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Event: Acting on Climate Change

Taking Soundings Leeds | 25.04.2009 15:15 | Climate Chaos | Social Struggles

Climate Change is the challenge of our lifetime. While the rhetoric of government policy addresses the urgency to act on Climate Change, many policy decisions undermine the transformations needed.

From air-travel expansion to the renaissance of coal powered energy production, government decisions driven by powerful lobbies bring us closer to climate chaos. Our three speakers will assess ways of political action and lobbying that address the failure of government policy and offer stepping stones to transition.


Dr. Paul Chatterton
Course Leader MA Activism and Social Change, University of Leeds

Paddy Gillett
Plane Stupid

Dr. Simon Lewis
Royal Society Research Fellow on Tropical Forests and Climate Change

6.00 – 8.00 pm
Wednesday 29 April
Lecture Theatre 2 (LTB2)
Leeds Met University, Woodhouse Lane

Taking Soundings Leeds
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