Anti-Eviction Guide Hambach Forest
Hambach Forest | 07.11.2012 10:57 | Climate Chaos | Energy Crisis | Repression
The Hambach Forest is occupied since half an year now. The forest will get cutted for the coal-open-cast-mine "Hambacher Tagebau". This is together with two morge open-cast-mines in the region and the power plants that burns the coal, europes biggest producer of CO2. They have already started to cut the forest, and the eviction of the camp can happen every day. So read this anti-eviction-guide and see what you can do!
Before the eviction
The clearing of the Hambacher Forest hast already started. The forest is eviction threat. If you have time, it makes sense to come to the forest and support the activists locally in the protection of the forest
Think about whether you and your group can spend a couple of days in the forest to support the Hambach180 campaign. If you know when you come write an email to

Use the Ushahidi-Apps (Android/iPhone) for our Stop-RWE-Crowdmap, to keep you up to date and report of solidarity actions or the eviction of the spot!
Send your mobile phone number to

Prepare beforehand when and where you want to do solidary actions. Seek out places of RWE in you region, as on this map, which is still upgraded piece by piece. Make a research by yourself!
Draw a banner beforehand. Here are some items you can use on the banner: Hambacher Forst bleibt
There is a design for flyers you can spread on a spontaneous demonstration: Demo-Infoflyer_Rückseite
Maybe you make it to organize an information session in the short term. There is an ODP presentation Hambacher Forst bleibt.odp or as PDF: Hambacher Forst bleibt.pdf Here are some videos
At the end of the week there is most likely printed stickers and posters. There is a b/w master copy: Hambacher Forst bleibt
Distribute stickers and posters in your city!
Solidarity actions
Following is a list of planned solidarity actions on Day X:
14 clock, rally in front of the International Trade Centre Berlin (S+U Friedrichstraße)
19 clock, spontaneous demonstration, meeting place in front of the church at Lausitzer Platz (U
Görlitzer Bahnhof)
17 clock, spontaneous demonstration in front of Café Knallhart on University Campus (Van Melle Park 9)
14 clock, central of RWE Power AG, Stüttgenweg 2, 50935 Cologne
18 clock, Front-exit Central station Essen
more to follow! Organize yourselves and inform us about it:

During the eviction
Think about whether you can come as fast as possible in the forest. Find out about the current situation:

If you can‘t come into the forest or the distance is too large decentralizes solidarity actions are important. Now it’s time for your prepared actions. Take pictures and write articles on

If you use Twitter to report use the hashtag #hfb
If you have relevant information on the eviction during the eviction, such as Police closures, spontaneous demonstrations etc, post them on

After a solidarity action try as fast as possible to come in the forest or get informed what makes sense
In general
In case you still get your power from RWE or its subsidiaries: power switch see i.e.

Organize local events.
Establish a local group which work on the topic coal, a decentralized, ecological and social energy transition or climate justice
Come to our meetings, see

Visit the Hambacher Forst, i.e. with your political group
Organize solidarity parties to raise money for anti-repression costs. ausgeco2hlt will soon likely establish a flow-border legal support fund for climate justice activists.
Donate to the forest, the WAA or ausgeCO2hlt, or ask wealthy people you know.
Talk about the campaign, the forrest, the movement etc. in your social media channels and with your friends
Distribute posters, stickers and more in your city. There are master copies: Hambacher Forst bleibt

Hambach Forest
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