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UK Climate Chaos Newswire Archive

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International Day of Direct Action against Climate Change and the G8.

23-03-2007 11:39

The 8th of June International Day of Action Against has been called by the International Rising Tide Network. This is a call for autonomous, decentralized actions appropriate for your town, city, or local area.

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I bike MCR bicycle festival and exhibition

23-03-2007 09:50

I bike MCR is an exhibition and festival to celebrate the bicycle, taking place from Friday 30th March to Friday 20th April. It is a grassroots festival that has been organised by cyclists for cyclists. This is the first one but we hope to make it an annual event.

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Global Warming On The Ropes

22-03-2007 14:00

Hysteria of climate cult begins to look increasingly inane

[according to the loons at prisonplanet that is! Please let this repost stand to show people the mindset of that commercial site]

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National Grid feeling the pressure as time runs out on giant pipeline project

22-03-2007 13:31

Bogged down
National Grid's pet pipeline is way behind schedule. They are in a panicked rush to get it built and avoid hefty fines, but a determined protest campaign and the rugged welsh landscape are ganging up on the ill-fated pipe.

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Pollution Control Advice on the Mansfield Road

21-03-2007 18:34

Pollution Control Advice on the Mansfield Road, [near the Forest Road], Nottingham:
Was told about this and went to take these piccys.

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Geneva Motor Show: Are people who stand up against climate change to be consider

20-03-2007 12:23

Paris, 19 March 2007: For the occasion of the closure day of the Geneva Motor Show, some 10 activists from different organizations were planning to do a small demo at the inside of the Geneva motor show, deploying a banner to point out the hypocrite discourse of the car manufacturers.

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World Development Movement meeting on Climate Change

20-03-2007 11:29

World Development Movement meeting on Climate Change at the Central Methodist Mission, Lower Parliament Street on Monday 19th March at 7.30pm.

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Out-Flanked: A New War on Terra Arrives with Bush-Lula Ethanol Deal

19-03-2007 22:30

Another Bush Family Energy Empire Now Forming in the Heart Of South America

By Garrett St. James
Special to The Narco News Bulletin

March 19, 2007

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LAAG- online pettion against Lydd Apt expansion.

19-03-2007 16:31

Lydd Airport Action Group (LAAG). launched an on-line petition against the expansion plans of Lydd Airport on Romney Marsh Kent- Suday 18 March 07.

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Spring into Action provisional programme

18-03-2007 18:12

The provisional programme for Spring into Action is now available. Check out the many exciting workshops, from the science of climate change, through food growing to how to build a rocket stove.

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Camp Titnore needs your help!

18-03-2007 17:36

Camp Titnore near Worthing in Sussex could do with some committed campaigners to come and lend a hand. Coming up to a year in residence (May 28) the camp could do with some new blood. Be part of group aiming to stop Tescos and other scum-bags trash one of the last remaining ancient woodlands on the Sussex coastal plain.

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Sheffield on t’ up

18-03-2007 15:47

A few questions for the residents of our fair city about the rejuvenation of Sheffield. In your opinion, what do you think is the best feature of Sheffield? Tell me what excites you about Sheffield old and new.

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Demonstration and Carnival against the Pipeline- Saturday 24th March, Trebanos,

17-03-2007 22:38

A mass demo and carnival to protest against the high LNG Pipeline being built from Milford Haven to Gloucester

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M&S’ shame

17-03-2007 12:49

Consumer giant Marks and Spencer leap to astonishing and shameful lengths to protect profits by hoarding, wasting and spoiling food.

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Urgent! People Needed at Anti-Pipeline Tree Camp!

17-03-2007 11:16

Lots more people are URGENTLY needed at the protest camp near Brecon. Trees are now being felled in the area around the camp and eviction is expected within the next two weeks. We need people, it doesn't matter if you can't stay for long, we still want you!

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Week of Iceland Actions in the Low Countries

16-03-2007 22:47

Icelandic Embassy in Belgium
This week has seen a number of actions in solidarity with the Icelandic movement in Belgium and the Netherlands.

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Global Warming: A Convenient Lie

16-03-2007 22:09

It seems worrisome that politicians are all too eager to grab onto this man-made myth of global warming in order to make us afraid and guilty. Guilty enough to want to change it, and afraid enough to give up our freedoms and undergo massive financial expenses in order to do so. So this lie, being pushed by big money and big governments, is a convenient lie for those who want to exert control and collect money. However, it’s inconvenient for the mass amount of people who are already experiencing the problems of a widening wage-gap and fading middle class.

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Grrrl bicycle ride

16-03-2007 20:20

Wednesday 11th April
Women's/ Girl's Only Ride meet 7pm at The Basement for a nice social ride on mostly off road routes ending with a beer in a pub!

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London Climate Campers update

16-03-2007 13:32

Only four months to go till the 2007 Camp for Climate Action - are you getting involved?

Get inspired, watch the Reclaim Power movie about last years camp at the rampART social centre tonight from 8pm. (see Copies are now available on DVD in this country from Rising Tide and local groups working towards this years climate camp.