Worldwide Children's Revolution Candlelit Vigil Outside Enfield Council Offices
Reverend Peter Nichols | 17.12.2012 14:33 | Climate Chaos | Social Struggles | Workers' Movements | London | World
A worldwide Children's Revolution in every town and village and city on the earth is being proposed by eco-warriors in Britain who are suggesting that the first peaceful candlelit vigil should begin very soon outside the offices of Enfield Council in Enfield, north London, England.
The basic idea is that all the women and children who are concerned about the slaughter of the innocents in wars and other atrocities should remember the victims peacefully in continuous candlelit vigils everywhere as 2012 is drawing to a close and the New Age is about to begin and Christmas is approaching.
The basic idea is that all the women and children who are concerned about the slaughter of the innocents in wars and other atrocities should remember the victims peacefully in continuous candlelit vigils everywhere as 2012 is drawing to a close and the New Age is about to begin and Christmas is approaching.
In London environmental groups and organisations, charities, churches, and anyone else who would like to take part is being invited to camp outside the Enfield Council offices and stay there singing, dancing, praying, and campaigning for world peace, human rights, social justice, and environmental regeneration.
The survival of future generations as global warming threatens the extinction of humanity this century according to reputable United Nations scientists, will be the most important issue now that the United Nations climate talks at Doha have failed and the planet is facing a six degree Celsius increase in temperature within 40 years.
Enfield Council has been chosen to be honoured with having the very first Children's Revolution Candlelit Vigil outside their offices because they stormed violently onto our site in Enfield on 15 December 2012 and they seized thousands of pounds worth of vehicles belonging to a children's charity that is building a school in Gambia.
The eco-warriors' site at 18 Brimsdown Avenue Enfield is a support site for the environmental movement and various charities, and many of the vehicles we have here belong to the Brufut Education Project ( which ships them to Africa to help fund the school that they are building for the children.
We do not believe that the storming of our site which Enfield Council did by cutting the lock on the gate and bringing in hiab tow trucks to seize the vehicles was legal, but they had police officers with them as well as a number of large men some of whom were dressed all in black and some were wearing balaclavas apparently to hide their faces.
Enfield Council officials claimed that some of the vehicles might have had unpaid parking tickets or outstanding fines, and others may not have been registered with the DVLA as being “off road,” and unless we could prove ownership they intended to seize every vehicle on our site.
Enfield Council gave us no notice of their intention to break into our home and seize the vehicles, but they have said that they will be coming back again mob-handed very soon (Tuesday 18 December 2012, or Wednesday 19 December) to seize another FIFTY VEHICLES from us, many of which are the property of the children's charity, the Brufut Education Project.
I personally intend to resist the seizure of any more vehicles and the intimidation and assaults that are expected again, with my life if necessary, and I am asking my lawyers to try to overturn the warrant that Enfield Council produced which they claimed gave them the legal right to break into our home and abuse and attack us.
However we are expecting the council officials and their hired thugs to return at any time and we do not expect that any amount of legal debate will stop them attacking us and injuring us again because we know that they are being employed to do this to us, and their venomous hatred of environmental campaigners has been apparent for some time.
Enfield Council called us “criminals” and they claimed that we are breaking the law because the derelict site that we live on is in an “untidy state,” but the truth is that it was Enfield Council themselves who left the site wide open and festering with rotting rubbish and rats for years before we moved in and cleaned it up and locked it securely.
Alcoholics, drug addicts, and prostitutes used to come onto this site and leave hypodermic needles and used condoms lying around, and young children came here to play and they risked falling into open pits or getting injured by broken glass and metal spikes, because Enfield Council failed in their legal Duty of Care and couldn't be bothered to protect the local people.
The violent attack on us by Enfield Council had obviously been planned very carefully in advance and the first warning that we got was in a letter from a surveyor claiming to work for some of the people who he said owned some of the property, and he wrote that he was planning to “seize our assets” to pay his costs.
The next warning that Enfield Council were involved in fighting us as well came on 3 October 2012 when a man from the Enfield Council “Enviro Crimes department” came and cut a banner off our fence claiming that we were “fly posting”.
I told him that it was our fence and we could let a charity put a banner on it advertising their services teaching local youth how to defend themselves if we wanted to, and he replied that it was not our fence and that we had to obey the council.
I finally managed to make the Enfield Council man return the banner to me by threatening to call the police if he drove off in his van with it, and he reluctantly gave it back but I had to ask for his permission to attach the banner to the inside of our fence which he allowed me to do in the end after a lot of deep thought, and the banner is still there now.
