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Trail of Tears for Afghanistan – London to Colchester Peace Walk - An account

06-07-2010 11:17

Malcolm leads the walk into Colchester (D. Viesnik)
The Trail of Tears for Afghanistan peace walk from London to Colchester took place from Sunday, 27th June to Thursday, 1st July 2010. It was meant as an act of solidarity with British war resister Joe Glenton and others like him, and as a remembrance of the countless victims on all sides of the bloody (almost) nine-year war in Afghanistan, now spreading to Pakistan.

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Democracy Village, London - the calm after the storm - pics

05-07-2010 19:24

Images of Democracy Village in Parliament Square Gardens, Westminster, central London on the evening of Friday, 2nd July and Saturday, 3rd July 2010.

All images are Copyright © 2010 D. Viesnik, but may be reproduced free of charge for non-commercial use if credited. For high resolution versions / commercial use, please e-mail.

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Birmingham’s Spy Cameras: TAKE THEM DOWN…or we will!

05-07-2010 15:32

Take them down!
That was the message coming loud and clear from the community at a meeting about the Spy Cameras that have been put up in the Balsall Heath and Washwood Heath areas of Birmingham under the name ‘Project Champion’. Without any public consultation, ‘Project Champion’ saw the positioning of around 150 ANPR (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) cameras and 72 covert surveillance cameras. These cameras happen to be sited in two predominantly muslim areas in Birmingham. These cameras record all vehicle movements and have the capacity to photograph front seat passangers. The meeting was attended by about 250 people and any suggestion of taking down the cameras was greeted with an ever increasing roar of approval. The temperature is rising and West Midlands Police have created a powder keg of anger and resentment primed with a fuse of mistrust.

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Metro spoof distributed in Nottingham

05-07-2010 15:24

Several hundred copies of a Metro spoof, designed to highlight the problems of press reporting of migration issues, were distributed in Nottingham. This was part of the days of action against racist press.

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Day of action against 'racist' Nottingham Post

05-07-2010 15:24

Activists associated with the No Borders network have been taking action against the Nottingham Post as part of two nationwide days of action against racist press. Banners accusing the Post, and the press more generally, of racism were unfurled from prominent places around the city, including the car park across the road from the Post's offices on Canal Street.

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Palestien Today 07 05 2010

05-07-2010 13:59

Welcome to Palestine Today a service of the International Middle East Media Centre, for Monday, July 05, 2010.

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English Defence League Hacked

05-07-2010 13:50

English Defence League Facebook Hacked
English Defence League Hacked by notorious anti-Zionist hackers

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Mirror the Metr0!

05-07-2010 13:00

The best way to defeat Associated Newspapers legal threats to the sites carrying copies of the spoof Metr0 PDF is for lots more site to carry it.

Download the PDF and upload it everywhere!

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Metro's cage rattled by spoof

04-07-2010 02:25

The Metro has obtained a High Court injunction against "all persons responsible for the publication and/or distribution" of a Metro spoof paper that was distributed by campaigners at London tube stations on Friday morning. But since the spoof was produced and distributed anonymously, the injunction seems to have been served upon the wrong people, in what appears to be a guilty-by-association verdict.

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Photos from the Decommissioners trial

03-07-2010 23:24

On Wednesday after five of the Decommisioners were acquitted
Some photos from the closing days of the Decommissioners Trial, Hove Crown Court, July 2010

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Protests continue against Israeli Settlement Company Ahava

03-07-2010 23:00

Police agree to move the 'protest pen' to a position directly in front of Ahava
About twenty people demonstrated today against Ahava, who sell
cosmetics manufactured on the illegally occupied West Bank settlement
of Mitzpe Shalem, on the shore of the Dead Sea.

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50 Activists March on Bradford Uni Open Day

03-07-2010 19:08


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This Week In Palestine -week 26 2010

02-07-2010 17:49

Welcome to this Week in Palestine, a service of the International Middle East Media Center,, for June 26, through July 2, 2010

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Final Leg, Five Day Peace Walk, London to Colchester - Pictures.

02-07-2010 14:46

Supporting the Troops, Not Supporting the War.
After five days, and a pedometer reading standing at just short of 80 miles, 80 year old Malcom Pittock successfully arrives in Colchester at the head of the Trail of Tears peace walk, which set out from Westminster in London five days ago.

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EDO decommissioners victory complete!

02-07-2010 11:10

Smash EDO

Press Release

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Metro targeted by anti-racist spoof

02-07-2010 11:02

London commuters were this morning surprised to find that their usual Metro paper was a bit thinner, yet more interesting and engaging, than usual.

Tens of thousands of copies of a spoof newspaper that looked very similar to the free daily were distributed at 20 busy tube stations around the capital during rush hour. Thousands more were distributed in other cities around the country.

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Palestien Today 07 01 2010

01-07-2010 15:56

Welcome to Palestine Today a service of the International Middle East Media Centre, for Thursday, July 01, 2010.

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Nottingham responds to budget

01-07-2010 13:32

On Tuesday June 22nd, ConDem Chancellor George Osborne revealed the contents of the “emergency budget.” As expected, this included a pay freeze for public sector workers (except the lowest paid) along with cuts in housing benefit and an increase in VAT. Trade unionists and others demonstrated outside the Council House.

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London World Naked Bike Ride 2010

30-06-2010 21:18

The annual World Naked Bike Ride took place on the streets of London. It started from Hyde Park at 15:30, passing some of London's famous landmarks, and finishing at The Tower of London

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Day Four of Five Day Peace Walk to Colchester

30-06-2010 19:59

Peace campaigners complete longest leg of five-day walk to support war resisters and to oppose Afghan war.
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