UK Climate Chaos Newswire Archive
Next national climate camp organising gathering Feb 17/18 in Leeds
09-02-2007 12:01
Climate Camp 2007 will take place from August 14th to 21st. Planning is already well under way and we need everyone to get involved and make it happen.The next national organising gathering will be in Leeds on Sat and Sun Feb 17th/18th. It will be at The Common Place in Leeds city centre and vegan food, accommodation and creche will be provided (please contact us with accommodation, creche or any other needs though so we can plan ahead).
Next national climate camp organising gathering Feb 17/18 in Leeds
09-02-2007 12:00
Climate Camp 2007 will take place from August 14th to 21st. Planning is already well under way and we need everyone to get involved and make it happen.The next national organising gathering will be in Leeds on Sat and Sun Feb 17th/18th. It will be at The Common Place in Leeds city centre and vegan food, accommodation and creche will be provided (please contact us with accommodation, creche or any other needs though so we can plan ahead).
Next national climate camp organising gathering Feb 17/18 in Leeds
09-02-2007 11:59
Climate Camp 2007 will take place from August 14th to 21st. Planning is already well under way and we need everyone to get involved and make it happen.The next national organising gathering will be in Leeds on Sat and Sun Feb 17th/18th. It will be at The Common Place in Leeds city centre and vegan food, accommodation and creche will be provided (please contact us with accommodation, creche or any other needs though so we can plan ahead).
U.S. Backs Controversial Oil ‘Research’ in Peruvian Amazon
09-02-2007 10:52
from narconews.comphotos of Manchester carbon footprint stencils
07-02-2007 22:48

Brecon Resistance Camp - Wish List
06-02-2007 20:28
The tree camp in the Brecon Beacons is still going strong. The mood is good and everyone is happy ( well all except National Grid that is !!! ).Protest against ESSO this Friday, 9th Feb
06-02-2007 13:04
A protest against ESSO and its role in the environmental crisis will take place this friday (9th feb), meeting outside Manchester University Students Union at 5pm. All welcome, lets increase the noise on climate change around manchester!Next national climate camp organsing gathering Feb 17/18 in Leeds
06-02-2007 09:59
Climate Camp 2007 will take place fromAugust 14th to 21st. Planning is already well under way and we need everyone to get involved and make it happen.The next national organsing gathering will be in Leeds on Sat and Sun Feb 17th/18th. It will be at The Common Place in Leeds city centre and vegan food, accommodationand creche will be provided (please contact us with accommodation, creche or any other needs though so we can plan ahead).
The Mississippi Gulf Coast after hurricane katrina in 2005.
06-02-2007 03:29

Lydd Airport consultation period-pls send objections!
05-02-2007 16:58
Lydd Airport on Romney Marsh, Kent has recently submitted plans to expandto 2 mill pax per year and a runway extention to allow 737 type jets.It's just 2 miles from Dungeness A & B Nuke stations and surrounded by nature reserves (RSPB) and SSSI'. There is a Primary School just 500 mtrs from end of runway and MoD firing ranges in the area.
SDO The Neo Clingons mp3
05-02-2007 02:56

Shell Wildlife photo exhibition gets painted
05-02-2007 02:35

PIA Beagle Death Flights
04-02-2007 21:40

Airport destined for a life of hell. Vivisection breeders and laboratories
alike ship animals in the cargoholds of aeroplanes amongst everyday items,
unbeknown to the passengers above.
04-02-2007 19:06
Plans for a new reality TV show to be broadcast on every Indymedia website in the world are being considered by environmental campaigners in Britain."Can You Save the Human Race?" is proposed as a live action drama recording the true story of the Children's Revolution and the emerging global youth movement to try to save humanity from extinction caused by global warming.
Climate Change Awareness
04-02-2007 16:17
On 3rd February 07 the Climate Change campaigners were joined by Rhythms of Resistance Manchester to raise awareness about global climate change issues.Mississippi Gulf Coast after hurricane katrina in 2005.
04-02-2007 00:29

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Photos - Oil Spill to save wildlife ?
03-02-2007 23:37

While a banner was dropped in the main hall and 600 leaflets handed out to members of the public, an oil like substance was sprayed over the wildlife photos in the Shell sponsored exhibition. There were a large number of security personnel present and some of the protesters were assaulted by panicking museum staff and members of the public but there were no arrests.
The action follows the publication of Shell's 2006 record breaking financial figures and the release of the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change fourth report which yet again suggests that climate change is happening faster then previously predicted.
See press release at

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