UK Climate Chaos Newswire Archive
pics from start of climate rush critical mass tonight
01-06-2009 22:40

Repay the Climate debt.
01-06-2009 18:14
This from from vicky tauli-corpuz chair of UNPFII.I am sending a statement calling on Annex 1 countries to repay their historical adaptation and emissions debt. Please read this statement
and see whether your organization, nation or peoples can sign on to
this. I am now at the Climate Change negotiations taking place in Bonn
from June 1-12 and the civil society organizations along with
indigenous peoples will be speaking about this. We hope to get wide
support for this concept and proposal so that we can influence the
governments negotiating here in Bonn. This is a proposal coming from
Bolivia and other developing country governments and many civil
society organizations are in support of this.
live video coverage of climate rush bike ride
01-06-2009 15:53
from 5.45pm.. See
Eco-village occupation update + other news.
01-06-2009 11:50

News of the upcoming Eco-Village occupation taking place on a disused piece of land near Hammersmith starting on Saturday, 6th June (see attached e-flyer for details).
The latest from the Tyting community farm occupation <--- information on how you can get involved and support the action.
And some interesting facts about the land in Britain.
Five Climate Suffragettes are arrested for blockading coal conference at Chatham
01-06-2009 11:10

may critical mass - report and pics
31-05-2009 21:29

71 arrested in Copenhagen resisting the World Business Summit on Climate Change
30-05-2009 12:25

Part Owner of Arsenal Soccer Team Invested in Mammal Genocide
29-05-2009 17:58

the blood of innocents.
Police shelve review on Kingsnorth protest
29-05-2009 11:16

The Home Office and Kent Police have buried a report on the policing of last summer’s climate camp at Kingsnorth power station, provoking suspicions that it was critical of the controversial police tactics at the protest.
No to New Coal in the North East
29-05-2009 09:39

Come to the Peace News Summer Camp: 23 - 27 July, Oxfordshire
28-05-2009 09:48

Climate Chaos 7.30pm Thurs 4 June
28-05-2009 08:09

Bike Week Event in Bradford - Saturday 13th June
26-05-2009 18:42
11.00 - 3.00 - by the bandstand in Lister Park - get together with other cyclists and make a difference.Never Trust A COP
26-05-2009 12:48

A weekend of big green happenings.
26-05-2009 10:08
This bank holiday weekend saw a wide variety of goings on to mark the start of a summer of action leading up to the Copenhagen summit later this year.The 300-350 Show: An economic collapse for climate safety?
25-05-2009 14:16

Redditch Green Fair - Sat 13 June 2009
24-05-2009 20:59

If you want a stall or to get involved in some way, please contact us via the website

eco-action stations: summer camps, gatherings & actions; exciting action reports
24-05-2009 09:57
More dates have been added to the 'upcoming action dates & gatherings' page, first details have been announced for the EF! summer gathering, and there's lots of exciting eco-action reports: 4x4s attacked, Rossport, new protest camp, Reclaim the Streets and more!Activists deflate tyres of 100 4x4s in Manchester area
23-05-2009 11:51
Eco-activists are suspected of letting down the tyres on over 100 4x4 SUVs (Sports Utility Vehicles) in the South Manchester area. Leaflets have been left on the windscreens accusing the owners of damaging the environment.Carbon Trading and Copenhagen: the Climate Camp message the media ignored
23-05-2009 10:53
The next Climate Chaos Cafe will be at 6.45pm on Wednesday, 27th May, at the Common Place, Leeds. The topic of the evening will be "Carbon Trading and Copenhagen: the Climate Camp message the media ignored"