UK Promoted Newswire Archive
Sacked JJB Sports union steward Chris Riley talks about more strikes as JJB
19-12-2006 20:29
Sacked JJB Sports union steward Chris Riley takes on Wigan Athletic's owner Dave Whelan, as union members vote for further strike action between Christmas and New Year to protest against Riley's sacking.Faslane action
19-12-2006 20:21
Wednesday morning, 7:30am. A dark road somewhere North of Glasgow. Scottish cold and rain beating in my face. I'm chained via a bike lock to Irene, veteran of the Faslane struggle. One arm disappears into a tube, at the other end of which is my mate Steve. There are seven of us, five women and two men, standing in a line stretched across the road.Failing councils are creating gravy trains for consultants
19-12-2006 18:12
Failing councils, lack of accountability, democratic deficits, are creating a gravy train for consultants, whilst at the same time reinforcing the lack of accountability, the democratic deficit.CLIMATE ACTION NEWS SHEET 64, December 2006
19-12-2006 17:59
Pausing only to wish you a merry winter solstice, herewith the final NewsSheet of 2006, compiled and sent out by Rising Tide UK:

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Council attempts to seize retirement home
19-12-2006 16:42

APPO spokespeople detained and beaten in Oacaxa
19-12-2006 11:12

piquet against repression in chile
19-12-2006 02:31

O, Muslim town of Bethlehem...
19-12-2006 01:41
It's the season of good will and to celebrate brotherly love and the like, the Daily Mail was been reporting from the holly land on what they describe as a "sense of a creeping Islamic fundamentalism is all around in Bethlehem".The paper reports, "The town’s Christian population has dwindled from more than 85 per cent in 1948 to 12 per cent of its 60,000 inhabitants in 2006. There are reports of religious persecution, in the form of murders, beatings and land grabs."
Apparently the breakdown in security has been putting off the jet set tourists and leading to economic hardship for those ever down trodden Christians - who incidently manage to own most of the town’s hotels, restaurants and souvenir shops.
This god awful situation has become "so desperate" that the Archbishop of Canterbury and the head of the Roman Catholic Church in England and Wales, are going over with a bunch of cristian protesters to express their solidarity with the "beleaguered Christian populace"
Grey power for peace
18-12-2006 23:49
Prosecutor's plan to retry 69-year-old Rosemarie Jackowski, for blocking traffic while protesting the Iraq war. The battle is turning the feisty 4-foot-10 inch former schoolteacher into a darling of the dove crowd, the anti-war movement's newest folk hero and cause celebre.'Consultation' Preston City Council Style
18-12-2006 23:25
Councillors in Preston are consulting residents of one ward about the 'Riverworks' proposals - but are asking questions which ignore the key issues for local residents, and failing to give the information that people need to answer the questions they do ask.Police Refuse to Investigate Assault on Protester
18-12-2006 22:46
Smash EDO Press ReleaseContact Andrew Beckett or Sarah Johnson For more
Email -
Denmark, Kopenhagen: Heavy Streetfights. *PICS*
18-12-2006 18:23

Dodgy land deals in Farnborough town centre?
18-12-2006 16:38

Demand that Tesco Cut their Ties with Greenergy Biofuels!
18-12-2006 14:34
Biofuelwatch today start a new campaign to demand that Tesco cut their ties with Greenergy. Greenergy are an oil company which invests heavily in biofuels. Increasing amounts of their biofuels are from palm oil, soy and sugar cane - all crops linked to massive deforestation, greenhouse gas emissions and human rights abuses. Please support out action alert today! Dec 19th court case Postponed
18-12-2006 13:24
High Court Hearing Adjourned
T&GWU Negotiates Defeat For Liverpool Cabbies
18-12-2006 11:33
In another setback for workers on Merseyside, the Transport and General Workers Union has negotiated a defeat for its taxi driving members and taxi users at Liverpool John Lennon Airport."Support action for Ungdomshuset" DK
18-12-2006 02:50
Riots broke out in copenhagen as court decide to shut down Ungdomshuset youth', cultural and social center.Cambridge March for Consumerism
18-12-2006 00:10
On Saturday December 16 a group of people in Cambridge held a March for Consumerism. They set off outside the Grafton Centre shopping mall carrying placards with slogans such as "Spend", "Buy more stuff", and "Climate change is someone else's problem".Santas Against Excessive Consumption hit London, 16.12.06
17-12-2006 19:34
Santas Against Excessive Consumption (SAEC) went out to play for the second year running on Saturday December 16th 2006, dropping in on the Shell-sponsored Natural History Museum (NHM) on the way to the consumer hell that is Oxford Street.NuLab Medical Records Database
17-12-2006 18:51
The Government's plan to upload our medical records to a centralized database is a thread to all our privacy.