UK Promoted Newswire Archive
Barcelona Sin Papeles: art/activism
13-06-2004 21:09

The picture shows people scribbling their demands on a 25 meter roll of paper cellotaped on the marble stones of Placa Catalunya. The following text describes how this simple action developed.
Nottingham: Another Anti-G8/McDonalds event
12-06-2004 16:05

BLAG - an activists operating system on 1 cd
11-06-2004 11:33
BLAG Linux And GNU by the Brixton Linux Action Group.Specially designed for activists but can be used by all !
comes on 1 cd has programs for txt, image, audio and video editing already within it
one of the best things about this distrobution is once youve installed it you never need to install another it has an automatic updating system even when a new operating system is released bit like windows updater only better no need to delete your old operating system and install a new one like windows 2000-> wondows xp
Nottingham, Colwick 'Oil' Demonstration / Blockade
09-06-2004 18:57

Critical Mass : Nottingham
08-06-2004 19:47

A few folks cylced in Nottingham today, in support of environmental matters. To draw attention to an awareness of the madness of global capitalism.

The G8 meeting is happening now, on an island, so we protest, were we can.
I took these few piccys, before they cycled out of view, and I lost 'em!
Embassy demo for prisoner.
25-05-2004 09:49

Prisoner demo Monday at US Embassy...
19-05-2004 13:53

12-05-2004 09:33
Assert our right as workers & community members to speak the plain truth about racismCOME TO LAMBETH COUNCIL AGM
Wednesday 19th May
6.00pm Lambeth Town Hall
Support the MOVEMENT FOR JUSTICE petition
Calling on Lambeth Council to instruct its management to make it clear that from now on it will respect the right to speak the truth about racism - issuing a public notice stating that:
Mayday :: Nottingham
01-05-2004 15:53

Assemble 11 - 12noon at the Castle (Robin Hood's Statue).
March to Old Market Square, led by Nottingham School of Samba, for rally with speakers on
theme of Trade Justice and Internationalism, live music and piratical entertainment.
Brighthouse Debt Protest
01-05-2004 13:00

SchNEWS at Ten Tour passed through Nottingham
30-04-2004 22:41

Nottingham Sumac Centre, 245 Gladstone Street, Nottingham NG7 6HX 8.30pm Tel. 0845 458 9595. For info about the tour at large:

a small people power victory at downing street anti-occupation demo yesterday
18-04-2004 13:10

BP AGM - pics, report and press release
15-04-2004 21:32

pics from aldermarston today
12-04-2004 22:08

pics form anti-occupation demo outside downing street this afternoon
11-04-2004 19:43

a few pics from aldermarston march start at trafalgar square 9/4/4
10-04-2004 18:11

29-03-2004 13:55

(Hardcore as in the real hardcore ...punk not rave)
the blacksmoke post-terrorist modernism diy mp3 ep
Sharrow Lantern Procession Photos
28-03-2004 23:35