Camp For Climate Action N/W Social Event: Wed 2nd July
Liverpool Climate Action | 19.06.2008 14:37 | Climate Chaos | Social Struggles | Liverpool
Camp For Climate Action
N/W Neighbourhood social event
July 2nd from 7pm
Next To Nowhere, 96 Bold Street
N/W Neighbourhood social event
July 2nd from 7pm
Next To Nowhere, 96 Bold Street
- Want to find out more about the camp for climate action?
- Thinking about coming to this year's camp?
- Interested in meeting others who may be going?
Liverpool Climate Action is hosting a northwest neighbourhood social/info night. There will be:
- food
- film of last year's camp
- question and answer session with people who are involved in planning this year's camp
- chance to meet others who are going to the camp (chance to arrange travel etc)
All welcome!
- Thinking about coming to this year's camp?
- Interested in meeting others who may be going?
Liverpool Climate Action is hosting a northwest neighbourhood social/info night. There will be:
- food
- film of last year's camp
- question and answer session with people who are involved in planning this year's camp
- chance to meet others who are going to the camp (chance to arrange travel etc)
All welcome!
Liverpool Climate Action