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turkish solidarity in trafalgar square

08-06-2013 22:55

after the huge turkish protest in whitehall earlier in the afternoon, early evening saw police trying to disperse people from trafalgar square.

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london world naked bike ride - words and pics

08-06-2013 22:21

over a thousand cyclists stripped off and took to the streets today in london, part of the ever-growing annual global world naked bike ride

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Police escorting the EDL to Sheffield Station

08-06-2013 21:20

After kettling most the anti-fascist protesters on West Street the police escorted the EDL past the top of the Moor and down paternoster Row to Sheffield rail station where they were allowed to slowly disperse.

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Policing the EDL on West Street, Sheffield

08-06-2013 20:19

Some photos on the policing in and around the EDL West Street pub crawl in Sheffield on 8th June 2013.

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EDL at The Harley in Sheffield

08-06-2013 19:46

Part of the, police facilitated, EDL pub crawl up West Street on Saturday 8th June 2013 made it to The Harley, Glossop Road, from where they hurled abuse, glasses and cans at anyone in range.

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Independent Media Centre open for Stop G8

08-06-2013 10:43

An Independent Media Centre is now open at LARC for reporting on actions over the comming week organised by Stop The G8

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Camden Solidarity Vigil for Bradley Manning: report and photos

07-06-2013 22:32

a new banner

London Catholic Worker and friends are holding a vigil and flyering for Bradley Manning three afternoons a week during the trial, currently outside Camden tube station. After three years of pre-trial detention and nearly a year of torture, the trial in Bradley Manning's court martial finally got underway this Monday at Fort Meade, Maryland, US. The WikiLeaks whistleblower has made probably the most significant anti-war leak of information in history and is being persecuted for daring to reveal evidence of war crimes and much more. Solidarity needed everywhere.

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vigil at EDFenergy HQ in victoria tonight - pics and report

06-06-2013 22:52

crowd assembles
several dozen supporters held a noisy vigil at the london offices of EDF this evening after a nottingham court passed down non-custodial sentences today to 21 activists who had been involved in protesting at an EDF power station last october.

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legal aid protest at ministry of justice - pics and words

04-06-2013 23:09

to mark the end of the consultation period over proposed sweeping cuts to the legal aid system, protestors blocked the road outside the ministry of justice this afternoon

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Bradley Manning solidarity in south west Wales as trial begins

04-06-2013 19:09

banner on the foot/bike bridge in carmarthen

On the final leg of my five day Bradley Manning solidarity tour of Bristol and south Wales, I headed west from Cardiff early Sunday morning, through Carmarthen and on to Haverfordwest, where members of Bradley's family still live. My aim was to have a solidarity presence in Haverfordwest as Brad's trial begins in the US. See previous reports from: Bristol | Bristol/Cardiff. This report covers Sun 2 and Mon 3 June, with a few photos of banners etc. to illustrate.

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Peace activists in Lincoln court after planting peace garden at RAF Waddington

04-06-2013 10:41

Peace Garden

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Your 'Avin a Cenotaph!

02-06-2013 20:39

SchNEWS on yesterday's badger/antifa mash up

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Solidarity with Bradley Manning in Bristol and Cardiff (round-up)

02-06-2013 18:53

Banners in Bristol...

Bradley Manning's trial starts Monday 3 June and this weekend activists around the world have been taking action in solidarity, including in London [Photos here | Links to reports etc. here] where around 250 people from all over gathered outside the US Embassy to hear speakers including Peter Tatchell, Vivienne Westwood and Craig Murray, music including David Rovics. There was also an ill-fated banner drop in Bristol [Report here], a smaller one with a replacement banner in Carmarthen and a presence in Cardiff and Haverfordwest. This is a brief report with some photos from Bristol and Cardiff.

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london critical mass pics

02-06-2013 18:09

kingsway underpass
several hundred cyclists joined the lindon critical mass on friday night as weather improved for the may bike ride

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EDL ¡No Pasarán! Sheffield

01-06-2013 16:28

One Shedfield Many Cultures
There was a party atmosphere to celebrate Sheffield's diversity outside the City Hall today. At around 12.30 a small group of EDL appeared at the end of Division Street they were opposed by a crowd of around a thousand.

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Free Bradley Manning! Free Bradley Manning's banners! (Welcome to Bristol)

31-05-2013 17:22

over the m32 in bristol earlier yesterday

The big pink 'FREE BRADLEY MANNING' banner has been displayed, without incident, all over the place in the past 18 months or so: Wrexham, Cardiff, Bala, Haverfordwest (where members of Brad's family still live), Chester, Liverpool, Oswestry, north Yorkshire, London, the summit of Snowdon. It's designed to be re-used, attached to railings with easy-to-undo tapes.

In Bristol yesterday, at the start of a five day solidarity effort leading up to Bradley Manning's trial which begins in the US on Monday, this banner and another - 'TRUTH ON TRIAL' - were seized by cops who told me they would be destroying them. In fact they had already badly damaged the banners by hacking them off the railings with a knife and ripping them instead of undoing the bows, having refused my offer to remove them. Since the incident led to an arrest and threat of summons, the banners are now in police custody as exhibits A and B, with the arresting cops announcing as they escorted me to the exit door of Trinity Road police station: ' and when it comes to court we're going to apply for a destruction order.'

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£140,000 to make 80 people homeless.

28-05-2013 10:32

Lambeth Council continue their policy of social cleansing.

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"Where are the organ grinders?" - photos from the legal aid cuts protest

22-05-2013 19:44

outside Manchester Crown Court
Photographs from the march against legal aid cuts in Manchester.

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Where are the organ grinders?

22-05-2013 19:19

It is not often that lawyers take to the streets. But they did on Tuesday in Manchester over the latest legal aid cuts.

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thousands join london #may18 NHS rally - pics and report

19-05-2013 17:59

march assembles
several thousand people took part in the march yesterday to show disquiet and resistance to the implementation of new legislation that will bring charges and further cuts to a beleaguered NHS.
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