UK Promoted Newswire Archive
Various Early Climate Camp Pics
07-08-2008 11:55

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Resisting Climate Camp Stop and Search (pics) and Police Lies (wed)
07-08-2008 11:28

Following the previous days mass 'walk-in', where a large group of people simply walked through the police search area after complaining that 2 hour waits to be searched were not acceptable, on wednesday a group of around 30 people left the camp as a protest and refused to be searched.
It's interesting to note that the Police later lied about this to the media in their latest press release saying:
"More than 30 people leaving the camp on Wednesday morning with their belongings approached police and told officers they do not want to be associated with any criminal activity. ACC Beautridge commented: 'It is unfortunate for all concerned that there appears to be a hardcore minority, intent on criminal activity or unlawful protest, who are diverting attention away from the issues that most people have come here to raise."

This outright lie was refuted by the Climate Camp media team and on the CC website, but of course it hasn't stopped mainstream media publications from running with the story, with The Herald printing the headline "Coal-power protesters shun criminal activity".
The Climate Camp website hit back saying: "This press release is totally consistent with the police's ongoing campaign to disrupt, deligitimise and smear our campaign against building a new coal-fired power-station at Kingsnorth. Climate camper Terry Graves said, "Another day, another totally unsubstantiated claim from top cop Gary Beautridge. None of this is stopping us from having the conversations we need to have to tackle climate change. We won't be distracted."
There were also several other incidents throughout the day with police being heavy handed over the imposition of searches. The pictures below are video captures from Medway Messenger video filmed by Steve Bodycombe as police move against a group objecting to the searches and the long waits to get into the camp in what their reporters described as distressing scenes. Several arrests were made.
Despite the behaviour of the police, people are still arriving at the camp, although several people are complaining that the police action is designed to put off local people visiting the camp.
Climate Camp thanks everyone participating
07-08-2008 11:23
A Big Thank You to everyone making the Climate Camp a success even before the main action - this from the CC website :
Another climate camp action - Students Killed at Royal Bank of Scotland's HQ.
07-08-2008 10:37

entrance to RBS London HQ at Liverpool Street [1]. Students are staging a
'die-in' blockade to highlight the devastating effects of climate change.
The protesters are demanding RBS stop funding destructive fossil fuel
projects which will create climate catastrophe. The action is taking
place as part of the climate camp and is co-ordinated by the student
action network PANDA [1].
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Bowl Court Evicted This Morning - Call Out For Help
07-08-2008 09:06
This morning at 7am, 40 high court bailiffs have evicted the Bowl Court squat in Shoreditch. It is located in Bowl Court which is up Plough Court next to the junction of Great Eastern Street and Shoreditch High Street. Please come around - help needed urgently !Plane Stupid leaves Camp for Climate Action for protest at Gatwick
07-08-2008 09:04
Nine protestors from the anti-aviation group ‘Plane Stupid’ have left the Kingsnorth Climate Camp to mount a protest against short-haul flights from the nearby Gatwick Airport. The nine climate activists had been planning to protest against the government’s plans to expand Kingsnorth coal fire power station. However continual police intimidation and violence forced them to leave the camp, choosing instead to protest against the popularity of short-haul flights, especially during the Edinburgh Festival, from Gatwick airport.Full article | 1 addition | 7 comments
Police "strategy" and climate camp autonomy!
07-08-2008 08:48
I have been impressed and inspired by campers resistance to the repeated police encursion attempts. The police are shooting themselves in the foot!Full article | 1 addition | 2 comments
Climate Activists Shut Down South's Biggest Biofuel Base
07-08-2008 08:15
This morning climate activists from around the country have shut down theSouth's biggest agrofuel depot.
Climate Camp Radio - Wednesday evening show for download
06-08-2008 22:19

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Climate Camp - Police Demonstrate Excessive Force At Stop And Searches
06-08-2008 22:14

Protests at Novartis in Dublin Continue
06-08-2008 21:52

Gay Teen Murdered in Liverpool: LGBT Youth Groups Demand Action
06-08-2008 20:13
Gay Teen Murdered in Liverpool: LGBT Youth Groups Demand ActionClimate Camp Radio - Wednesday lunchtime show for download
06-08-2008 18:58

Coal Train Bail-Breaker Prison Address
06-08-2008 18:42
Address of Paul Morozzo, in prison until 11 August (at least), for trying to participate in Climate Camp. Plus an article about the Drax Coal Train bail-breakers' mostly successful attempt to get to Climate Camp openly defying their bail conditions. Plus a link for a short film about the bail-breaking.Tibet Activists scale Tower Bridge on Eve of Olympics
06-08-2008 17:47
Two campaigners have climbed London's Tower Bridge to unfurl banners in protest at China's occupation of Tibet on the eve of the Olympics. The banner-hang was linked to similar actions internationally, most notably the unfurling of free Tibet banners within metres of the 'Bird's Nest' Olympic stadium in Beijing. The activists are linked to the group Students for a Free Tibet.Full article | 1 addition | 1 comment
Legal info for Climate Campers
06-08-2008 16:22
List of good lawyers if arrested!Do not accept a duty solicitor when taken to police station.
Here is a list of lawyers who have successfully defended people arrested at protests
Jim Nichol (successfully defended the Birmingham 6)
Taylor Nichol. 3 Station Place. London. N4 2DH.
Contact - James Nichol. Telephone - 020 7272 8336.
275 Gray's Inn Road
London WC1X 8QB
DX: 37904 King's Cross
Tel: 020 7833 4433
Climate activists at Longannet call for closure date
06-08-2008 15:56
One-night mini Scottish camp outside UK's dirtiest power station. SNP Government urged to set early closure date for plant and guarantee green jobs for coal workers in the growing renewables revolution.Full article | 1 addition | 10 comments
Riot Police Continue to Attack Women and Children at the Camp for Climate Action
06-08-2008 15:22
The relentless campaign of intimidation by the police against the Camp for Climate Action continued during the night.Around 2 am the police switched off the floodlights at the front gate and rushed in four riot vans blasting out Wagner's Ride of the Valkyries which was the theme music of the film Apocalypse Now and also Adolph Hitler's favourite music.
Media getting trouble from Police at Climate Camp
06-08-2008 14:20

Palestine Today 080608
06-08-2008 13:13