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22/03/07 - Norwegian Embassy/Statoil protest - human rights in Rossport

23-03-2007 01:15

Today saw a human rights demonstration at the Norwegian Embassy in London in support and solidarity with the people of Rossport, County Mayo, Ireland.

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Zimbabwe Protesters arrested for trespassing at their own embassy!

23-03-2007 01:11

Yesterday, Thursday 22nd March, ten Zimbabweans were arrested for trespassing at the Zimbabwean Embassy in London. The protesters, all members of Zimbabwe's main opposition, The Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) were refused access to to their ambassador to demand an explanation for the continuing oppression of dissedent voices in the Southern African state.

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Empire as a Way of Life, Part 3

22-03-2007 21:24


The current imperial slaughter in the Middle East, justified by the "Global War on Terror", that has resulted in at least 600,000 deaths in Iraq, is nothing new — the U.S. Empire has a long and sordid history of genocidal mass murder.

The history of the US imperialism and Empire is the subject of a series of ten monthly seminars from Dr John Marciano, "Empire as a Way of Life". Attached is a recording of the third of these seminars and the text upon which it was based. The first 6 of these seminars have taken place and the intention is to have the whole series published on this site; the last 4 will take place between now and June.

This seminar, recorded on 21th November 2006 by the L.A. Sound Posse, runs for 36 minutes and includes the discussion following. It has been made available under a Creative Commons license. If this recording is broadcast please let the L.A. Sound Posse know. This recording was originally made available on the A-Infos Radio Project site.

The following text has been reproduced here with the kind permission of Dr John Marciano and he can be contacted at He introduced this series of seminars in the following way:

A fundamental purpose of our meetings is to understand the systemic nature of the U.S. Empire and the economic and military imperialism that is its lifeblood. The historian William Appleman Williams argues that empire became "a way of life" in the U.S., a "combination of patterns of thought and action that, as it becomes habitual and institutionalized, defines the thrust and character of a culture and society." This "way of life" has convinced many U.S. "Americans" they have a right or "manifest destiny" to impose their political and economic policies upon others.

Dr John Marciano is Professor Emeritus, State University of New York at Cortland, where he taught courses on social and historical foundations of education and class, gender and race.

Previous parts of this series:

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Take Action Against Illegal Tree Felling in Liverpool!

22-03-2007 20:05

Woodchipper for felled trees - Liverpool Garden Festival Site March 2007
Langtree McLean are currently cutting their way through trees at the former Garden Festival site in Liverpool, even though they don't have planning permission yet and they don't own the site yet! If they get their way, the site will be almost completely clear-felled!

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Welfare Reform: The ‘unthinkable’ may be about to happen!

22-03-2007 16:41

biggest changes in welfare for over 60 years about to come...

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National Grid feeling the pressure as time runs out on giant pipeline project

22-03-2007 13:31

Bogged down
National Grid's pet pipeline is way behind schedule. They are in a panicked rush to get it built and avoid hefty fines, but a determined protest campaign and the rugged welsh landscape are ganging up on the ill-fated pipe.

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massive westminster security breach - won't be on mainstream

22-03-2007 13:11

yesterday afternoon, a lone protester drove her car through the main gates into the westminster compound, her aim to perform a citizen's arrest on tony blair. this was a massive breach of security, but police are anxious to keep it quiet for all sorts of reasons, so i doubt you'll hear about it on mainstream media.

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Aksu Family belong to Glasgow

22-03-2007 06:18

Yamur Aksu
Yamur didn't get a chance to blow out the candles on her cake. Instead her mum and dad were handcuffed and with her, her sister, 14-year-old Pinar, and her brother, 10-year-old Byram, were taken in a blacked out van to the Dungavel Detention Centre. Two days later they were transferred to Yarl's Wood IRC.

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Waku Family Must Stay

22-03-2007 06:15

Max Jean-Marc Grace Onoya
At 7.00am on Monday the 19th March 2007 the Waku family were awakened when Immigration Officers forcibly entered their home in Cardonald. The children watched their dad being handcuffed and led out of the house to a waiting van. The rest of the family were then removed one by one from their home and put into waiting vans. They are now in Dungavel Immigration Removal Centre.

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Plea for help for Dagon family from Newcastle

22-03-2007 06:12

On Friday 23rd March 2007 yet another Kurdish Alevi family from Newcastle are due to be deported to Turkey against their will on British Airways flight BA676. Café Dagon has lived in England since 2000 and his wife Hatice and his children Aidin (18) and Aysun (15) joined him a year later in 2001.

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Remembrance and Resistance

22-03-2007 01:51

3 Nights at Ramparts on Colonialism, Racism & the fight for Justice
RampART Creative Social Centre
7a Rampart Street, off Commercial Road, LONDON, E2
Nearest Tube Whitechapel, Aldgate East, Shadwell

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Removing a lock-on

22-03-2007 01:42

Start by reviewing the situation (take as long as you like :)
Photos of the removal of the successful blockade of Faslane on Monday

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Multinationals finance colombian paramilitaries.

21-03-2007 13:57

Chiquita Brands, an US based banana growing multinational has been condemned to pay a heavy fine by its financial backing of the AUC, the right wing paramilitary colombian group. But there's more to it that has been reported in the english speaking media...

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Celebrate 10 years of the Peace Community of San José de Apartadó

21-03-2007 13:52

Until the Final Stone
We invite you to a vigil outside the Colombian Embassy to celebrate 10 years
of the San José de Apartadó Peace Community and press for justice in the
investigation of the 21st February 2005 massacre.

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Lobby to keep English lessons free

21-03-2007 12:54

Save ESOL petition and placards
While constituents of Siôn Simon MP talked to him in his surgery, supporters of a campaign to keep English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) classes free of charge were outside collecting a petition in Erdington High St. They had a warm welcome from many local residents.

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Stop the Deportation of the Dagon family - We need your help

21-03-2007 09:55

On Friday 23 March 2007 yet another Kurdish Alevi family from Newcastle are due to be deported to Turkey against their will on flight BA676. Café Dagon has lived in England since 2000 and his wife Hatice and his children Aidin (18) and Aysun (15) joined him a year later in 2001.

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"Naming the Dead" ceremony in Reading, Berks.

21-03-2007 09:15

Peace activists mark 4th anniversary of Iraq war

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Nottingham University Student Die-In :: to protest at un-ethical investments

21-03-2007 00:31

Nottingham University Student held a Die-In outside the Portland Building On Tuesday afternoon [20 March] at 1.00pm to protest at un-ethical investments and the university's connection with the arms trade.

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Unrest in Immigration Detention Centres

20-03-2007 23:33

There is a history of resistance against detention which goes back to the day detention centres first opened. Uprisings and hunger strikes have always happened inside these monstruos institutions, but they seem to be on the increase, especially in the last five years. This is more than likely a result of incarcerating larger masses of increasingly desperate people.

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First Pre-Emptive Peace Strike - Don't Attack Iran

20-03-2007 20:12

A report on the first pre-emptive peace strike asking the government not to attack Iran that took place in Parliament Square today.
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