The banner reads: Supreme Kickboxing, Kickboxing, MMA, Muay Thai, Boxing, Fitness, Self defence, Ground Work and Submission.
“For more info call 07985783866 or visit
“Unit 5, Leaside Industrial Estate, Stockingwater Lane Enfield EN3 7RL.
“(Next to Makro and Matalan)”.
During the attack on us on 15 December one of the council workers told me that they were planning to erect a wall across the front of our fence to stop the local people from looking into our site at us.
“We don't want the public having to look at people like you,” he told me.
“We will put a door in the wall so that you can get in and out, but you won't be able to drive in and out because you won't need to since you won't have anything left to drive after we have finished with you.
“Ha ha ha!”
It might seem funny to Enfield Council to build their own Berlin Wall or their own exclusion zone like the wall that Israel has built to keep the Palestinians trapped inside the Gaza Strip, but does anybody else really want this kind of horror and violence occurring here in Britain (apart from Enfield Council that is)?
Word on the street is that a lot of the local youth are up in arms and some of them have been heard singing “Stop the violence, stop the war, We don't need your crooked law, Come on, come on, let's get together and do it again,” which is a bit disconcerting because instead of explaining what they mean by this they're just smiling and laughing as if it's all just one big joke to them.
Wiser heads in the movement are talking about getting lawyers and sorting out the legal warrants to enable them to seize Enfield Council vehicles to help to legally compensate the Brufut Education Project for the huge losses that they have sustained at the hands of the crooked Enfield Council.
I am calling for an urgent inquiry into all the circumstances surrounding these unfortunate events including all the violence that is occurring in the Enfield area, but not about the riots that have already happened but about the next riots that may be coming soon, and who and what might be responsible for causing them to happen.
I am willing to give evidence to a public inquiry and I will say under oath that I believe that Enfield Council is deliberately inciting their workers to acts of violence, intimidation, assaults, slander, libel, against charities, environmental campaigners, the poor the underprivileged, minority groups, the homeless, the sick, the disabled, and young people.
I can prove all of these despicable things and I also believe that I might be able to prove that Enfield Council officials are
working secretly for rich property developers.
Who knows where this is all going to end but the last thing we want at Christmas is London going up in flames again just because the stupid insane power-crazed idiots at Enfield Coucil think that they can behave like Nazis in Britain today.
After being violently attacked by Enfield Council we have had offers of help and support from concerned friends and local young people who are training in self defence to protect themselves against being knifed to death on the dangerous streets in this area, but we have declined politely on the grounds that we do not want to escalate the violence if at all possible.
Enfield is right in the heart of the area where the young teenager Mark Duggan was shot dead by the police and the subsequent peaceful protest turned violent and the riots that ensued lasted for several days.
London went up in flames in an orgy of horror and violence which could happen again at any time in this God-forsaken slum where evil stalks the streets and thrives in the council offices where they may be planning another horrific bloodbath.
But no matter how much hatred and violence we suffer at the hands of Enfield Council we pray that they will not succeed in reducing anyone else to their own level of greed, ruthlessness, corruption, and spitefulness, and that nobody will respond with anything other than love and kindness towards our lost brothers and sisters who know not what they do.
Instead we are proposing a Children's Revolution Candlelit Vigil outside the Enfield Council offices starting as soon as possible in memory of all the victims of the austerity cuts, the wars, the atrocities, and all the rest of the terrible things that have been occurring all over the earth, including the catastrophic effects of global warming and climate change.
When Enfield Council attacks us again we will immediately alert everybody including all the television channels and the radio stations and the newspapers to come to our site at 18 Brimsdown Avenue Enfield to help protect us and our property including the vehicles that belong to the deprived little children of Africa.
Enfield Council might want to lock us in behind a wall and they might want to censor what we have to say about them, but in the end Truth makes its own way in the world, and the terrible truth about these horrible people will soon be revealed.
Please pass this message along to everyone who might be interested in getting involved and bear in mind that we are hoping to inspire a peaceful worldwide Children's Revolution right across the earth at the dawning of the New Age just before Christmas, so I entreat you all to get involved and spread the word, and let's all work together to help make it happen.
The Enfield eco-warriors will not be able to be there outside the Enfield Council offices ourselves because we need all of us to stay here on our site to be ready to defend it when the time comes, but we are asking our good friend Phoenix Rainbow to be our coordinator and to talk to the world news media on our behalf.
We are also asking all our friends in the movement to work with us to help stop global warming and World War Three.
This New Year the eco-warriors are working on a massive global campaign to save the human race from being driven to extinction by the burning of fossil fuels which are making the planet uninhabitable and destroying all life on earth, including the entire human race.
This present generation of children could very well be the last generation of human beings on the earth as global temperatures continue to increase alarmingly and the polar ice melts and the sea levels rise, threatening worldwide flooding that will kill billions of people within 40 years.
The Second Battle of Hastings has just started to try to stop the felling of trees in the Combe Valley in preparation for a motorway cutting through the South Downs, and the Global Power Shift conference is being planned for later in 2013, but there needs to be an uprising of ordinary working people to combat global warming if humanity is to be able to survive for much longer.
I am truly sorry to be the bearer of bad tidings at this joyful time and please think about the children this Christmas, and especially the parents and families of all those who have died so needlessly in the wars and the atrocities that should never have happened, but which never seem to end.
Let's work together to bring peace on earth and goodwill to all men as the Piscean Age finally ends and the Age of Aquarius begins, instead of the hatred and misery and suffering which the capitalist system has inflicted upon us, and which are driving us all inexorably to our doom.
May God bless you all and may God bless Enfield Council for showing us that evil will not triumph over good and that we shall overcome one day, even if we have to build an ark to escape with our endangered dormice to the promised land, Antarctica, which is even as we speak melting away to become a new and improved version of the Garden of Eden where some of us will live happily ever after, while everyone else perishes and goes to Hell, Amen.
Please call me at any time if you need anything at all and remember that the eco-warriors are here for you forever, especially now that humanity is facing its darkest hour in the Valley of the Shadow of Death, but yet we will fear no evil...
We are not even afraid of the most vile of the filthy despicable sub-human alien creatures at Enfield Council who steal from little African children at Christmas, even as they get fat on the back-handed bribes they receive from crooked property developers who deliberately abandon their properties to maximise their profits and who abuse their wives and little African children.
There is a word for the kind of people who defraud the ordinary working people out of their hard-earned savings and their homes and their jobs, and who crush the weak and the poor and who rob the babies and the children ruthlessly and heartlessly and without mercy or pity.
We will see you next Tuesday Enfield Council, and may God forgive you for your crimes and your greed and your corruption, and let us hope that we can succeed in getting you all arrested and locked up for a very long time, which is no more than you deserve and please understand that I personally will not rest until I have driven all the Evil Ones like you off the face of the earth forevermore.
Enfield Council may very well be the filthiest of all the filthy scum of the earth but they have succeeded in making us value everyone else who is decent and honest and good, even more than we did before, and in the end God will wipe away the tears from our eyes and He will make all things new (Revelation).
God bless you all and have a nice life.
There is still hope in the darkness and despair.
The survival of future generations as global warming threatens the extinction of humanity this century according to reputable United Nations scientists, will be the most important issue now that the United Nations climate talks at Doha have failed and the planet is facing a six degree Celsius increase in temperature within 40 years.
Enfield Council has been chosen to be honoured with having the very first Children's Revolution Candlelit Vigil outside their offices because they stormed violently onto our site in Enfield on 15 December 2012 and they seized thousands of pounds worth of vehicles belonging to a children's charity that is building a school in Gambia.
The eco-warriors' site at 18 Brimsdown Avenue Enfield is a support site for the environmental movement and various charities, and many of the vehicles we have here belong to the Brufut Education Project (

We do not believe that the storming of our site which Enfield Council did by cutting the lock on the gate and bringing in hiab tow trucks to seize the vehicles was legal, but they had police officers with them as well as a number of large men some of whom were dressed all in black and some were wearing balaclavas apparently to hide their faces.
Enfield Council officials claimed that some of the vehicles might have had unpaid parking tickets or outstanding fines, and others may not have been registered with the DVLA as being “off road,” and unless we could prove ownership they intended to seize every vehicle on our site.
Enfield Council gave us no notice of their intention to break into our home and seize the vehicles, but they have said that they will be coming back again mob-handed very soon (Tuesday 18 December 2012, or Wednesday 19 December) to seize another FIFTY VEHICLES from us, many of which are the property of the children's charity, the Brufut Education Project.
I personally intend to resist the seizure of any more vehicles and the intimidation and assaults that are expected again, with my life if necessary, and I am asking my lawyers to try to overturn the warrant that Enfield Council produced which they claimed gave them the legal right to break into our home and abuse and attack us.
However we are expecting the council officials and their hired thugs to return at any time and we do not expect that any amount of legal debate will stop them attacking us and injuring us again because we know that they are being employed to do this to us, and their venomous hatred of environmental campaigners has been apparent for some time.
Enfield Council called us “criminals” and they claimed that we are breaking the law because the derelict site that we live on is in an “untidy state,” but the truth is that it was Enfield Council themselves who left the site wide open and festering with rotting rubbish and rats for years before we moved in and cleaned it up and locked it securely.
Alcoholics, drug addicts, and prostitutes used to come onto this site and leave hypodermic needles and used condoms lying around, and young children came here to play and they risked falling into open pits or getting injured by broken glass and metal spikes, because Enfield Council failed in their legal Duty of Care and couldn't be bothered to protect the local people.
The violent attack on us by Enfield Council had obviously been planned very carefully in advance and the first warning that we got was in a letter from a surveyor claiming to work for some of the people who he said owned some of the property, and he wrote that he was planning to “seize our assets” to pay his costs.
The next warning that Enfield Council were involved in fighting us as well came on 3 October 2012 when a man from the Enfield Council “Enviro Crimes department” came and cut a banner off our fence claiming that we were “fly posting”.
I told him that it was our fence and we could let a charity put a banner on it advertising their services teaching local youth how to defend themselves if we wanted to, and he replied that it was not our fence and that we had to obey the council.
I finally managed to make the Enfield Council man return the banner to me by threatening to call the police if he drove off in his van with it, and he reluctantly gave it back but I had to ask for his permission to attach the banner to the inside of our fence which he allowed me to do in the end after a lot of deep thought, and the banner is still there now.
The banner reads: Supreme Kickboxing, Kickboxing, MMA, Muay Thai, Boxing, Fitness, Self defence, Ground Work and Submission.
“For more info call 07985783866 or visit
“Unit 5, Leaside Industrial Estate, Stockingwater Lane Enfield EN3 7RL.
“(Next to Makro and Matalan)”.
During the attack on us on 15 December one of the council workers told me that they were planning to erect a wall across the front of our fence to stop the local people from looking into our site at us.
“We don't want the public having to look at people like you,” he told me.
“We will put a door in the wall so that you can get in and out, but you won't be able to drive in and out because you won't need to since you won't have anything left to drive after we have finished with you.
“Ha ha ha!”
It might seem funny to Enfield Council to build their own Berlin Wall or their own exclusion zone like the wall that Israel has built to keep the Palestinians trapped inside the Gaza Strip, but does anybody else really want this kind of horror and violence occurring here in Britain (apart from Enfield Council that is)?
Word on the street is that a lot of the local youth are up in arms and some of them have been heard singing “Stop the violence, stop the war, We don't need your crooked law, Come on, come on, let's get together and do it again,” which is a bit disconcerting because instead of explaining what they mean by this they're just smiling and laughing as if it's all just one big joke to them.
Wiser heads in the movement are talking about getting lawyers and sorting out the legal warrants to enable them to seize Enfield Council vehicles to help to legally compensate the Brufut Education Project for the huge losses that they have sustained at the hands of the crooked Enfield Council.
I am calling for an urgent inquiry into all the circumstances surrounding these unfortunate events including all the violence that is occurring in the Enfield area, but not about the riots that have already happened but about the next riots that may be coming soon, and who and what might be responsible for causing them to happen.
I am willing to give evidence to a public inquiry and I will say under oath that I believe that Enfield Council is deliberately inciting their workers to acts of violence, intimidation, assaults, slander, libel, against charities, environmental campaigners, the poor the underprivileged, minority groups, the homeless, the sick, the disabled, and young people.
I can prove all of these despicable things and I also believe that I might be able to prove that Enfield Council officials are
working secretly for rich property developers.
Who knows where this is all going to end but the last thing we want at Christmas is London going up in flames again just because the stupid insane power-crazed idiots at Enfield Coucil think that they can behave like Nazis in Britain today.
After being violently attacked by Enfield Council we have had offers of help and support from concerned friends and local young people who are training in self defence to protect themselves against being knifed to death on the dangerous streets in this area, but we have declined politely on the grounds that we do not want to escalate the violence if at all possible.
Enfield is right in the heart of the area where the young teenager Mark Duggan was shot dead by the police and the subsequent peaceful protest turned violent and the riots that ensued lasted for several days.
