Mayday :: Nottingham
Alan Lodge [tash] | 01.05.2004 15:53
Mayday in Nottingham :: Robin Hood Statue to Market Square
Assemble 11 - 12noon at the Castle (Robin Hood's Statue).
March to Old Market Square, led by Nottingham School of Samba, for rally with speakers on
theme of Trade Justice and Internationalism, live music and piratical entertainment.
Assemble 11 - 12noon at the Castle (Robin Hood's Statue).
March to Old Market Square, led by Nottingham School of Samba, for rally with speakers on
theme of Trade Justice and Internationalism, live music and piratical entertainment.
Mayday in Nottingham
Robin Hood Statue to Market Square
Assemble 11 - 12noon at the Castle (Robin Hood's Statue).
March to Old Market Square, led by Nottingham School of Samba, for rally with speakers on
theme of Trade Justice and Internationalism, live music and piratical entertainment.
May Day Trade Justice march and rally Saturday 1st May 12.00 pm
Meet at Nottingham Castle
“Global Pirates - Up Close and Ugly” themed trade justice march. Meet at Nottingham Castle at 12 noon to march to Market Square for a rally with live music, piratical entertainment and stalls. Speakers include Alan Simpson MP, Trade Union members and representatives of Oxfam and Christian Aid.
Robin Hood Statue to Market Square
Assemble 11 - 12noon at the Castle (Robin Hood's Statue).
March to Old Market Square, led by Nottingham School of Samba, for rally with speakers on
theme of Trade Justice and Internationalism, live music and piratical entertainment.
May Day Trade Justice march and rally Saturday 1st May 12.00 pm
Meet at Nottingham Castle
“Global Pirates - Up Close and Ugly” themed trade justice march. Meet at Nottingham Castle at 12 noon to march to Market Square for a rally with live music, piratical entertainment and stalls. Speakers include Alan Simpson MP, Trade Union members and representatives of Oxfam and Christian Aid.

Alan Lodge [tash]
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