilton delegates shocked by 5 metre high aviation elephant
17-06-2008 13:29

This spectacle, created by anti-aviation group Plane Stupid Scotland, is a huge visual reminder that aviation remains a massive elephant in the room as long as emissions from aviation continue to be ignored in the Climate Change Bill.
The Irish 'No' vote and lessons for global democracy
17-06-2008 10:38
Is the Irish rejection of the European Union Lisbon Treaty democracy in action or proof that referenda are flawed? What are the lessons for the Simultaneous Policy campaign which aims to address global problems. A personal view.Demo against E.ON, 16th July, London
15-06-2008 14:54
Join the Greenwash Guerrillas to show that E.ON’S greenwash won’t wash!Wednesday, 16th July, 8.15 AM, London
global Warming, early Impacts on the Frontlines.
15-06-2008 09:35
The early impacts of climate change are already being observed by people living in vulnerable communities.This is obviously not a definitive list, if anybody can add to this please do.
Some interesting links here also.
Images from the London naked Bike ride, 14.06.08
15-06-2008 01:03

Black Mesa : Urgent Action! - Elders home & sacred Homelands face destruction.
14-06-2008 08:26
Big Mountain, Black Mesa Elder Faces Threat of her Ceremonial Lodge/Home being dismantled while Peabody Coal Company is pushing their massive coal-mining expansion plans on the sacred ancestral homelands of the Dine' (Navajo) & Hopi peoples of Black Mesa, Arizona..
World Petroleum Congress: Non Grato
13-06-2008 18:13

McDonalds redecorated for Sean Kirtley & UCLA van torched
13-06-2008 17:00
anonymous communiques:Full article | 3 additions | 8 comments
Pictures from Drax train action
13-06-2008 12:19

Climate protest halts coal train
13-06-2008 09:16
About 30 climate campaigners have halted a train taking coal to one of Europe's biggest power stations in North Yorkshire.Paper Plane Flash Mob at the Department for Transport on 3 July
12-06-2008 13:12
Tell Ruth Kelly to Stop Airport Expansion:- Meet 11am, Thursday 3 July, Department for Transport (DfT), 76 Marsham
Street, SW1P 4DR (tube: St James's Park or Westminster)
- 11.03am: Reveal your 'Stop Airport Expansion' t-shirt, if you have one
- 11.05am: launch your 'Stop Airport Expansion' paper planes at the DfT
The Price of Business-as-Usual - UK Abandons 2°C Target
12-06-2008 08:53
Christian Aid is angry. The British government has just "eviscerated" the Climate Change Bill, claimed the agency.