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Palestine Today 052809

28-05-2009 13:16


Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Center, for Thursday May 28th, 2009.

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Third attempt to remove Cherbal Family

28-05-2009 08:20

A third set of removal directions have been served on Ismail Cherbal and Safia Aouf, nationals of Algeria, and their British-born children Sonia aged four and son Aya aged 15 months. Who have lived in Blackburn, Lancashire, for almost five years. They are currently detained in Yarl's Wood Immigration Removal Centre and are due to be forcibly removed from the UK on Sunday 31st May, at 15:00 hours on Air Algerie Flight AH2055.

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Wedding 'Die-In' Protest at London Afghanistan War Base, Wed 27 May

27-05-2009 20:41

A bride at Northwood station
Wedding Party peace protest at UK Military HQ in Northwood on Wednesday 27 May 2009 against killing of civilians in Afghanistan, on second anniversary of US attack on wedding party, killing 47.
Pictures Copyright (C) Peter Marshall, 2009. All rights reserved.

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Palestine Today 052709

27-05-2009 15:13


Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Center, for Wednesday May 27th, 2009.

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battle of the tamil flags - parliament square

27-05-2009 11:21

proscribed LTTE emblem
when is a flag a terrorist flag? the answer, it seems, depends on who and where you are! to a tamil student in parliament square, it is, and they're arrested (and fined?!). but if you stand outside new scotland yard and challenge the police to arrest you and test it in court, suddenly it magically becomes the tamil eelam national flag and is NOT proscribed. murky goings-on at parliament square.

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Third attempt to remove Eric Tcheujoue

27-05-2009 07:59

Eric Tcheujoue
Eric Tcheujoue, a national of Cameroon, currently detained in Brook House IRC is due to be forcibly removed to Cameroon on Friday 29 May 2009 on Kenyan Airways flight KQ101 at 20:00.

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West Midlands IWW fundraiser evening with David Rovics & Attila the Stockbroker

26-05-2009 23:37

Photos and short film from the 25th May bank holiday evening..

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Palestine Today 052609

26-05-2009 14:18


Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Center, for Tuesday May 26th, 2009.

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Rev Billy preached in Cambridge Tesco

25-05-2009 17:21

Rev Billy and his choir were in Cambridge today, and joined the no tesco on Mill Road campaign. After an initial sermon at the old Wilco site on Mill Road, where a new Tesco is opposed by a local campaign, the festivities moved to the humongous Tesco on New Market road, where he preached by the tills. Security got a bit twitchy, and the sermon continued outside.

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Palestine Today 052509

25-05-2009 16:32


Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Center, for Monday May 25th, 2009.

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The 300-350 Show: An economic collapse for climate safety?

25-05-2009 14:16

We take a look at some of the links between the credit crunch and the climate crunch with Tim Helweg-Larsen, director of the Public Interest Research Centre and co-author of the “Zero Carbon Britain” & “Climate Safety” reports. There's also an appearance by Kevin Anderson (Research Director at the Tyndall Centre) and a live performance of the "Global Meltdown Derby" by Irish poet Grazzy Noel.

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Pix-&-Vidz of SACK PARLIAMENT! - Sat 23 May 09

25-05-2009 11:22

A. Mister Mayhem and multi-miscreant accomplices
Dateline: London, UK, Sat 23 May 09 – Economic meltdown for global capitalism, political meltdown in both Houses of Parliament, so Meltdown called a SACK PARLIAMENT! protest at short notice – and multi-Guy-Fawkes miscreants, Mister Mayhem, a Red Dragon and dozens of protesters, accompanied by Ian Bone on clown car horn, descended on the Palace of Westminster to blow the fetid, corrupt institution sky high... with GUNPOWDER!

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Protest for UK Doctors Gaza Access

24-05-2009 15:39

Pro Palestine activist picketed David Miliband MP house in Primrose Hill, London in solidarity with the two British surgeons who are on hunger strikes after being denied access to the Gaza strip.

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"Food for the Future" skillshare session at the Sumac centre

24-05-2009 11:22

"Food for the Future" skillshare session was held on Saturday 23rd May 2009 at the Sumac centre.

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Audio: 25 Years After the Battle of Orgreave -- A People's History

23-05-2009 20:05

Attached is a recording of a meeting held on 22nd May 2009 with John Baxter, Sheff labour history writer/lecturer, Mike Simons, author The Great Strike, ex-striking miner Ian Mitchell. After John Baxter spoke the Battle for Orgreave ( ) was shown and then Mike Simons and Ian Mitchell, followed by a question and answer session.

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Government of the Dead (MPs expenses fraud), Parliament - pictures

23-05-2009 19:51

A fizzing time-bomb.
As the political situation degenerates into claims of institutional fraud and widespread nepotism in the British Parliament building, Mr Guy Fawkes visits Parliament for a day out.

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Tim Martin Interview and the Tamils, London - pictures.

23-05-2009 15:38

The civilians of Vanni.
Mr Time Martin is a former aid worker who has lived and worked in rebel-held Northern Sri Lanka. He is currently on hunger strike in Parliament Square while at the same time trying to appeal to the Americans at the US Embassy in London.

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parliament square - battle of the tamil flags

22-05-2009 23:21

legal tamil eelam flag
police, rather than test the truth in court, have taken to their usual method of unlawful seizure and intimidation in the battle against tamil flag waving in parliament square
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