UK Climate Chaos Newswire Archive
Climate Camp happened and it was great
16-05-2011 07:27

Climate Camp has traditionally offered three things – it showcases sustainable living, it offers a programme of radical education and throughout there is a commitment to undertaking effective non-violent direct action.
Climate Camp Lewes certainly did this well. A local camp with a local focus, the response has been positive to the point of an embedded, local-driven occupation being a realistic legacy.
Calling language checkers and translators!
12-05-2011 23:05
Just Do It, the upcoming documentary about environmental direct action from director Emily James needs your help. We want as many people as possible - the world over - to see this film. We're doing foreign language subtitles for the DVD to make it accessible to as many different people as we can. So far our quest for translators and language checkers has been incredibly fruitful. But we're now running very close to the deadline, and are missing some vital checkers. Please help!Just Do It - World Premier - June the 9th - Sheffield
11-05-2011 17:05
Just Do It will be premiering at Sheffield Doc Fest on Thursday June the 9th at 6:35pm
Don't miss out on the World Premier of this groundbreaking doc, book your tickets here

Activists to target Lib Dems in outrage at backtracking on climate
11-05-2011 15:57
Activists outraged at the possibility of the government backtracking on crucial climate commitments will gather outside the Lib Dem HQ ahead of a critical Cabinet committee meeting at 8am on Monday. They will then move on to demonstrate outside Downing Street at 8.45. Particular anger will be directed at Vince Cable who has been reported as opposing the crucial recommendations of the Committee on Climate Change, set up by the groundbreaking Climate Act to determine short term carbon emissions budgets.
No backtracking on climate targets! Demo outside LibDem HQ
10-05-2011 14:10
Monday 16th May at 8:00am, Lib Dem HQ, at 4 Cowley Street, WestminsterRedditch Green Fair 2011 - Sat 4th June
09-05-2011 20:57

Eco-Warriors Plan World's Greatest Environmental Project in London Area
08-05-2011 22:35

Some of the original road protesters from the 1990s have already moved into Hounslow near Heathrow Airport in preparation for working with local residents to help them transform their derelict run-down Dickensian neighbourhood into the world's first fully sustainable eco-town as the earth faces unprecedented ecological cataclysm.
Nuclear Power - the Great Debate
06-05-2011 18:04

Room VIII, Vernon Square Campus of SOAS (please note NOT the main campus), off Penton Rise near Kings Cross station/tube.
Join us in a debate on the proposition: "Nuclear Power has no place in the fight against Climate Change: it is simply a diversion which leads us away from the real answer, renewable energy".
Climate, Media and Learning
04-05-2011 22:16

Evo Morales plans to destroy rainforest and indian homelands for a highway
28-04-2011 20:43
In their pursuit of development and industriali$ation, Morales and the MAS government of Bolivia are trampling indigenous communities and the environment. There is a widening gap between their rhetoric and their actions.This road would mean death for the indigenous communities there, as the area is opened up to exploitation for oil, timber and cocaine. The indigenous representatives of the area have made a unanimous decision to reject any road that passes through their land. They have a legal right to consultation. This consultation has never happened.
Anti-nuclear camp / Chernobyl 25th anniversary at Sizewell - pics
26-04-2011 11:42

More images here:

All images Copyright (c) 2011 Stop Nuclear Power Network. They may be reproduced free of charge if credited to Stop Nuclear Power Network. For high resolution versions, please e-mail.
Press Release: Secret Climate Camp Location Revealed To Be Lewes, East Sussex
23-04-2011 12:52
Climate activists have swooped on the grounds of recently closed special education needs school in the heart of Lewes. The swoop took place at dawn this morning, with activists erecting marquees, eco-toilets and kitchens. The camp, which is overlooked by East Sussex County Hall, expects hundreds of activists and visitors to be arriving at the camp over the next week.Bill McKibben Last Stand for Climate
20-04-2011 18:12

Climate Camp London targets BP sponsorship of National Maritime Museum
19-04-2011 19:44
Climate Camp London set up a mini camp in Greenwich Park to target BP sponsorship of the NMM and the Olympics.Climate Renegades at the Festivals: We need YOU to get involved!
19-04-2011 13:19

Ratcliffe protesters encouraged to appeal
18-04-2011 13:19
The 20 protesters convicted of 'conspiracy to commit aggravated trespass' at the Ratcliffe power station are being invited to appeal because of Mark Kennedy's involvement (link below).Anti-nuclear campaigners set for weekend of seaside action
18-04-2011 11:55

The annual beach camp beside the nuclear power station in Suffolk, England, now into its third year, will have added significance this year due to the unfolding disaster at the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant in Japan, and because it marks 25 years since the Chernobyl nuclear catastrophe in the Ukraine. (2)
Flash Mob Photos
17-04-2011 18:55
Couple of photo sets from today are here:Synchronise Watches …
15-04-2011 18:03