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cruise ISSSS selling real fur

bright idea | 27.08.2009 14:42 | Analysis | Animal Liberation | Education | Sheffield

2 animal rights supporters visited cruise in newcastle yestrerday after hearing its now selling real fur again

we went into cruise in newcastle walked around the store and suprise suprise quess what ITS SELLING REAL FUR again
we went to the maneger who told us no no its not real fur its artifacal not buying the story we asked whats their company policey on fur to which she said we dont sell fur

cruise has sold real fur beofre then swore blind to animal rights campainers that they aint
NOW its a confromation they ARE selliing fur

campiners are theinking about what to do next so watch this space as we might go for a nice NOISE protest

we encourage people tho to ring 0191 261 0510 complian about them lieing and selling real fur AGAIN

bright idea


Display the following 4 comments

  1. Good for them — Pete
  2. do you have — Max
  3. Pete — veg@n
  4. I'll be checking — Newcastle activist