Facebook Bans Message to Peter Jackson About Filming Bilderberg Protests
Stop Bilderberg Campaign | 20.05.2013 11:57 | Climate Chaos | Social Struggles | Workers' Movements | London | World
Eco-warriors and other anti-capitalist protesters are preparing for massive protests against the Bilderberg Conference at the Grove hotel at Watford England from 5 to 9 June 2013 where presidents and prime ministers will secretly meet the bankers and corporate leaders who illegally employ them just one week before the G8 summit in Ireland.
Most of the mainstream media is refusing to publish or broadcast any news about the protests against the secret world government of the Bilderberg Group and even Facebook has banned a message to Peter Jackson proposing the filming of the reality TV show for the children about the imminent extinction of the human race by global warming as a result of the burning of fossil fuels.
Most of the mainstream media is refusing to publish or broadcast any news about the protests against the secret world government of the Bilderberg Group and even Facebook has banned a message to Peter Jackson proposing the filming of the reality TV show for the children about the imminent extinction of the human race by global warming as a result of the burning of fossil fuels.
This is the message to Peter Jackson that Facebook has blocked from being posted:
EARTH FILMS presents a message to PETER JACKSON, director of Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit.
From the Earth Aid Environmental Campaign:
Mr Jackson, if you would like to film the eco-warriors' Stop Bilderberg Campaign for cinema films of “Can You Save the Human Race?” the reality TV show for the children, I suggest that you send at least 10 camera crews to film the protests outside the Grove Hotel, Watford, Hertfordshire, England, where the BILDERBERG CONFERENCE will be held from 5 to 9 June 2013.
The next series of “Can You Save the Human Race?” will be sub-titled “HUMANITY FACES EXTINCTION” and it will start with the protests against the Bilderberg Group by the eco-warriors and their children together with our friends who are peace, human rights, and social justice campaigners concerned about ensuring the survival of FUTURE GENERATIONS.
The reality TV show and the cinema films are news documentaries about how the eco-warriors are campaigning and protesting against the destruction of the earth by the illegal SECRET WORLD GOVERNMENT that is controlled by the capitalist Bilderberg Group of bankers, corporations, and governments that are committing the genocide of the human race.
The films are also about how the eco-warriors are offering genuine solutions to GLOBAL WARMING in an attempt to save humanity from being driven to extinction by the burning of fossil fuels, and the series will continue with the eco-warriors traveling by boat to the SOUTH PACIFIC to film Tuvalu and the Marshall Islands vanishing beneath the rising sea levels.
If you decide to start filming with us at the Grove Hotel at Watford I would suggest that your film crews should station themselves at the PRESS CENTRE near the entrance to the hotel where they will be given free access to all the action that will be taking place, and they should all wear clearly visible identification to avoid being mistaken for WAR CRIMINALS.
The HEADS OF STATE of all western countries will be at Bilderberg, including the British prime minister David Cameron and the chancellor of the exchequer George Osborne, and the American president Barack Obama is also likely to attend.
The heads of most major GLOBAL BANKS including the banking monopolies owned and controlled by the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers, and the Chief Executive Officers of most of the huge transnational corporations will also be attending.
Nick Griffin the leader of the British National Party has announced that he will be coming to the anti-Bilderberg protests.
There will be a variety of protests including a mass Quaker style sit-in to attempt to close down the Bilderberg Conference and arrest all the members of the Bilderberg Group for WAR CRIMES, fraud, crimes against humanity, and other atrocities.
The fluffy BILDERBERG FRINGE FESTIVAL will also be held close to the Grove Hotel with speakers, performers, and musicians, especially for peace and eco-activists involved with the Children's Revolution, and our friends and supporters.
WELL KNOWN MUSICIANS are likely to be performing at the Bilderberg Fringe Festival which will possibly be held at the eco-warriors' EXTINCTION ECO-VILLAGE where we will all be camping out for the duration of the protests.
CITIZEN JOURNALISTS will be reporting, recording, and filming with video cameras and live streaming their footage to the internet, and there will also be a few other journalists although most of the mainstream media is owned by Bilderberg.
Alex Jones from Infowars and PRISON PLANET will be flying in from America with a film crew.
STOP BILDERBERG CAMPAIGN (Headless Chickens Department):
Phone 07883242168
EARTH FILMS presents a message to PETER JACKSON, director of Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit.
From the Earth Aid Environmental Campaign:
Mr Jackson, if you would like to film the eco-warriors' Stop Bilderberg Campaign for cinema films of “Can You Save the Human Race?” the reality TV show for the children, I suggest that you send at least 10 camera crews to film the protests outside the Grove Hotel, Watford, Hertfordshire, England, where the BILDERBERG CONFERENCE will be held from 5 to 9 June 2013.
The next series of “Can You Save the Human Race?” will be sub-titled “HUMANITY FACES EXTINCTION” and it will start with the protests against the Bilderberg Group by the eco-warriors and their children together with our friends who are peace, human rights, and social justice campaigners concerned about ensuring the survival of FUTURE GENERATIONS.
The reality TV show and the cinema films are news documentaries about how the eco-warriors are campaigning and protesting against the destruction of the earth by the illegal SECRET WORLD GOVERNMENT that is controlled by the capitalist Bilderberg Group of bankers, corporations, and governments that are committing the genocide of the human race.
The films are also about how the eco-warriors are offering genuine solutions to GLOBAL WARMING in an attempt to save humanity from being driven to extinction by the burning of fossil fuels, and the series will continue with the eco-warriors traveling by boat to the SOUTH PACIFIC to film Tuvalu and the Marshall Islands vanishing beneath the rising sea levels.
If you decide to start filming with us at the Grove Hotel at Watford I would suggest that your film crews should station themselves at the PRESS CENTRE near the entrance to the hotel where they will be given free access to all the action that will be taking place, and they should all wear clearly visible identification to avoid being mistaken for WAR CRIMINALS.
The HEADS OF STATE of all western countries will be at Bilderberg, including the British prime minister David Cameron and the chancellor of the exchequer George Osborne, and the American president Barack Obama is also likely to attend.
The heads of most major GLOBAL BANKS including the banking monopolies owned and controlled by the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers, and the Chief Executive Officers of most of the huge transnational corporations will also be attending.
Nick Griffin the leader of the British National Party has announced that he will be coming to the anti-Bilderberg protests.
There will be a variety of protests including a mass Quaker style sit-in to attempt to close down the Bilderberg Conference and arrest all the members of the Bilderberg Group for WAR CRIMES, fraud, crimes against humanity, and other atrocities.
The fluffy BILDERBERG FRINGE FESTIVAL will also be held close to the Grove Hotel with speakers, performers, and musicians, especially for peace and eco-activists involved with the Children's Revolution, and our friends and supporters.
WELL KNOWN MUSICIANS are likely to be performing at the Bilderberg Fringe Festival which will possibly be held at the eco-warriors' EXTINCTION ECO-VILLAGE where we will all be camping out for the duration of the protests.
CITIZEN JOURNALISTS will be reporting, recording, and filming with video cameras and live streaming their footage to the internet, and there will also be a few other journalists although most of the mainstream media is owned by Bilderberg.
Alex Jones from Infowars and PRISON PLANET will be flying in from America with a film crew.
STOP BILDERBERG CAMPAIGN (Headless Chickens Department):
Phone 07883242168

Stop Bilderberg Campaign
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