UK Climate Chaos Newswire Archive
Transition Nottingham Urban Harvest Festival 2 Apple Pressing
06-10-2008 18:16

Transition Nottingham Urban Harvest Festival 1 Event
06-10-2008 18:09

TAG Aviation seek massive expansion at Farnborough Airport
06-10-2008 14:30

Addressing the Financial Crisis is not a distraction from Peak Oil/Climate Change
06-10-2008 11:05
Addressing the problems issues that arise out of the financial crisis - above all by developing local currencies - is not a distraction from peak oil and climate change. The financial crisis is creating turmoil - but creating an opportunity and necessity to change the way money is created and managed.rolls royce raynesway protesers in court same day as the next prottest
02-10-2008 20:23

The Carbon Trust: State Sponsored Greenwashing (With Help From Greenpeace)
02-10-2008 14:01

A Call to Climate Action- Copenhagen 2009
02-10-2008 12:54
We stand at a crossroads. The facts are clear. Global climate change, causedby human activities, is happening, threatening the lives and livelihoods of
billions of people and the existence of millions of species. Social movements,
environmental groups, and scientists from all over the world are calling for
urgent and radical action on climate change.
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One hellllll of a mass (london)
01-10-2008 22:33
And there's plenty more drama to come ...Call to Climate Action COP-15
01-10-2008 17:50
Call to Climate Action in preparation for UN Climate Conference 30th November 2009First Sumac Debate now Online- Listen Now!
01-10-2008 14:26

Shipley Bodge cost Derbyshire police £58,000
01-10-2008 11:26
The eviction of the Shipley Bodge anti-open cast mine squat in Derbyshire cost the local police force £58,000. UK Coal, the legal owners of the land, will be billed for some of the expenses. The full cost of the eviction to UK Coal, who hired bailiffs and equipment, is expected to have been much higher.Carbon Web Issue 10 - Autumn 2008 - News and Analysis On Big Oil
01-10-2008 10:21
Issue 10 includes articles on BP and Shell’s investments in Canadian ‘tar sands’, the involvement of the Royal Bank of Scotland in bankrolling global coal, the Russia-Georgia conflict and the Baku-Tiblisi-Ceyhan pipeline, ongoing attempts to privatise Iraqi oil, the historical development of the fossil fuel industry in the Hoo peninsula and an analysis of BP’s lobbying activities in Brussels.Medway Trades Council Inquiry Into Climate Camp Policing
30-09-2008 15:27
Medway Trades Union Council are holding an inquiry into the policing of the Climate Camp at Kingsnorth in Kent and are asking for evidence from people who attended the CampSainsbury's greenwash
30-09-2008 14:11

EV-EON: Nice Bit Of Subvertising (Shame About The Solutions)
30-09-2008 09:19

Here’s something nice from a group that brainstormed an idea at the 2008 Climate Camp; EV-EON [

Climate Camp 2008: illustrated diary
29-09-2008 18:29

Stalking the Solitaire
29-09-2008 13:13
Shell to Sea Kayakers visit the Solitaire in ScotlandE.ON Targeted in Sweden in Solidarity with the Climate Camp
29-09-2008 12:38

The European Social Forum at Malmo
27-09-2008 19:30
European Social Forum at MalmoTHE FORLORN FORUM
By Uli Schmetzer
MALMO, Sweden, September 21 - If little else the European Social Forum (ESF) in Malmo this month ventilated the diverse aspirations of the alternative movement and the difficulty of a reunifying theme to make the dream work.
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No police at Critical Mass London!
27-09-2008 08:27