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11-12-2005 20:09
Protection of the National Health Service, in Huddersfield and nationally. Opposal to closures, privatisation, redundancies.
Oodles of people marched in Huddersfield on Saturday 11th December, so many I couldn't see the end of the column, and everyone cheered us on.
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| Sheffield
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11-12-2005 18:05
u.s. peace activist cindy sheehan, who lost her son as a soldier in the iraq war, met with brian haw, veteran parliament square protester, this afternoon. the meeting was harassed by officers from charing cross police station (including the ones who illegally arrested brian on friday morning!), and escalated into a full blown noise demo outside downing street in total defiance of the 'serious organised crime and police act' designed to prevent dissent outside parliament buildings. there were no arrests.
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07-12-2005 18:02
brian haw's one man protest outside westminster embarassed the warmongers inside. it seemed easier to try to stop protest against the war than to stop the greed that led to war, so they brought in new legislation. he's still there, but today the first guilty verdict was passed on an 'unauthorised protest' that comprised just two people performing a remembrance ceremony opposite downing street.
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06-12-2005 22:43
On Sunday several hundred sacked Gate Gourmet workers and their supporters held a march led by a traditional drumming duo (who were brilliant) through Southall. It was followed by a rally in a local hall addressed by speakers from across the Trade Union movement.
Previously the workers had marched chanting vitriolic slogans about Gate Gourmet and British airways. Now their condemnation also targets their own trade union the T&G and its leader Tony Woodley. TUC chief Brendan Barber is also in the frame for selling them out.
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05-12-2005 16:09
Saturday saw the biggest ever demo over climate change in Britain. Between 5 and 10 thousand marched from Lincolns Inn Fields to the US Embassy.
Pictures and report below.
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05-12-2005 00:47
About 50 people turned up to watch the film Gadjo Dilo and listen to speakers from the Roma Gypsy and Irish Traveller communities. The film and speakers were well received, and there was a good discussion about how to influence the anti-traveller editorial policy of the Cambridge Evening News.
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| Anti-racism
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| Cambridge
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04-12-2005 19:40
activists resurrected an ancient tradition of marking the boundary of a parish by walking round it and beating sticks. today they used this tradition to mark the edge of the protest exclusion zone introduced at the beginning of august that criminalises protest in a zone around parliament unless authorised in advance by police.
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29-11-2005 21:42
among various attempts to protest and disrupt the aviation conference, tonight's gala dinner at the tower bridge rooms was the target of critical mass, and an attempt to delay delegates by locking on across the embankment.
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27-11-2005 00:54
Critcal Mass is a regular event. The meeting point in Nottingham is the Savoy cinema on Derby Road in Lenton, on the last Friday of every month now at 5.30pm. It is becoming a more popular event with many more riders turning out each time ..... This time, we headed off into the city centre, via 'The Park' [to annoy the rich folks living there :-) ] and Castle Boulevard. We had a sound system trailer on tow, with some chunes to peddle to.
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27-11-2005 00:48
Critcal Mass is a regular event. The meeting point in Nottingham is the Savoy cinema on Derby Road in Lenton, on the last Friday of every month now at 5.30pm. It is becoming a more popular event with many more riders turning out each time ..... This time, we headed off into the city centre, via 'The Park' [to annoy the rich folks living there :-) ] and Castle Boulevard. We had a sound system trailer on tow, with some chunes to peddle to.
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19-11-2005 16:11
There was a demonstration against bus fare rises and cuts in services in Sheffield on Saturday 19th November 2005. Fares on First buses in went up again today, the third rise this year, it now costs £1.50 to travel a mile into the city centre.
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13-11-2005 08:50
Nottingham Against Incineration and Landfill [NAIL] is campaigning organisation intent on drawing attention to the incineration of waste at the Eastcroft plant and the proposed expansion of capacity there.
On Saturday afternoon, a bunch of concerned residence and activists, hung a banner across Sneinton Boulevard to promote the campaign.
On Saturday 3rd December Sneinton's Rubbish Day Out will be held at the Old School Hall on Windmill Lane. The day will include art workshops, recycling activities, community cafe, live music, poetry and performance. 11am until midnight.
Photos: Protest on the Market Square | Previous action against incinerator | NAIL public meeting
Links: Previous feature article on Notts Indymedia | View the planning application submitted by WRG | Website Nottingham Against Incineration and Landfill, (NAIL)
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11-11-2005 15:56
in november 1995, nigerian writer and activist, ken saro-wiwa, and 8 of his colleagues were executed by the military regime for campaigning against the devastation of the niger delta by oil multi-national shell. yesterday, demonstrators dropped nine nooses infront of the shell uk headquarters on the south bank to highlight the anniversary and highlight the current struggle on the north west of ireland, where shell is set to transform a remote conservation area into an environmental disaster zone with public health and safety implications.
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10-11-2005 10:33
In 2003 Sarah Elizabeth Campbell took an overdose in her cell in Styal Prison. Despite her rapidly worsening condition the Prison authorities waited 40 minutes to call an ambulance. When it arrived it was held at the Prison gates for a further eight minutes. Sarah lost consciousness and died in hospital a few hours later. Pauline Campbell was informed of her daughter’s death by the Police by phone.
Ever since this tragedy Pauline has tirelessly campaigned for the rights of women prisoners. On Wednesday she took her unique form of protest to Holloway Prison which has just seen yet another suicide by a prisoner.
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10-11-2005 01:05
in november 1995, nigerian writer and activist, ken saro-wiwa, and 8 of his colleagues were executed by the military regime for campaigning against the devastation of the niger delta by oil multi-national shell. yesterday, demonstrators dropped nine nooses infront of the shell uk headquarters on the south bank to highlight the anniversary and highlight the current struggle on the north west of ireland, where shell is set to transform a remote conservation area into an environmental disaster zone with public health and safety implications.
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09-11-2005 23:01
Image starting work at 5 in the morning and your first task is to clean up Charles Kennedy’s vomit from the floor of the bar. Then you have to collect the stained tissues scattered around Tony Blair’s office. Followed by sweeping up the intoxicating powder left in the toilet by David Cameron. This is the reality faced on a daily basis by the House of Commons cleaners.
To add insult to injury they are paid shit wages without any holiday or sick pay or pension provision. The chief executive of the agency that employs them is on six figure salary. The cleaners went on strike for the second time on Wednesday.
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