UK Promoted Newswire Archive
vedanta protest in london today - reports and pics
11-01-2013 22:46

SchNEWS: Bexhill Street Blues
07-01-2013 22:16

As predicted, contractors were back at work today on the Bexhill-Hastings Link Rd being built smack through the middle of tranquil Combe Haven. Despite the fact that the funding for the road isn't yet in place East Sussex County Council seem determined to fell all the trees along the route. But now activists are better prepared and this morning (Monday 7th) issued forth from their makeshift tree camps and managed to significantly disrupt work.
Morton Hall in revolt again
03-01-2013 16:55
The situation in Morton Hall immigration detention centre is at boiling point again after a series of incidents around Christmas. The trigger for events was another serious breach of their responsibilities by the detention centre management who failed to deal swiftly with disruptions to the water supply. A large number of detainees refused to return to their cells in protest. A serious disturbance on Christmas Eve resulted in a detainee ending up in hospital with a serious head injury and injuries to a number of prison officers. There was also a thwarted escape attempt on Christmas Day.
According to No Deportations the situation that sparked the incident was grim:
there was a serious water supply failure, before the incident, all toilets blocked, no running water whatsoever, no cooked meals, detainees given sandwiches and cold drinks
Libcom has more detail:
Several prison officers are reported to have been injured during a serious disturbance at the Morton Hall Immigration Removal Centre on Christmas Eve. One prisoner is said to be in a serious condition in hospital with a head injury. Between 30 and 40 Prisoners are believed to have started a peaceful protest against conditions within the facility, and refused to return to their cells when instructed to.
Despite the UK border agency playing down the incident, the POA (Prison Officer Association) claim that around 50 individuals were involved in serious violence that included the use of home-made knives, pool-cues, and snooker balls. They also claim that there was a serious escape attempt thwarted on Christmas day.
A POA spokesperson stated that:
“We feel one of our people is going to get killed as staffing levels have been reduced. We will get a member of staff killed on duty”.
Local activists with contacts inside the prison had been told of detainees being locked in their cells without access to toilet facilities for most of the day in another disgraceful abuse of power by the authorities. Other reports suggest that detainees have been subjected to a long-running campaign of sleep deprivation by guards deliberately banging doors when doing night time checks.
When people are forced into intolerable conditions for the "crime" of crossing borders without asking permission it is no surprise that they resist. We need to demonstrate our active solidarity when they do.
SchNEWS: Bexhill Camp Needs You!
31-12-2012 15:41
Full article with links

The protest camp against the Bexhill Hastings Link Road is now up and running
SchNEWS - Above the Law?
30-12-2012 11:40
Murky goings on as Sussex fox-hunt fronted by ex-policeman attacks monitors and flouts the law.Full article with links

Communities won't take the closure of nurseries and childrens centres.
25-12-2012 19:00

In total at least 250 protested outside Sheffield Town Hall against the Labour council's planned slashing of Sure Start children's centres and nurseries.
The council is aiming to cut £3.5m from these centres. Currently there are 36 centres, all Ofsted registered and providing childcare, health, education and family support. All would be downgraded.
Instead the aim is to have 17 children's centre 'areas', with each area having only one nursery. The council calls its proposals a 'redesign' and incredibly has claimed that the service will improve, reaching more children.
Yet, at the same time, it blames the government for forcing the cuts on it - thereby implying that the service will suffer.
19 of the 36 centres have been earmarked for closure. Five of the seven centres that received an 'outstanding' grade from Ofsted last year are amongst those under threat.
Many nursery workers and parents have been told that their centres will be closed by March 2013 at the latest.
Yet the council is saying that there will be no closures. What it means is that it will use all the sites for something - it's just that 19 of them won't have childcare services!
sharon milson
SchNEWS - Battle of Bexhill update
17-12-2012 17:15
Update! - Four days of direct action against Bexhill link road.Anti-road protestors in Bexhill were ambushed by an early start to the tree-felling on the controversial Bexhill-Hastings link road this week, but they rallied and over foursuccessive days of direct action have put a spanner in the works.
Battle of Bexhill Begins
16-12-2012 21:47
For full article with links - head here
Anti-road protestors in Bexhill were ambushed by an early start to the tree-felling on the controversial Bexhill-Hastings link road this week, but they rallied and over three successive days of direct action have put a spanner in the works.
Boycott Workfare Video
11-12-2012 13:47

Anti-Workfare Pickets Glasgow Report
10-12-2012 20:31
On Saturday 8th December as part of the Boycott Workfare Week Of Action a couple of dozen people from Clydeside Industrial Workers Of The World, the Crutch Collective, Glasgow Anarchist Federation, Glasgow Solidarity Federation, the Right To Work Campaign and other individuals leafleted a branch of Superdrug in one of the city centre's busiest streets.Boycott Workfare day of action
10-12-2012 18:28
Saturday 8th December was the start of a week of action against Workfare, in Birmingham protesters from Boycott Workfare, Birmingham Against the Cuts, Disabled People Against the Cuts, Anonymous Birmingham and Birmingham Food not Bombs gathered outside Poundland, a local company using Workfare. The groups we’re also joined by protesters coming from the nearby UK Uncut Starbucks action where Starbucks were targeted for not paying tax.[1]Full article | 1 addition | 6 comments
Santa stops dawn raid !
10-12-2012 09:08

Santa is currently refusing to come down from the tripod, which is decorated with tinsel and Christmas decorations, until the UKBA can promise that no more children will be terrorised by immigration officials breaking into their homes to arrest them.
islington starbucks ukuncut actions yesterday - report & pics 2 of 2
09-12-2012 13:53

islington starbucks ukuncut actions yesterday - report & pics 1 of 2
09-12-2012 12:57

small determined workfare demo in holloway, london yesterday
09-12-2012 12:17

Anti-Austerity Protest, Manchester Report and Pics
09-12-2012 00:02
Over 350 demonstrators marched through Manchester city centre today,Sat 8th Dec, in opposition to the continuing Government Austerity measures.
UK Uncut protest against tax dodgers Starbucks
08-12-2012 23:39
Today, on the 8th of December 2012, UK Uncut protesters successfully occupied and shut down two Starbucks branches in Birmingham city centre.100 people at #Sheffield @ukuncut #Starbucks Action
08-12-2012 22:41

Workfare’s Christmas Bonus For The Bosses
08-12-2012 21:55

small but loud protest and direct action at india house - report & pics
06-12-2012 18:39