UK Promoted Newswire Archive
The Problem With...Work
19-07-2008 14:45
At what age do you think your working future is planned out for you? If you are conscience of the impact civilization has on our lives, you shouldn’t be surprised to hear that the answer is: "from birth".Full article | 1 addition | 1 comment
Eviction gets go ahead - Bodge House
19-07-2008 14:07
Activists fortify Bodge House against UK Coal open cast mine and the eviction squadThe group of direct activists occupying Lodge House opencast site since 18th June have declared that they are ready to resist eviction.
Start of 6 Days for 6 Years Vigil Outside US Embassy, London
19-07-2008 11:31

Myspace deleting profiles of animal rights groups
18-07-2008 23:56

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Kentucky Fried Cruelty...
18-07-2008 22:12
To highlight the incredible suffering inflicted on millions of animals by KFC, including a staggering 960,000 chickens every hour, the Nottingham Animal Rights crew spent a productive Thursday evening leafletting outside KFC.This Week In Palestine – Week 29 2008
18-07-2008 17:48

Traps & Enclosures Sabotaged - Ilkley Moor
18-07-2008 17:32
Grouse Liberation Front Communique:Reported 18th July
Local Government Strike: Day Two
18-07-2008 16:35

Anti-Wembley Academy occupation comes to an end
18-07-2008 15:27

Private Equity Headquarters Under Lock Down in London July 17
18-07-2008 15:01

Squatters Illegally Evicted From Abandoned Pub in Cheltenham
18-07-2008 13:23
On July 17th at 14.00 squatters were illegally evicted from the Duke of York Inn, 315-317 London Road, Cheltenham, GL52 6YY.32 SUVs disabled across Oxford
18-07-2008 11:10
Up to 32 SUV owners awoke this morning to discover that their destructive vehicles had been disabled.Freedom to Protest Court Case - Smash EDO Protester Appeals Conviction
18-07-2008 10:48
Smash EDO Press Release18th July 2008
Freedom to Protest Court Case - Smash EDO Protester Appeals Conviction
For more info tel 07875708873, e mail

Around the Campaigns Friday 18th July 2008
18-07-2008 09:27
Victory for Tamil's in the UK - ECHR Judgment NA. V. The United KingdomThe Court held unanimously that the applicant's expulsion to Sri Lanka would be in violation of Article 3 (prohibition of inhuman or degrading treatment) of the European Convention on Human Rights.

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UK Army Counter Insurgency Operations Manual Leaked
18-07-2008 08:34

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Stop the War Activist in Nottingham Magistrates Court
18-07-2008 00:40

Saving Iceland Camp 2008 Begun
17-07-2008 22:25

Eagle Asset Dumps All HLS Shares
17-07-2008 21:23

Patchy Support for Public Sector Strike
17-07-2008 20:50
Support for the local authority workers' two days of strike action was patchy in Liverpool, with a low turnout for picketing council buildings, and some trade union members crossing picket lines.I'd Rather Be A Cyclist Than A Scab: UNISON Strike Birmingham
17-07-2008 20:48