UK Promoted Newswire Archive
Yarl's Wood IRC: Mothers & Fathers on Hunger Strike
17-06-2009 10:52
Once again there is unrest in a UK Immigration Removal CentreThird Attempt to Remove Deji Ogundimu
17-06-2009 10:47

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Pictures from the SOAS occupation - 16th June
17-06-2009 00:20

Rossport Solidarity Group Take Action at Van Oord's UK Offices
16-06-2009 23:16

Green Kite Midnight serenades BP Portrait Award ceremony
16-06-2009 22:10

Update from the SOAS occupation
16-06-2009 18:46
Following a well-attended rally at 4:30, which was followed by a march round the Bloomsbury colleges, the occupiers had a long meeting to discuss their demands, some of which the director has already agreed on, while others are still being negotiated.Just after 7pm, people were told by the management that the directors have left and negotiations will have to resume in the morning. The 'deadline' for getting back to them with the finalised demands was 7pm. Apparently they were too busy to wait for a few minutes!
Mass hunger strike in Yarls' Wood and riot in Brook House immigration prisons
16-06-2009 15:32
No one in Yarlswood went to dinner last night and the hunger strike is continuing today. The managers of Yarlswood have met and are trying to see what to do, but are blocking the detainees from speaking to reporters and people outside the detention centre.Palestine Today 061609
16-06-2009 15:00

Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Center, for Monday June 15th, 2009.
Manchester Plane Stupid disrupt aviation industry conference
16-06-2009 14:56

Nopretence post-action statement
15-06-2009 21:50
On Sunday, June 7th a group of anarcha-feminists took the Stage at the Anarchist Conference 09 to protest about sexist oppression within the movement. They projected a film and read out a statement.Speak out against Racism and Deportations - 13 June
15-06-2009 16:40

Palestine Today 061509
15-06-2009 15:52

Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Center, for Monday June 15th, 2009.
Eleven Activists Arrested as Trident Ploughshares Blockades Aldermaston
15-06-2009 15:07

The surprise blockades have caused massive road blockages and construction vehicles have been prevented from getting into Aldermaston.
Support SOAS occupation 4.30pm today
15-06-2009 12:52

Speakers to be confirmed.
All media welcome
SOAS steps
Many staff will also be there.
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Sikhs March in London against Caste Discrimination
15-06-2009 12:20

Pictures Copyright (C) 2009 Peter Marshall
London World Nakede Bike Ride 2009
15-06-2009 11:51

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SOAS directors office occupied to demand release of 9 cleaners!
15-06-2009 11:43
SOAS directors office occupied to demand release of 9 cleaners! Rally called for 4.30pm todayReport of anti-BNP march in Leeds
13-06-2009 22:42
Somewhere between 300 and 500 gathered by Leeds Art Gallery today (Saturday) to oppose the BNP after their electoral success in Yorkshire and the Humber. Despite the police refusing permission, a march took place in which Anti-Fascists briefly reclaimed the streets of Leeds.Loyalists in Leeds photos
13-06-2009 16:49