UK Climate Chaos Newswire Archive
Big Vegan Fair in Brum City Centre, Sat 6th July
26-06-2013 21:23

Sabotage Against Shell’s Pipeline in Erris, Ireland
23-06-2013 16:07

Help Stop Opencast Coal Mine in Northumberland
16-06-2013 14:43

FLF (food liberation front) action last friday - some pics and words
16-06-2013 12:31

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'they owe us' - canary wharf - J14 - pics and words
15-06-2013 23:26

Audio: Sheffield - Building our Response to the Climate Challenge
15-06-2013 14:28

Roads to Nowhere - National Rally against Roadbuilding July 13
12-06-2013 08:42

Come to the beautiful Combe Valley in East Sussex on Saturday July 13, site of the proposed Bexhill Hastings Link Road - the 'first and worst' of the new roads - to say NO to this destruction.
Rally, route walks and a chance to meet others who are determined to stop this madness. Organised by Campaign for Better Transport, Combe Haven Defenders and Hastings Alliance, supported by Greenpeace, the Campaign to Protect Rural England (CPRE), CPRE Sussex, RSPB, Wildlife Trusts and Bexhill Link Road Resistance (Blinkrr).
Bradley Manning Solidarity at Hambacher Forst
10-06-2013 16:13

Stop G8 Convergence Space Going Well
09-06-2013 09:32
Bringing Anarchism back to Soho! The Convergence Space has kicked off well - but more people needed!vigil at EDFenergy HQ in victoria tonight - pics and report
06-06-2013 22:52

Will Humans Go Extinct Soon?
06-06-2013 06:10
Investigating claims of near-term extinction for humans. Clips from Guy McPherson, John D. Cox, Dr. David Archer. Interview w. John Michael Greer. Analysis of predictions by Malcolm Light of the Arctic Methane Emergency Group (AMEG). Radio Ecoshock 130605Demonstration against UK Coal at High court
05-06-2013 15:25

Today desperate Coal Company - UK Coal sought to over-rule the community, Durham Council and the Secretary of State’s Inspectors to be allowed to mine over half a million tonnes of coal from rural County Durham.
Marie Vesco – 5th anniversary ride
28-05-2013 18:46
In Marie’s memory, and as a tribute to her, we have arranged a bike ride and hope to draw to the attention of the British authorities the lack of safety for cyclists and vulnerable road users in the UK. The ride will take place on 4 – 5 June 2013, from Hickstead to Portsmouth, along the route that Marie was cycling when she was killed.Tornado Over A Mile Wide And 200 MPH Hit Moore Oklahoma In US
21-05-2013 23:12

Facebook Bans Message to Peter Jackson About Filming Bilderberg Protests
20-05-2013 11:57

Most of the mainstream media is refusing to publish or broadcast any news about the protests against the secret world government of the Bilderberg Group and even Facebook has banned a message to Peter Jackson proposing the filming of the reality TV show for the children about the imminent extinction of the human race by global warming as a result of the burning of fossil fuels.
LAON's April Review of English Opencast Sites
09-05-2013 14:40
This review updates information on planning developments affecting new English Opencast sites. In addition, it has information on the sites that would be affected if UK Mine Holdings / UK Coal Operations were, as recent press stories indicate, to go into administration. In addition it has news on the the land slip at Hatfield Colliery, latest developments over the Helsley Wood Tip and opencast mining on the Canobie Coalfield.UK ready? Fracking Sacrifice Zones in U.S. West
05-05-2013 18:52
Fracking: Sacrifice Zones of the American West. What can the UK expect? Four voices from the Bakken shale lands. Polluting oil & gas extraction impacts in Colorado, Wyoming, Montana & North Dakota. The dark side of the fracking boom.The Age of Super Fires
30-04-2013 05:41
The new age of super fires in N. America, Europe, Australia, Asia. Silviculturalist John Betts explains strange unstoppable forest fires. Then Nicole Rycroft, Exec Dir of enviro group "Canopy". Why they quit talks with industry, as logging ravages the Canadian Boreal forest. Plus MD Donald B. Louria says loss of faith in the future can kill. Radio Ecoshock 130501 1 hour.Affirmative: Fracking Awareness North Somerset is go, go, GO!
28-04-2013 16:34
Fracking Awareness North Somerset (F.A.N.S) is a new organisation seeking to mobilize community based resistance against fracking. We aim to build a network of groups all over North Somerset to collectively struggle against the insidious threat posed by fracking to our local communities and landscape.Scottish Coal's Collapse : A Failure of the Planning System
25-04-2013 16:34
LAON's Press Release questions the role the Scottish Planning System has played in this tragic sequence of events. It draws attention to the fact that 18 opencast sites are affected, not just the six often mention in most news items on this story and suggests that some form of public inquiry is needed if trust is to be restored into the Scottish Planning System and lessons learned so that this situation can be avoided in the future.