UK Promoted Newswire Archive
Climate camp - taking action
01-09-2009 09:09
Climate camp activists are on the move taking action across London now!Around the Campaigns Tuesday 1st September 2009
01-09-2009 09:04
Good news 1: Anselme Noumbiwa back in Tees Valley"Anselme was released from Brook House IRC at 16:00 yesterday and is back home, exhausted but otherwise in good spirits. Speaking from home this morning he sends his heartfelt thanks to all who have been supporting him over the last week. For the time being he is safe but he is not forgetting those Cameroonians still in detention and facing removal by charter flight. He will be with others trying to organize a demonstration against the charter flight to be held outside Home Office Reporting Centre Dallas Court Manchester this Friday coming."
Friends of Anselme

Climate Campers visit the Daily Mail
01-09-2009 08:35
Under this weeks Climate Camp the Daily Mail has visited us several times. Now its time for us to repay the courtesy and pay them a return visit and like them we feel familiar enough not to need to announce our visit in advance. Were just going to pop in.Calais - Activists Disrupt CRS Raid on Eritrean House
31-08-2009 21:23
Calais - Activists Disrupt CRS Raid on Eritrean HousePalestine Today 083109
31-08-2009 17:20

Photo- London Rally for human rights demands release of 36 Iranian refugees
31-08-2009 01:18

Hundreds of Iranians gathered outside the US Embassy in London on day 33 of a hunger strike by a dozen Iranians who are calling on the US authorities to prevent a further massacre of their relatives at Camp Ashraf, Iraq.
Workers' Fightback 16: Council pool occupied in Somerset, Postie Wildcats, China
30-08-2009 22:34
We support... rank and file workers' struggles against the chaotic profit system!We believe... workers know how to run our workplaces far better than business people, the government, or trade union leaders!
We aim for... workers' control over our own jobs and our own lives!
Calais roundup - ongoing support needed
30-08-2009 17:32
Round up from last few days in CalaisEnglish slaughterhouses exposed
30-08-2009 00:24

Watch the 10-minute compilation film:

Another day, another demo for Zippos Circus
29-08-2009 18:11
SARC made sure that Friday nights punters at Zippos Circus knew that with all the tricks and lights was a much darker and more abusive side.Full article | 1 addition | 2 comments
NOborder Camp Lesvos BREAKING NEWS
29-08-2009 15:36
This is happening right now (14pm greek time): Refugees detained in Pagani have broken the locks of the gates and are out in the yard, so still inside Pagani. They refuse to get back into their cells and demand their immediate release. Outside are 50 noborders and counting. We’ll keep you updated.The passion for freedom is stronger than any prison!
This Week in Palestine -Week 35 2009
28-08-2009 15:25

Welcome to This Week in Palestine, a service of the International Middle East Media Center,, for August 22nd to 28th, 2009
The Amey case: Burn your bridges, save your dignity
28-08-2009 08:56
Two of the workers sacked by Amey in September 2008, who had fought for reinstatement and compensation, recently lost their legal battle, which had lasted almost a year.Rose-Jane & Natale Must stay!
28-08-2009 07:12

More protest for Zippos Circus
27-08-2009 19:46

cruise ISSSS selling real fur
27-08-2009 14:42
2 animal rights supporters visited cruise in newcastle yestrerday after hearing its now selling real fur againPalestine Today 082709
27-08-2009 14:00

Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Center, for Thursday, August 27th 2009.
Lammas Ecovillage, Wales gets Planning Approval (finally!)
27-08-2009 11:48

Crisis = Cuts! Strike at Tower Hamlets College now
27-08-2009 10:52
On 5 June the Principal of Tower Hamlets College, Michael Farley, emailed staff a document called ‘Securing the Future’ that hit us like a shockwave. The ensuing 30 day ‘consultation process’ left us with the following:Opening night protest at Zippos Circus
27-08-2009 00:04