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Demos for Mohammad Arrian

03-01-2006 18:51

There will be 2 demos for Mohammad Arrian
Saturday 7th, 12noon Town Hall steps
Weds 11th, 4pm Town Hall steps

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MEXICO: the zapatistas started the "Other Campaign"!

03-01-2006 15:46

the arrival of "Delegado Zero" - which is Subcommandante Insurgente Marcos
On january the 1th 2006 the zapatistas started the "Other Campaign" with a 20.000 people demonstration in San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico.
The "Other Campaign" means trying to establish a political counterweight to the ruling class in Mexico - and the world by forming an anarchist network of groups and individuals from below, worldwide...

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We want your video

03-01-2006 15:16

Do you have a video camera, or a phone that records video clips?
Do you film at protests and political events?

rampART is doing weekly free cinema nights (every thursday from 8pm) and hopes to be able to start each weeks screenings with a short collection of newsreals of recent events from a grassroots perspective.

Submissions should be short (5 mins max), and self contained - ie. they should be editted pieces not raw footage that explain the 'what, where, when, why and how' of the story. (Uneditted clips of less than 1 min would be okay if the person who filmed it is there to present and explain the background.)

These newsreals should be of recent events, eg, stuff that has happened within the last week ideally.

Format wise, pretty much any common screenable quality format would be fine (appart from VHS). DVD, VCD, MPEG4 etc prefered.

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Vanunu request for international solidarity

03-01-2006 14:31

Mordechai Vanunu the Israeli whistleblower who revealed Israel's weapons of mass destruction in 1986 and was released from prison in 2004 faces another court appearance in January 2006. He emails with the following appeal:

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Plane Stupid Campaign building up steam

03-01-2006 10:59

The campaign to stop the third runway at Heathrow is building up steam, attracting lots of national press coverage. This follows the pie-ing of Alistair Darling, the disruption of the aviation conference and the demo on Towerbridge that meant the aviation bosses required a police escort.

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Aspartame: Hazard to your health....

03-01-2006 10:38

Stop Poisons In The food chain..........

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STOP THE OXFORD ANIMAL LAB - Midlands coach transport

02-01-2006 21:29

Join the battle to stop this animal torture lab being built in Oxford.

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Infousurpa n6

02-01-2006 14:47

Weekly independent poster of social centres activities

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Live party by the Dead Sea on New Year's Eve.

02-01-2006 10:09

This is a short, humorous account of the lively party by the Dead Sea on New Year's Eve. 13 photos attached.

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Broadway Market occupation continues

01-01-2006 23:42

Details of the continued occupation of Café Francesca, 34 Broadway Market, Hackney by local residents.

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Mohammed Arrian fights deportation

01-01-2006 19:05

Mohammed Arrian is to be deported to Afghanistan in two weeks time. This is despite the fact that all the rest of his family are happily settled in Sheffield and all have indefinate leave to remain in this country. The Home Office are even refusing to talk to Richard Caborn, his MP about the situation.

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USA: "Patriotism Tests" at school

01-01-2006 12:14

US-pupils being given "patriotism" tests in school...

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Working in Iraq

01-01-2006 09:29

Contractors, Marcenaries, Private soldiers -- whatever you call them... they are working in Iraq.

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Political Prisoner - Veronza Bowers

01-01-2006 03:09

How is it possible for a citizen of the USA to:

1. Serve his complete sentence under law;
2. Go thorough the entire parole process having his release recommended at every stage and at each hearing;
3. Have his release date rescinded four times at, literally, the very last minute;
4. Have the highest administrative parole body in the nation vote on and fail to overturn his petition for parole

. . . and still be held in prison for 16 moths after this sentence expired?

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london transport tonite

31-12-2005 19:27

Whilst overpaid wanking social services staff go on strike Around lslington ( darlings) as £33K+ isn't enough for those class warriors ( forthe otherside ), the (another jobs for the boys like construction and steel before it ) network of the tube is going on strike - well some of them - most lines are OK. Solidarity for the unemployed in this 'golden age' -never was -ain't now either. Left wing right wing jobswirth fuck 'em all.

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Call For An Anarchist Bloc At National Day of Action to Defend Council Housing

31-12-2005 17:07

Privatisation has been sweeping the UK and attacking the working class and the downtrodden for years. Housing, Transport, Hospitals, Gas, Schools and water are just part of an ever growing list of services and resources which have been sold off by the state to marauding capitalist groups.

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Hunt fears exposure

31-12-2005 11:46

Hunt stewards
A HUNT in Sussex is using stewards to try and stop opponents exposing their activities, telling them it is illegal to stand still on a public footpath.

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Rage against the NATO war conference – they make war, we make trouble

31-12-2005 02:14

The days of war-planners meeting in Munich, going largely unnoticed by the general public, are a thing of the past. Meanwhile they have to barricade themselves behind a mass of police units because in the last few years thousands of people have confronted the military's generals, the war ministers and the arms lobbyists/dealers with their resistance.
There are reasons enough for this. The German armed forces (Bundeswehr) celebrate in their 50th year of existence as a globally active "peace-keeping" force and increase their participation in the "war on terrorism" not only in Afghanistan. The USA and Great Britain and their occupying regime in Iraq have created a system that in reality offers the Iraqi people only terror and a fight for survival.

The rulers in the EU continue to aspire to the formation of a European military force despite the failure to implement a Europe-wide constitution: The supposed protection from terrorist attacks serves as a convenient springboard for racist exclusion tactics, repression and deprivation of human, civil and international rights.

For these reasons the exponents of such policies are getting together in Munich’s Hotel Bayerischer Hof from 3rd to 5th February 2006.

Let’s prepare a suitable reception for them!

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Online Petition NO SHOOT TO KILL!

30-12-2005 20:41

Please sign the online petition initiated by the United Families & Friends Campaign (UFFC) to abolish the Shoot To Kill Policy, and spread the word.

Sign now:

For full petition text and more links see article.

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30-12-2005 19:28

It's not the al-Jazeera Memo, but these are some more documents that the
UK Government are trying to supress with the threat of prosecution under
the Official Secrets Act. They detail our use of intelligence extracted
by torture, and legal advice the Foreign Office received on the subject,
and we need to get them out there as soon as possible before the
government act.
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