UK Promoted Newswire Archive
Birmingham Anti-Election Campaign
12-05-2010 16:20

Palestine Today 05 12 2010
12-05-2010 15:51

Who is the real David Cameron?
11-05-2010 20:16

Palestine Today 05 11 2010
11-05-2010 16:40

Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Center for Tuesday May 11th, 2010.
Fifth in series of demonstrations outside settler company Ahava
08-05-2010 19:47

End the War in Afghanistan, Downing Street, London - Pictures
08-05-2010 17:46

People's Jury Condemns Arms Manufacturer
07-05-2010 17:14

Democracy Camp on Election Day
07-05-2010 17:04

Black Cat Centre (Bath) Illegally Evicted
07-05-2010 14:55
The Black Cat, Bath, has sadly been evicted this morning from the Porter Butt building on London Road.You cannot represent us - election count picket in Mcr
07-05-2010 01:12

Democrazy Village + Peace Festival at Westminster
06-05-2010 18:24
Almost a week now Parliament Square has been occupied by the Democracy Village, which today on election day is gearing up for the Peace Festival in much nicer weather than the last couple of days...
See reports [day 1 | day 3 | day 4] and pics [1 | 2]
Day by Day - The Story of a 13 year old Afghan boy's journey to Calais
06-05-2010 12:26

UK Coal plc: An Honourable Record of Site Restoration
06-05-2010 10:48
This statement and letter explains how a letter criticising UK Coal's claims to always honour restoration conditions at opencast sites came to be written before the letter goes on to explain what happen on two previous sites worked by this company where it's behaviour was at least questionableMissed Appointments: The Nigerian prince and the UK failed immigration system
06-05-2010 00:43

Last February The Independent ran a story about a Nigerian prince who had suffered prolonged mistreatment in UK detention centres to the extent that he allegedly "begged" the Home Office to return him back home, where he had suffered gunshot wounds and beatings at the hands of his torturers. The article by Robert Verkaik, however, omitted important details of the systematic failures of the UK Border Agency and G4S, despite swathes of evidence sent to the paper's Home Affairs editor by Prince Ademola Babatunde Bakare via his supporters. Without the details, the article almost rendered him “a fussy prince moaning about not being looked after,” as one of his visitors put it. The documents have since been passed to Corporate Watch and Mr Bakare has left the country with serious medical conditions resulting from the systematic negligence he received in detention. Here is the full story.
Bristol Eco Village Evicted - One Villager With Potentially Serious Injuries
05-05-2010 21:22
Bailiffs acting for the High Court on behalf of the land owner today succeeded in evicting the Eco Village from their site in St Werberghs.Middlesex Students Occupy Entire Building
05-05-2010 20:56

Bristol Eco Villager hospitalised after tripod demolition
05-05-2010 20:14
Bailiffs succeed in evicting Bristol Eco VillageEuropean Court of Human Rights halts Bita Ghaedi deportation.
05-05-2010 18:14

Democracy Village Peace Festival – Pix & Call Out
05-05-2010 17:51

Our Dreams Don't Fit on Your Ballots
05-05-2010 13:18