UK Promoted Newswire Archive
Student Climate Campaigners protest at Strathclyde Management
11-04-2008 12:27

Nottingham's Old County Hall Occupied
11-04-2008 12:21

Since a few days, a group of people have occupied the Old County Hall in Nottingham as part of the international days of action for free culture and autonomous spaces. Also see feature article. The building, also known as 'the Judges' Lodgings' has both a fascinating history and is a building of outstanding beauty. So what is its history? Who's been living there over the years? And why has been sitting empty for so many years?
"For many years it was used as the Judge's Lodgings, and behind it is a really charming garden which forms an oasis of greenery which it is very difficult to see from anywhere else than the windows of the schoolrooms of Halifax Place Chapel. It is a 17th century house which was greatly altered about 1833, about which time it was purchased from the Fellows family, who had removed thither from a smaller house a little to the west. Before their time it was occupied by Lady Hutchinson, the mother of Colonel Hutchinson." That's an extract from an article on Notts History, an online collection of copyleft articles on Nottinghamshire's vibrant history. Reading through articles about the history of the Judge's Lodgings, one thing is certain. And that is that some very high ranked individuals have lived here over the centuries.
Links: Nottinghamshire History | Announcing The New Squat: Location (Nottingham) | Nottingham Braced For Squat Actions (feature) | Days of Action for Squats and Autonomous Spaces
Oaxaca: indigenous, autonomous community radio journalists shot
11-04-2008 11:46
(ARTICLE 19/CENCOS/IFEX) - Two announcers of La Voz que Rompe el Silencio community radio station, which is based in San Juan Copala, Oaxaca state, in southeast Mexico, were shot dead when traveling on the highway connecting Joya del Mamey to Putla de Guerrero, two settlements in Oaxaca. Dead are Felicitas Martinez Sachez, 21, and Teresa Bautista Merino, 24. Four other people were wounded.Bristolians take part in International homelessness/squatters action day
11-04-2008 10:24
A vacant city centre building, the Little Theatre in Colston Street, was occupied this morning by homeless Bristolians as part of a co-ordinated day of action round the world.Announcing The New Squat: Location (Nottingham)
11-04-2008 08:30

Another TOTAL demo in Chester
11-04-2008 07:52

New Ungdomshus agreement in Copenhagen
10-04-2008 22:52

SOCPA - two arrests at parliament square today
10-04-2008 21:06
police arrested barbara tucker this morning and haven't taken her to court today, instead holding her overnight yet again to appear in the morningcharity sweet was also arrested for an alleged public order offence late this afternoon
David Rovics Q & A
10-04-2008 20:26
David Rovics latest blog on 911 received a lot of comment. Knowing him to be both the most approachable, centred and articulate bloke, I asked if I could send him a list of questions. I asked for questions from a variety of both activists and fans, 911 believers, atheists and agnostics. This isn't a real interview, just an emailed list of disparate questions but his responses are worth sharing.
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Birmingham Free Space - Building occupied!
10-04-2008 17:19
Building now in hand for the weekend of events in Birmingham - for timetable see
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Squatters Estate Agents Opens In London
10-04-2008 17:07

High Court Rules BAE Corruption investigation ended UNLAWFULLY
10-04-2008 15:09
---Palestine Today 041008
10-04-2008 14:20

Ring British Airways now to stop deportation tonight
10-04-2008 13:30
Rose Abukha, who has been in the UK since fleeing Uganda in 2000 is due to be deported this evening at 9.10pm on a British airways flight BA0063 to Entebbe, Uganda .New squatted space openned in London
10-04-2008 13:15

Solidarity with Tara in Ireland.
09-04-2008 23:22
A group of us from Brighton went over to Ireland recently to support the Irish protesters attempt, to halt the work on the M3 Motorway.The 50km, four lane stretch includes a huge, 53 acre interchange, with two massive orbits and 10 flyover bridges, the construction has already diverted gabhra rivers historical waterways, and heavy machinery have bulldozed ancient tombs and graves within the sacred valley.
Follow SF Olympic Torch Tibet Protests here:
09-04-2008 20:31

For ongoing text-based coverage, please follow the SFTorch twitter account.

and of course here:

LIVE VIDEO (if it works ;)
from Students for a Free Tibet:

from Direct Action to Stop the War:


from Dimension7:

from Students for a Free Tibet:

from Team Tibet:


attempted citizen's arrest on ken livingstone
09-04-2008 19:26
at 7.15 this evening supporters from brian haw's peace camp attempted to make a citizen's arrest of ken livingstone outside parliament. they were arresting him on suspicion of criminal damage, harrassment, assault, and other charges arising from his authorisation of private security guards and fencing on parliament square during last year to remove parts of the peace camp unlawfully.