UK Promoted Newswire Archive
st pancras eurostar cycle protest
14-11-2007 14:07

they were highlighting the poor facilities and planning for bikes in contrast with the much-publicised claims of carbon-neutral travel to paris
the st pancras opening was also targetted by a greenpeace action against the third runway at heathrow
Safety Fears After Nuclear Warhead Convoy Gets Lost
14-11-2007 00:17
Campaigners have expressed alarm after part of a nuclear warhead convoy containing vital safety equipment got lost in the early hours of this morning en route to a military base in Stirling for a rest stop.Full article | 5 additions | 3 comments
9/11 Truth: Global 11th Day Truth Action Protest Photos: November 2007
13-11-2007 22:48

Load of WANC at rampART
13-11-2007 21:15

The Womens Anarchist Nusiance Cafe is held every penultimate wednesday of the month at the RampART creative centre and social space in Rampart St, E1 2LA ( open from: 7.00pm-11.30pm. Free admission.
The next cafe is Wednesday 21st November 'Goodness Gracious Ghee Cafe'. More than just Bollywood, Shilpa and vindaloo... A celebration of South Asian culture. Qweer/feminist activism, Diwali and Eid, sari wearing instruction, dance workshop, fantastic food and guest speakers.
( Simultaneous protests outside prisons in 8 cities
13-11-2007 20:43

Shell to Sea stop early pipeline work (late october)
13-11-2007 19:38
accounts posted on Irish indymedia several weeks ago.Meltem, emergency demo tomorrow at 12 noon
13-11-2007 19:20
To put pressure on Germany we are having a demonstration in front of German Embassy,23 Belgrave Square
nearest tube Sloane Square
tomorrow Wedesday 14th November 12.00 noon.
Nuclear Warhead Convoy Blockaded in Scotland
13-11-2007 16:31

Palestine Today 111307
13-11-2007 14:43

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Manchester petrol station blockaded in Burma protest
13-11-2007 13:44

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France: updates on student strikes
13-11-2007 11:17
Updates and reports from AG, blockades and strikes across France.This update is not comprehensive but it has most of the available information, additionally some universities are still on holiday and therefore no action can take place.
Rant or Reality?
13-11-2007 01:37
Gentrification of all inner city areas is the name of their game!SHAC March Pictures & Report
12-11-2007 22:41

Pakistan, Somalia and the media. Two protests in London on Saturday.
12-11-2007 20:32

If only….
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Anti-Fascist Killed in Action.
12-11-2007 20:28
Young Antifascist murdered by Nazi scumbag in Madrid. Rising levels of Fascist violence across "Spain" facilitated by the state.Protesters beaten & pepper sprayed at No Borders Camp - Mexicali.
12-11-2007 19:14
Uk activists report from No Borders Camp Mexicali/Calexico.Peaceful protesters beaten & pepper sprayed.
A Dozen peole arrested at AWE Aldermaston Blockade
12-11-2007 18:13
About 50 activists blockaded AWE Aldermaston this morning, resulting in a dozen arrest£300 donated to Oaxaca Anarchists
12-11-2007 13:55

EDO MBM Fishersgate Trashed on Paul Hill's Birthday
12-11-2007 12:46
Last night 11th November, Armistice Day, was Paul Hills', Managing Director of EDO MBM, birthday...Climate Action News Sheet, 73 November 2007
11-11-2007 22:46
Compiled and sent out by Rising Tide UK: info at receive this News Sheet monthly, email news-subscribe at
with the subject line 'subscribe' (without the quotes).