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UK Climate Chaos Newswire Archive

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Tuesday's climate camp goings on & bicycology stuff

30-08-2006 09:55

Some of the workshops to hang around
Yesterday afternoon bicycology cyclists left en masse from the climate camp to establish a presence in nearby Selby town centre. The cops presumably thought we might double back, crash the main Drax gates, storm the control room, locate the big on/off switch and padlock it off. So they followed us closely all the way stopping at every roundabout to video us. Once in the town, we distributed subversive literature promoting sustainable lifestyles and also offering a Dr Bike workshop to fix the local people's bikes. Plenty of locals, especially kids appreciated this offer and the workshop was kept constantly busy for several hours. The cops continued their intimidatory surveillance tactics, initially with 5 police vehicles parked around the town square and several cameras. They finally realised that we weren't actually so much of a threat to national security.

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greenwashing climate change

30-08-2006 09:09

Naive i was to think that governments and big oil had gone really gone beyond petroleum. Climate chaos you aint seen nothing yet!

So fuck the oil companies as they drain the last drops of oil and blood from the Middle East and elsewhere. Where do they go to next?

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Photos of Nuke Action, Tuesday 29th

30-08-2006 08:56

Hartlepool Power Station
Here are photos from the blockade of Hartlepool Nuclear Power Station which took place from 8am Tuesday 29th August and lasted till 6pm, when the last of the protesters were finally cut out ten hours later. The action took place as part of the Camp For Climate Action. There were twenty arrests but all were later released on police bail but currently without charge.

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Twenty arrested at scene of Hartlepool Nuclear Blockade

29-08-2006 17:32

Twenty people have been arrested at the Hartlepool Nuclear Power Station Blockade.

Up to nine people were involved in locking on to create blockades at the front and back of the power station.

One can only assume the total of twenty arrests must therefore include all of the supporters. It definatly includes a card carrying NUJ videographer who was there to cover the events.

It's understood those locking on had to be cut out of their arm tubes etc and were in place blocking the gates for most of the day.

More later when confirmed.

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drax may be bad for your health

29-08-2006 15:01

interesting science news link especially for supporters of climate camp against drax.

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Peak Oil and Energy Descent

29-08-2006 14:19

Interview with mandy minkle. Introduction to the deeply worrying concept of Peak Oil (that we have used up half the oil on the planet, and that the second half of it is harder to get at) and our societies' addiction to oil.

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360 degree virtual reality tour around climate camp

29-08-2006 12:03

Just to give everyone who hasn't attended the climate camp (why not!?) an idea of the scale of the camp. Somewhat jerky video twirl right around the camp using a tripod but not the normal type of tripod that video makers use.

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Climate Camp Police Visit

29-08-2006 11:13

Police was allowed this morning into the Climate Action Camp, after they threatened yesterday to enter by force if they were not allowed to do so. After more than 24 hours of negotiations, it was decided to allow them in and walk around the camp, whilst being escorted by legal observers and activist media.

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Climate Change and 21st Century Border Controls- Technopolitics of exclusion

29-08-2006 11:00

Audio Interview of the Workshop leader - Run by an internationally recognised authority on the subject, the workshop covers current military plans to build new immobilising and paralysing technologies for border control and for targeting large crowds. The talk explores the generation of this technology as well as the challenge of developing non-violent countermeasures.....

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This is the future

29-08-2006 10:56

Can you spot obvious mistake?
This place is amazing and I think it will go down in history. We are all working together and learning new ways of living which will be essential for our future without oil.
We are taking responsibility for ourselves, including decisions that affect us, our impact on the earth, and each other.
This is a tremendous achievement whether we shut down Drax or not.

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Pictures from Hartlepool Nuclear Power Station Blockade

29-08-2006 10:44

lockon blockade at main gate
Two pictures from this mornings blockade, submitted via mobile phone:

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Hartlepool nuclear power station blockaded by activists

29-08-2006 07:42

On the morning of 22nd August 2006, climate change activists blockaded Hartlepool nuclear power station. Press release follows.

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Hartlepool Nuclear Power Station Blockaded in Climate Action

29-08-2006 07:34

The gates to Hartlepool Nuclear Power Station are currently being blockaded by a group of seven climate change campaigners.

This morning at 8am seven people blocked the entrance to the nuclear plant by locking themselves together across the gate with steel arm tubes.

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Corporate Media Coverage of the Climate Camp

28-08-2006 23:11

Here is a selection of some of the mainstream media coverage of the Camp for Climate Action over the last couple of days. The day of mass action is scheduled for thursday.

These articles are reproduced here for reference purposes.

Please post any additional URLs of other coverage below as a comment.

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Climate Camp Kids Walk to Drax Power Station - Pics and Report

28-08-2006 16:59

At around 2:45 today aproximatly 30 people, in a group consisting of children and parents left the climate camp for a stroll through the country side towards Drax Power Station.

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Police harass climate camp

28-08-2006 15:09

The police presence outside the Camp for Climate Action ( has been slowly building, with constant pressure for them to be allowed entry. This came to a head early this afternoon when they threatened to enter forcibly.

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Police Refuse Offer to Tour Climate Camp Site

28-08-2006 15:02

A message from someone at the climate camp says that an offer to allow the police onto the site for an escorted tour around has been refused by the police. People had asked the police to not film or enter tents during the proposed tour.

The police are apparently demanding to be allowed onto the site at any time, to film / photograph people and search tents if they wish to.

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Workshop on Nuclear Power - main messages

28-08-2006 12:27

A Radio report of information in a Workshop at the Climate Camp in Selby.

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more pics of climate camp

27-08-2006 21:03

the way [photo by kriptick at riseup dot net]
A few pictures showing the camp and some arty shots of the climate enemy.
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