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UK Climate Chaos Newswire Archive

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Anti-Coal Protesters Blockade Washington Power Station

03-03-2009 16:50

Thousands of demonstrators braved icy winds and snow to march on the US capitol's coal-fired power plant on Monday to demand a more sane approach to energy policy. Organized by Capitol Climate Action thousand blockade the five main gates to the Capitol Power Plant in southeast Washington, not far from Capitol Hill.

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Students at The University of Birmingham hit Natwest again

03-03-2009 16:27

students drawing their message
Just a week after the last action on campus, students at the University of Birmingham protest outside Natwest again, continuing their campaign against the dirty investments which the bank are addicted to.

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Summer of rage? It's a figment of febrile imaginations

03-03-2009 12:52

Kevin Smith, a participant in last years Camp for Climate action responded to the Guardians police propaganda piece on the so-called 'Summer of Rage'. Other papers have been churning out the same spin. Kevin says that senior police officers are trying to frighten people off protesting about climate change but the climate camp have been fighting back. The media team initiated a complaint to the Press Complaints Commission about the article, "Anarchists plan City
riots for G20 leaders' arrival in London" by Robert Mendick and Niger Rosser, which appeared in the Evening Standard and Daily Mail on 20th February. The complaint has already resulted in the headline and content of the article being changed on the papers websites. Last year complaints such as these solicited retractions and apologies from several papers.

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Plane Stupid Scotland shuts Aberdeen airport

03-03-2009 07:36

3rd March - Nine young protesters from the climate action group Plane Stupid Scotland have this morning shut down Aberdeen airport by setting up a golf course on the taxiway. They have surrounded themselves with fortified security fencing whilst another group are occupying the roof of the terminal building and have unfurled a banner reading, “Nae Trump Games with Climate Change”.

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Climate Crimes Delayed

02-03-2009 14:11

The newspapers are today reporting that the government decision on the whether a new coal fired power station can be built at Kingsnorth has been put off until autumn at the earliest. This follows the (yet to be confirmed) rumors that the Stansted airport expansion is being abandoned for at least two years. With the COP15 climate summit taking place in Copenhagen at the end of the year, 2009 is shaping up to be a very interesting year for struggles against climate change.

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Climate Rush to target RBS on 5 March

01-03-2009 20:43

The next Climate Rush action will be against RBS' London headquarters.

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The 'Turn Up the Heat' Protest

01-03-2009 13:36

Make sure your voice is heard by those in power: join Christian Aid, CAFOD, the World Development Movement and the Stop Climate Chaos Coalition for a Climate Change Day of Action on March 19th

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Nuclear Waste Not Good Enough For Yucca-Nevada: Good Enough For Who? Ontario…

27-02-2009 22:33

Areva Nuclear Plant and Sunflowers
The Ontario Liberal McGuinty government, the Toronto Star newspaper, and Ontario Power Generation say nuclear power is CLEAN, GREEN AND SAFE. OPG says they are great at and very proud of their nuclear waste management. We say President Obama bring it on. We’ll take all of your lethal nuclear waste, and will split it with the Alberta Tar Sands.

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Northern Climate Rush visit to UK coal headquarters

27-02-2009 21:23

Around 15 climate activists from the North of England visited the headquarters of UK Coal near Doncaster yesterday in a protest against new coal and calling for tougher measures to control CO2 emissions.

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Climate suffragettes rush annual coal industry awards

27-02-2009 14:09

Direct and to the point
Another climate rush occured last night at the Landmark hotel at Marylebone. Around 100 protesters rushed into the hotel where the annual coal awards (yes, really) were meant to be taking place. In the light of the seriousness of climate change it was propably a bit of a PR own goal for the coal industry to be celebrating the dirtiest fuel on the planet. An alternative awards ceremony took place with more apropriate catagories....

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Leeds Earth First! Meeting

27-02-2009 10:49

Monday 2nd March
7pm @ Common Place
Followed by social in the Angel or wherever people want to go.


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Averting the China Syndrome

27-02-2009 05:59

We do not advocate violence as a tactic so much as we argue that there are strong justifications for the use of violence, such as in a “just war,” to intervene on behalf of genocide victims, or in self-defense. And we advance the concept of “extensional self-defense” to say that humans can be legitimate proxy agents for animals who rarely can defend themselves against their tormentors.

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Climate Rush Landmark Coal Industry Decision

27-02-2009 00:22

Climate Rush tackled the climate criminals pathetic annual coal awards tA victory of sorts. The coal awards bailed out, cancelling the venue a couple of weeks ago fearing the attention of the climate rush and instead moved to a different venue earlier in the day.

The Landmark hotel management were less than happy about the righteous fury brought down on them by the dirty coal scum and said they'd not be accepting bookings from their ilk again.

Cops managed to arrest one bloke for not dressing the part and the suffragettes kicked arse yet again. his evening at the Landmark Hotel .

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Climate Rush hosted cocktail party for the coal industry

26-02-2009 22:14

Climate Rush hosted cocktail party for the coal industry outside of the Landmark Hotel on Marylebone Road, London.

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Digger diving back in fashion! Work stopped at Shipley Open Cast Coal Mine Site

26-02-2009 14:52

This morning a group of four ex-local residents, not affiliated with any particular group went digger diving at the Shipley Open Cast Coal Mine.

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More pain in the aviation industry

26-02-2009 08:47

Anti aviation campaigners may find they are increasingly pushing at an open door over the coming year and more as the recession bites hard into passenger numbers and aviation industry profits. The fall against of the pound against the euro and the dollar have made increasing numbers stay at home where the pound in their pocket still feels like it is worth something. Even with fuel prices under half what they were last summer and ticket prices cut to encourage custom, there are simply far less people seeing a quick overseas break as a viable option right now.

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Staythorpe Power Station Demonstration‏

25-02-2009 11:41

I thought people might like to hear of my account of the mass protest called by Unite to support the construction workers at Staythorpe power station at Newark yesterday, Tuesday.

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A453 Widening consultation

24-02-2009 13:53

A reminder : the Highways Agency has published details of proposed widening to dual carriageway of the A453 (between M1 J24 and Clifton, basically). There are public exhibitions / consultations THIS WEEK - let's go along and comment on this road expansion.

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Climate Camp launches Press Complaint over G20 article

24-02-2009 02:03

Today, the Camp for Climate Action lodged a complaint with the Press
Complaints Commission (PCC) against the Evening Standard. The camp claims
the Standard's article regarding the April 1st event "Climate Camp in
London's Square mile", to be held during the G20, is misleading.

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Celebrate BP's choice of Fossil Fools Day to celebrate its centenary!

23-02-2009 21:26

Image by Nick Turner
For reasons unfathomable yet deeply pleasing, BP* has chosen Fossil Fools
Day - April 1st 2009 - to celebrate its centenary.

This will take place at the British Museum, where the not-so-great and the
far-from-good will quaff cocktails, snaffle canapes and watch a
celebratory film.

And we will be there too, between 6-7pm, to say ‘Your party’s over!'
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