Urgent! Mainshill Eviction on Monday
Mainshill Solidarity Camp | 21.06.2009 13:38 | Climate Chaos | Ecology | Free Spaces
Mainshill Solidarity Camp, in South Lanarkhire, Scotland, is being evicted on Monday. Help is urgently needed to stop the imposition of an open cast coal mine.
New Information had arisen which indicates that the solidarity camp in
Mainshill may be evicted this MONDAY (22/06/09).
Mainshill solidarity camp needs YOU to come and show your support for the
people resisting dirty development by Scottish Coal. The tree sit has the
support of the local community who have opposed this development by
Scottish Coal.
Please come and help! Just having a presence there (legal support, eye
witnesses, cheery faces!) makes all the difference. Bring a camera, bring
music, bring a friend!
No New Coal in Scotland!
How to Get to the Camp
Buses run to Douglas from Lanark and Hamilton. Both Lanark and Hamilton have train and bus stations and are easy to get to from either Glasgow Central Train Station or Buchannon Street Bus Station. From South of the border, going to Glasgow is the easiest way to get to Douglas. Buses from Lanark to Douglas are much more frequent!
Bus from Lanark:
The Service Number 9 (William Stokes & Sons) runs from Lanark - Glespin, stopping in Douglas (service every 49mins past each hour). Get off at the Eggerton Bridge stop just before Douglas - you’ll see the camp on your left just after the M74 underpass!
Bus from Hamilton:
The X50 (Henderson Travel -
http://www.henderson-travel.co.uk/) Hamilton-Glespin runs Hamilton, Interchange - Lesmahagow, Church Hall - Rigside - Douglas, leaving Hamilton at 17:05 (one service per day)
From Douglas:
The bus will stop before Douglas at Eggerton Bridge and you will see the camp on your left after the M74 underpass. If you miss this stop get off in Douglas and walk North East back up the A70 for 1km and the camp will be on yout right just before the M74.
If you hitch, the camp is right next to the M74 which runs from Glasgow to Carlisle. Get dropped of at junction 12 and walk South West down the A70 towards Douglas and the camp is a few hundred metres on your left. Happendon services are close to junction 12 - if you end up therewalk South down the B7078, turn right onto the A70 towards Douglas, which takes you under the M74 and as above.
If you need a ride…
…from somewhere close by call the site phone and we’ll try to sort you out.
Contact Us
Call the site phone on: 07806926040
Mainshill may be evicted this MONDAY (22/06/09).
Mainshill solidarity camp needs YOU to come and show your support for the
people resisting dirty development by Scottish Coal. The tree sit has the
support of the local community who have opposed this development by
Scottish Coal.
Please come and help! Just having a presence there (legal support, eye
witnesses, cheery faces!) makes all the difference. Bring a camera, bring
music, bring a friend!
No New Coal in Scotland!
How to Get to the Camp
Buses run to Douglas from Lanark and Hamilton. Both Lanark and Hamilton have train and bus stations and are easy to get to from either Glasgow Central Train Station or Buchannon Street Bus Station. From South of the border, going to Glasgow is the easiest way to get to Douglas. Buses from Lanark to Douglas are much more frequent!
Bus from Lanark:
The Service Number 9 (William Stokes & Sons) runs from Lanark - Glespin, stopping in Douglas (service every 49mins past each hour). Get off at the Eggerton Bridge stop just before Douglas - you’ll see the camp on your left just after the M74 underpass!
Bus from Hamilton:
The X50 (Henderson Travel -

From Douglas:
The bus will stop before Douglas at Eggerton Bridge and you will see the camp on your left after the M74 underpass. If you miss this stop get off in Douglas and walk North East back up the A70 for 1km and the camp will be on yout right just before the M74.
If you hitch, the camp is right next to the M74 which runs from Glasgow to Carlisle. Get dropped of at junction 12 and walk South West down the A70 towards Douglas and the camp is a few hundred metres on your left. Happendon services are close to junction 12 - if you end up therewalk South down the B7078, turn right onto the A70 towards Douglas, which takes you under the M74 and as above.
If you need a ride…
…from somewhere close by call the site phone and we’ll try to sort you out.
Contact Us
Call the site phone on: 07806926040
Mainshill Solidarity Camp