UK Promoted Newswire Archive
Another mass deportation cancelled!
16-04-2012 23:48

Reasons to come to Brighton this week
14-04-2012 20:36

SHAC - AstraZeneca week of action: Report & video from London stunt demo
10-04-2012 20:40

leyton marsh resistance this morning - report/pics
10-04-2012 18:55

bailliffs and police mounted a huge operation today to resume work at the leyton marsh olympic site. several people were arrested for public order offences after holding up work for several hours.
Occupy and locals block Olympic construction
10-04-2012 11:49
#Occupy protestors and local residents blocked Oympic construction at Leyton Marshes this from leyton marsh and call to action
09-04-2012 16:55

18 arrests as Mansion is evicted & drones conference resisted
08-04-2012 16:12

Squatting is still legal
04-04-2012 22:03
It will remain legal in non-residential properties, but a new law is going through the final farcical stages of parliamentary approval that is meant to make squatting in residential property a crime. The law still needs royal assent and a timetable to come into force, and its effect is not so simple. The wording leaves some space for argument, and there will be human rights challenges.Squat Raid in Brighton
04-04-2012 15:26
A squat in Brighton was illegally evicted by riot police and bailiffs yesterday morning.Statement by the save Leyton Marsh Group
04-04-2012 14:55
Statement by the Save Leyton Marsh group
The ODA claim they have "no option" but to take legal action against this peaceful protest in order to fulfil their obligations "to provide practice facilities for the Olympic and Paralympic athletes". This is fundamentally untrue. Eleven questions were put to them in December by a number of local councillors and still remain unanswered, including why the ODA chose not to utilize one of several alternative sites that would not require destroying this much loved green space.
Trafalgar12 activists in court
03-04-2012 22:55
Trafalgar12 activists are due in Westminster Magistrates' Court, hoping to create a legal precedent that will confine the powers Section 12.5 of the POA.Legal assault on Save Leyton Marsh Camp/aign
03-04-2012 18:55
Two sets of legal papers have been served on the occupation at Leyton Marsh, where the Olympic Delivery Authority and Lea Valley Regional Park Authority are attempting to build a four storey temporary basketball training facility.
Arrests At Protest Against Remote Killing Machines
03-04-2012 14:55

Bristolians kick started a summer of resistance outside the 27th International Bristol Drone Conference. The protest began at around 9 am at the corner of Baldwin street and Telephone Avenue, by midday around 80 people were making a wall of sound including a performance from a live band
End Of Sabbing Season Report - March 2012
03-04-2012 14:07

International Arms Conference disrupted By Ravers
03-04-2012 12:26
The International UAV (unmanned drones) conference was sponsored by by the University of Bristol and BAE systems.However, on the first day, mon 2nd april, the conference was successfully disrupted by about 150 local anti arms ravers.
Glasgow Picket Against Holland & Barrett Workfare Sat. 31st March - Meet 12 noon St Enoch's
03-04-2012 06:55
Glasgow Picket Against Holland & Barrett WorkfareSaturday 31st March
Meet 12 noon outside the front entrance of St Enoch's Underground Station to move on to the Workfare target - Holland & Barrett 9 Queen Street, Glasgow, G1 3ED.
6 arrests at Drone Conference
02-04-2012 16:55
this is a bristol indymedia storyA lively & very noisy demo at the bristol drone conference in Bristol ended with six arrests. Conference attenders had to do their dirty business accompanied by a considerable din made by about 80 people for around 3 hours or so . Some delegates unable to cope with the noise decided to leave the conference early, only to be pursued around town with people letting them know just what they thought of them, until they had to be rescued by the police. Ah diddums.
Calais Update
02-04-2012 11:36
Thursday 29th March and the surrounding days have seen a shocking and rapid escalation of police harassment, arrests and brutality against people with and without papers in Calais – far beyond the normal level and in what seemed to be a premeditated assault on the migrant communities and their supporters.Glasgow Picket Against Holland & Barrett Workfare Report
02-04-2012 02:55

Members of Clydeside Industrial Workers of the World, the Anarchist Federation and Solidarity Federation picketed the Queen Street branch of Holland & Barrett at lunchtime on Saturday 31st March. We managed to turn some people away at the entrance. We had placards proclaiming 'The H&B Workfare Deal, Employ Three, Get One Free' in the style of Holland and Barrett advertising as Holland and Barrett plan to have a quarter of their workers as unpaid labour. Another placard said, 'Say No To Workfare At Holland and Barrett'. We gave out 500 leaflets detailing Holland & Barrett use of unpaid labour. A number of people stopped to ask what the picket was about. A member of the Holland & Barrett staff was one of these people on her way in to start her shift. She said that one girl had been on work experience at the store, but that she had got a permanent job. We pointed out generally Holland and Barrett have not given permanent contracts to 80% of people on work experience, their plans to introduce a 1000 more work experience people in the next year and how that could affect the hours of the permanent staff. The manager tried to tell us to move away from the entrance, but we just ignored her. In a final pathetic attempt to show us who was boss she bluffed that the police were on their way, even though there was nothing remotely illegal about what we were doing.
Edinburgh stores occupied to oppose slave labour schemes
02-04-2012 02:55

Demonstrators in Edinburgh took direct action on the 31st March Britain-wide day of action against workfare. Protestors occupied British Heart Foundation for an hour then invaded Poundstretcher – both heavily involved in the government’s compulsory “work-for-your-benefits” schemes.
Marching into the British Heart Foundation’s large furniture store in Leith, demonstrators set up camp within the shop, displaying giant banners denouncing forced work for benefits, decorating windows and TVs with posters proclaiming “Workfare attacks both waged and unwaged”, and distributing Boycott Workfare leaflets everywhere. Despite a sizeable police presence, the occupation continued for an hour. Several would-be customers turned away when the reason for the demo was explained.