UK Promoted Newswire Archive
March on Worthing Police Station
21-01-2007 15:42
A PROTEST march on Worthing Police Station has been called for Saturday February 17 in the face of police intimidation of Titnore Woods campaigners.Full article | 1 addition | 1 comment
Greenwich Starbucks protest
21-01-2007 11:08

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manchester riots
21-01-2007 09:50
last night the a57 was closed off for sevral hours due to an inopropirate response by police to ravers walking to a wharehouse party.Oaxaca, Mexico - repression and resistance
21-01-2007 01:07
The New Year has seen more brutal repression in Oaxaca, including the murder of teacher Enriqueta Santiago Santiago by a death squad after her abduction on 12th January. Resistance such as street and prison demos is continuing (though with fewer people than earlier) while indigenous Triquis have declared an autonomous municipality. A "megamarch" has been called for 3 February in Oaxaca City.Caoimhe Butterly public address Dublin
20-01-2007 20:47

Pipeline protest hits Brecon
20-01-2007 19:38

Fifth Welfare Reform Newsletter from the Coalition Againat Welfare Bill (CAWRB)
20-01-2007 13:37
Please find enclosed below for your urgent attention the fifth Welfare Reform Newsletter from the Coalition Againat Welfare Bill (CAWRB) which all of you are free to share and distribute and put into all your own newsletters and forums and within your own networks.Yours
Colin Revell....
BBC’s support for US war propaganda on Iran
20-01-2007 13:25

18/01/07: Video , photos and report on Kalyx - “Making everyday a better day.”
20-01-2007 00:36

Bloody report from Ballinaboy/ Rossport, Ireland
19-01-2007 15:13

Vote Brian Haw
19-01-2007 11:03
Channel4's political awards this year see Brian Haw up against Tony Blair amongst others for MOST INSPIRING POLITICAL FIGURE. You don't need to pay to vote for him, just email send an email to
OutRage!: Nigeria's svage anti-gay laws- PROTESTS REQ.
19-01-2007 09:58
Gay rights group OutRage! issues protest call over Nigeria's new and savage anti-gay laws...You Have to Learn English.. But Sorry, You Can't!
19-01-2007 08:43
Earlier this week, a campaign was launched by the University and College Union (UCU), the National Institute of Adult Continuing Education (Niace), the National Association for Teaching English and other Community Languages to Adults (Natecla), the Refugee Council and other concerned bodies to 'lobby the government' to reverse plans to end automatic fee remission on free English classes for asylum seekers. In a briefing paper published on 11 January, 2006, the Refugee Council detailed the real risks associated with limiting the ability of asylum seekers and refugees to learn English. "For refugees, limiting access to English classes will increase the difficulties they already face in building new lives in the UK and finding work," the paper said. Many refugees are unemployed or in jobs which don't use their skills and experience, and refugee communities are among the poorest in the country.
Ironically, in 2001 ESOL became part of the government's Skills for Life programme, sitting alongside literacy and numeracy. Since 1 November 2005, when the Life in the United Kingdom Test was introduced, all refugees applying for citizenship have to pass that test, of which language is a crucial part, before they are 'naturalised'. There has also been a lot of fuss lately about the amount of money spent on translation and interpretation, and such changes will obviously increase the need for translation and interpretation in public services (unless the next move by the government is to ban asylum seekers and refugees from these services!).
New London Social Centre
19-01-2007 03:01
New Occupied Social Centre139-141 Stoke Newington Church Street
(old Vortex Jazz bar)
Do Merseyside Fire Authority Want A Rematch?
18-01-2007 23:22
Since the partial defeat of their cuts agenda last summer, Merseyside Fire Authority have been steadily stepping up provocations against the Fire Brigades Union. In November, letters were served to fourteen emergency crew members, calling them to hearings over incidents during the September walkout, including one for 'smiling aggressively'. Then a firefighter got in trouble for drinking a cup of tea. Now management have locked FBU members out of their own meeting at West Derby fire station, forcing them to hold the meeting in the rain!Nestlé puts up a transparent smokescreen
18-01-2007 23:05
Nestlé is boasting of its positive rating in a Global Accountability Report. But Nestlé has little reason to be proud when you read what the report actually says.11-01-07: Photos from Catholic Workers Guantanamo protest, US Embassy
18-01-2007 21:55

Video: Guantanamo Vogue and Disco Dance outside Lockheed-Martin
18-01-2007 21:47

Indymedia radio support for WSF 2007 from Kenya
18-01-2007 21:04

Indymedia support have people building terrestrial radio in Naorobi at present, Others elsewhere globally setting up ::Listening Nodes:: and organising an :: International Radio Show::

(Video) Nablus: IOF-operation in the old city
18-01-2007 19:54
Today, 18th of January 2006, Nablus experienced another military operation by the Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF).