Beware, Climate Change 'Flashmob' in the Market Square, Nottingham
Tash [alan lodge] | 21.09.2009 23:13 | Climate Chaos
On Monday September 21st there was a 'Flashmob'in the Market Square.
The object was to highlight concern at the lack of action on climate change issues.
People set an alarm (clock or mobile phone) for 12.18pm. Gathering in the square by 12.10pm. When the clock on the Council House bongs a quarter past 12, people frooze (as if asleep) wherever they were in the square, and then 'wake up' when the alarms went off & did a bit of mad running around shouting "WAKE UP!! SAVE YOURSELVES!...FLOODS!...FIRE!...FAMINE!...STORMS ARE BREWING!...SEAS LEVELS RISING!...HELP!...DO SOMETHING, WHILE YOU STILL HAVE THE CHANCE...DON'T PANIC!...etc" All very theatrical and melodramatic. Just like in Dad's Army, apparently!
Passers by exchanged strange looks, but many did get the point i think!
After the running about, people were encouraged to ring their local MP's and the Prime Minister, to raise their concerns. Alan Simpson MP joined the activity and pointed out that those present coule ring him as well if you liked.
Wardens and PCSO's watched and wondered at the goings on there.
Although you will have now missed the event, you can, of course, still ring your MP & ask them to demand strong government action on climate change!
MP for Nott East: John Heppell Tel:0115 947 4132
MP for Nott Nth: Graham Allen Tel: 0115 979 2344
MP for Nott Sth: Alan Simpson Tel: 0115 956 0460 Or
ring Gordon Brown directly on: 0208 144 7459
Photographer - Media: One Eye on the Road. Nottingham. UK
Member of the National Union of Journalists [No: 014345]
"It is not enough to curse the darkness.
It is also necessary to light a lamp!!"
The object was to highlight concern at the lack of action on climate change issues.
People set an alarm (clock or mobile phone) for 12.18pm. Gathering in the square by 12.10pm. When the clock on the Council House bongs a quarter past 12, people frooze (as if asleep) wherever they were in the square, and then 'wake up' when the alarms went off & did a bit of mad running around shouting "WAKE UP!! SAVE YOURSELVES!...FLOODS!...FIRE!...FAMINE!...STORMS ARE BREWING!...SEAS LEVELS RISING!...HELP!...DO SOMETHING, WHILE YOU STILL HAVE THE CHANCE...DON'T PANIC!...etc" All very theatrical and melodramatic. Just like in Dad's Army, apparently!
Passers by exchanged strange looks, but many did get the point i think!
After the running about, people were encouraged to ring their local MP's and the Prime Minister, to raise their concerns. Alan Simpson MP joined the activity and pointed out that those present coule ring him as well if you liked.
Wardens and PCSO's watched and wondered at the goings on there.
Although you will have now missed the event, you can, of course, still ring your MP & ask them to demand strong government action on climate change!
MP for Nott East: John Heppell Tel:0115 947 4132
MP for Nott Nth: Graham Allen Tel: 0115 979 2344
MP for Nott Sth: Alan Simpson Tel: 0115 956 0460 Or
ring Gordon Brown directly on: 0208 144 7459

Photographer - Media: One Eye on the Road. Nottingham. UK

Member of the National Union of Journalists [No: 014345]
"It is not enough to curse the darkness.
It is also necessary to light a lamp!!"
Tash [alan lodge]