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UK Climate Chaos Newswire Archive

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UK Coal and the Bradley Public Inquiry

29-09-2014 13:23

UK Coal has now secured a £20m loan to tide it over in the short term. However the future of it's surface mines is far from cleat as they have been put up for sale. At the same time UK Coal is seeking new planning permissions, the next of which is via the Bradley Public Inquiry. One of our objections is that since we don't know who will be responsible for working the site if the Appeal is upheld that the appeal be rejected

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The Bradley Opencast Decision : the 1,600,000 CO2 Question

26-09-2014 12:00

After the recent marches against Climate Change comes the start of a Public Inquiry into whether UK Coal should be allowed to dig up 500,000+ tonnes of coal which will be burnt to produce c 1,600,000 tonnes of CO2. This press release explains why the Inspector should take account of this when judging whether to grant the Appeal.

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Human Extinction? Not so much

21-09-2014 22:45

The case against going extinct soon due to extreme climate change & human impacts. Science journalist Scott K. Johnson and counter-culture podcaster KMO. Radio Ecoshock 140917

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The Islamic State Messages in the Light of the Climate Catastrophe

11-09-2014 16:50

When rainforest covers tropical land, it accumulates all that it needs in a layer of organic soil that over the centuries slowly spreads across infertile rocks and sand. This thin blanket keeps nutrients and water in small scale systems where they circulate through all stages of plant and animal life. Desertification is being defined as the loss of this treasure, and in contrast to its accumulation can kick in in relatively limited time-spans. Once a forest is entirely removed, wind and weather erode the Earth and leave the ground in a condition unsuitable for human life. This is the kind of landscape that forms the background of the Islamic State messages, and unlike in other places in this one it has been there for longer than any of humanity´s written historical records can explain. It is only known that humans lived in the area before it became a desert for a time compared to which even the horizon of documented history appears quite short. Though the background of the messages might appear coincidental, the occurrence of other such details signifies that it is not, even if the originators of the videos just took what they could find in the area for their filming. In the middle of that dead landscape, the orange colour of the missing rainforest soil reappears as the last cloth of the executed. When all the vegetation is gone, it is all that is left and once it is openly visible very soon it will be gone as well, and so do the lives of these filmed in it. It was Al-Baghdadi who declared that the purpose of the conflict was for everyone to find a green garden at the cool river, as opposed to the desert of the present, and the climate meltdowns expected of its future. What can be seen now is still far away from this vision, but from beyond the bias of the cultures whose core narratives relate to that history of regional loss, it is precisely pinching the root cause of the problem: The existence of empires so large that the small caste that rules them is still larger than the uncontacted people they conquer is in the ultimate consequence a lethal threat to the planet because these empires scorch the Earth.

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Grow Heathrow: You can't evict an idea (VIDEO)

29-08-2014 10:44

Video about eviction resistance at Grow Heathrow

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Leaked docs expose cosy relationships among corporates, Rotarians and frackers

26-08-2014 15:15

Copies of documents apparently leaked from North and Western Lancashire Chamber of Commerce illustrate the role they play in promoting corporate interests and networking among the upper classes.

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Docs aquired from Blackpool Chamber of Commerce Occupation

22-08-2014 20:40

Documents acquired in an occupation of a Chaber of Commerce which may be of interest to environmental campaigners.

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Reclaim the Power: 13 actions, 0 arrests - repression and the climate movement

20-08-2014 11:46

This year's Reclaim the Power action camp took place near Blackpool in solidarity with locals (Operation Mothers and Grandmothers - OMG) occupying a proposed fracking site. A brief report of the actions and some initial thoughts on the climate movement and its relationship to state repression.

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Grow Heathrow eviction Resisted Successfuly!!

16-08-2014 15:23

Eviction Resisted successfully on Friday 16th August.

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Eco-Warriors Noah's Ark Rescue Mission to South Pacific Islands

09-08-2014 11:15

The Eco-Warriors are planning the Noah's Ark Campaign as a rescue mission for the islanders in the South Pacific whose island nations are being submerged by the rising sea levels, and we intend to travel to the South Pacific on an ocean liner called Noah's Ark to publicise our appeal to all the governments of the world to help evacuate all the low-lying islands before they vanish beneath the waves within the next four years.

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Earth First! Summer Gathering 2014, August 28-31st, South West

09-07-2014 19:50

The Earth First! Summer Gathering is an annual camp for people involved in radical green direct action to come together, to talk, share skills, learn, listen, play, rant, find out whats going on, scheme, live outdoors, hang out, laugh, experience non hierarchical, low impact, family friendly living.

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Candidate Brighton Kemptown predicts an environmental disaster.

26-06-2014 15:38

Amazon Explorer Joe Neilson Gets the Green vote after he reveals that he is a hardline on green issues.Calling the greens wasy washy tin can bottle savers.
Joe Neilson said I have no children and I am glad. What is going to happen
in the next 50 years even if we stop using fossil fuels today I predict an environmental disaster.

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Workshop on 'Autonomobilities' - low cost, low carbon

25-06-2014 10:20

Fare-dodging, hitch-hiking, cycle-touring, freight-hopping and backpacking? A workshop to develop a research agenda on low carbon mobility practices from the margin.

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Wales author of climate fiction

23-06-2014 20:52

Interview with author and wanderer Lloyd Jones on his book about future of Wales under climate change. With Alex Smith of Radio Ecoshock

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Temperature Rising as more Arrests are made at West Newton

05-06-2014 03:25

Ditches at the West Newton Site
Activists arrested as anger rises due to waste spillages.

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Rathlin Blitzkrieg About to Hit East Yorkshire

29-05-2014 22:22

West Newton, Well Site
Lorries Arrive to Pave Rathlin Energy's Empire into East Yorkshire.

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The Prince of Wales and the troupe of Nodding Donkeys.

28-05-2014 00:13

Whose gonna fix your meter?
An expose of the corruption of Dermot Nesbit, Director of Frack Company ‘Rathlin Energy.’and ex Environment Minister for Northern Ireland.

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New Fracking Worry: ancient life brought back to surface

25-05-2014 16:51

American Microbiologist Dr. Yuri Gorbi warns fracking brings up buried life forms.

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More Arrests of Anti Fracking Activists in East Yorkshire

24-05-2014 15:54

Musician and Activist is arrest and held without charge after playing and singing music in Beverley town center.

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Gasp! Antarctica Is Melting!

21-05-2014 20:50

NASA scientists say the melt of one Antarctic glacier set is now "unstoppable". You hear directly from their press conference. Plus top scientist Kevin Trenberth warns El Nino is coming with direct impacts on world weather. Radio Ecoshock 140521
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