UK Promoted Newswire Archive
Climate Activists Cheer 'Two Down, One To Go', As Great Climate Swoop Looms
11-10-2009 18:00
Climate activists have been celebrating a double victory this week, whilecontinuing plans to take control of a second power station this weekend.
Easy Jet Event to Encourage Israeli Tourism Picketed by Pro-Palestine Demonstrators
11-10-2009 17:33

The 300-350 Show: Forests in the Copenhagen Deal
11-10-2009 16:35

Greenpeace activists take parliament roof
11-10-2009 16:21

Tomorrow MPs return from their summer break and the government's own Committee on Climate Change will publish a progress report on UK carbon emissions. They make it clear that Britain is not doing enough to meet its commitments, and insist that a "step change" in emissions cuts is needed. With just 60 days go until the critical climate summit in Copenhagen - which faces a very real chance of failure as things stand - Britain has yet to show true commitment to making the process a success. We need politicians who are thinking about the next generation, not just the next election.
Poor Turnout for the English Defence League Demo
11-10-2009 14:41

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Newcastle March and Rally against Vivisection report
11-10-2009 01:47
newcastle march and rally against vivisectionSabotage and digger-diving – work stopped twice in two days at Mainshill Wood
10-10-2009 23:06

Third Demo this Week for Next One Leather
10-10-2009 21:47
Seven activists today held a demonstration at Next One Leather and their backers for the third time this week.Gude Cause Anniversary March In Edinburgh
10-10-2009 21:27

10-10-2009 10:57
The Great Climate Swoop descends next week on the coal-fired power station at Ratcliffe-On-Soar near Nottingham... plus, the brutal eviction of refugees from camps in Calais continues, the racist English Defence League are marching against this weekend, this time in Manchester, with two marches in Wales later in the month, the IMF and World Bank meet this week in Istanbul as riots break out on the streets, and more...Reports from the Brighton Tubas Solidarity Group - Update From Bil In
09-10-2009 21:28
A delegation from Brighton are in Palestine. They will be reporting on the numberous resistance projects in the Jordan Valley, where local Bedouins and other Palestinians are coming together to challenge the occupation by constructing schools, health clinics, homes, playgrounds, roads and water pipes in defiance of Israeli military restrictions Read their blog att to keep up to date with what is happening.This Week in Palestine -Week 41 2009
09-10-2009 17:54

Welcome to This Week in Palestine, a service of the International Middle East Media Center,, for October 3rd to 9th, 2009
Calais quick update
09-10-2009 15:34
Destruction of migrants' camp and squats continues10 Northumberland Road Eviction Hearing Date
09-10-2009 11:51

The Great Climate Swoop - 10 days to go!
08-10-2009 19:25

Palestine Today 100809
08-10-2009 18:12

Activists Back at Next One Leather
08-10-2009 17:21
ACTIVISTS DEMO NEXT ONE LEATHER FOR THE 2ND TIME THIS WEEKSheffield Star Coverage of Pisghah House eviction
08-10-2009 15:50

Sheffield Social Centre now at 10 Northumberland Road
08-10-2009 12:05

Surpise announcement - EON fucked off!
08-10-2009 00:07
Tonight the German energy giant Eon issued a statement which effectively takes them out of the picture for the governments gift of one billion pounds of public money to build a new coal-fired power station with the controversial carbon capture and storage technology, and means that (for now at least) the aging Kingsnorth power station will not be replaced.