London went up in flames in an orgy of horror and violence which could happen again at any time in this God-forsaken slum where evil stalks the streets and thrives in the council offices where they may be planning another horrific bloodbath.
But no matter how much hatred and violence we suffer at the hands of Enfield Council we pray that they will not succeed in reducing anyone else to their own level of greed, ruthlessness, corruption, and spitefulness, and that nobody will respond with anything other than love and kindness towards our lost brothers and sisters who know not what they do.
Instead we are proposing a Children's Revolution Candlelit Vigil outside the Enfield Council offices starting as soon as possible in memory of all the victims of the austerity cuts, the wars, the atrocities, and all the rest of the terrible things that have been occurring all over the earth, including the catastrophic effects of global warming and climate change.
When Enfield Council attacks us again we will immediately alert everybody including all the television channels and the radio stations and the newspapers to come to our site at 18 Brimsdown Avenue Enfield to help protect us and our property including the vehicles that belong to the deprived little children of Africa.
Enfield Council might want to lock us in behind a wall and they might want to censor what we have to say about them, but in the end Truth makes its own way in the world, and the terrible truth about these horrible people will soon be revealed.
Please pass this message along to everyone who might be interested in getting involved and bear in mind that we are hoping to inspire a peaceful worldwide Children's Revolution right across the earth at the dawning of the New Age just before Christmas, so I entreat you all to get involved and spread the word, and let's all work together to help make it happen.
The Enfield eco-warriors will not be able to be there outside the Enfield Council offices ourselves because we need all of us to stay here on our site to be ready to defend it when the time comes, but we are asking our good friend Phoenix Rainbow to be our coordinator and to talk to the world news media on our behalf.
We are also asking all our friends in the movement to work with us to help stop global warming and World War Three.
This New Year the eco-warriors are working on a massive global campaign to save the human race from being driven to extinction by the burning of fossil fuels which are making the planet uninhabitable and destroying all life on earth, including the entire human race.
This present generation of children could very well be the last generation of human beings on the earth as global temperatures continue to increase alarmingly and the polar ice melts and the sea levels rise, threatening worldwide flooding that will kill billions of people within 40 years.
The Second Battle of Hastings has just started to try to stop the felling of trees in the Combe Valley in preparation for a motorway cutting through the South Downs, and the Global Power Shift conference is being planned for later in 2013, but there needs to be an uprising of ordinary working people to combat global warming if humanity is to be able to survive for much longer.
I am truly sorry to be the bearer of bad tidings at this joyful time and please think about the children this Christmas, and especially the parents and families of all those who have died so needlessly in the wars and the atrocities that should never have happened, but which never seem to end.
Let's work together to bring peace on earth and goodwill to all men as the Piscean Age finally ends and the Age of Aquarius begins, instead of the hatred and misery and suffering which the capitalist system has inflicted upon us, and which are driving us all inexorably to our doom.
May God bless you all and may God bless Enfield Council for showing us that evil will not triumph over good and that we shall overcome one day, even if we have to build an ark to escape with our endangered dormice to the promised land, Antarctica, which is even as we speak melting away to become a new and improved version of the Garden of Eden where some of us will live happily ever after, while everyone else perishes and goes to Hell, Amen.
Please call me at any time if you need anything at all and remember that the eco-warriors are here for you forever, especially now that humanity is facing its darkest hour in the Valley of the Shadow of Death, but yet we will fear no evil...
We are not even afraid of the most vile of the filthy despicable sub-human alien creatures at Enfield Council who steal from little African children at Christmas, even as they get fat on the back-handed bribes they receive from crooked property developers who deliberately abandon their properties to maximise their profits and who abuse their wives and little African children.
There is a word for the kind of people who defraud the ordinary working people out of their hard-earned savings and their homes and their jobs, and who crush the weak and the poor and who rob the babies and the children ruthlessly and heartlessly and without mercy or pity.
We will see you next Tuesday Enfield Council, and may God forgive you for your crimes and your greed and your corruption, and let us hope that we can succeed in getting you all arrested and locked up for a very long time, which is no more than you deserve and please understand that I personally will not rest until I have driven all the Evil Ones like you off the face of the earth forevermore.
Enfield Council may very well be the filthiest of all the filthy scum of the earth but they have succeeded in making us value everyone else who is decent and honest and good, even more than we did before, and in the end God will wipe away the tears from our eyes and He will make all things new (Revelation).
God bless you all and have a nice life.
There is still hope in the darkness and despair.
Reverend Peter Nichols