UK Promoted Newswire Archive
Houses demolished in Korean resistance to US base expansion
20-09-2006 03:21

defiantly resisted the seizure of their homes and fields for the expansion
of an United States Army base. On September 13 at dawn, 22,000 riot police
invaded and occupied the villages. Police demolition equipment managed to
wipe out 68 empty houses. But the vastly outnumbered villagers and
supporters put up a fierce resistance, and managed to stop the cops from
destroying many of the houses that the Ministry of Defense had threatened
to destroy.
Southampton Peace Activist Jailed
19-09-2006 21:11
Activist jailed by Reading Magistrates' CourtSOCPA - barbara tucker in court again today - report
19-09-2006 15:49
the police tried more confused and bizarre tactics against barbara tucker in a pre-trial hearing today at westminster magistrates court. superintendent terry is behaving more and more like a madman obsessed by a personal vendetta against this peaceful anti-war campaignerFull article | 1 addition | 4 comments
2006, But Has 1984 Finally Arrived?
19-09-2006 14:31

Anarchists Against the Wall – UK Speaking Dates
19-09-2006 12:02
Speakers from Anarchists Against the Wall are on a fundraising tour of the UK - please come and show your solidarity.Bliar visit to St. John's Wood School
19-09-2006 03:21

Day 16 of Mersey Fire Strike: Authority Claims "positive and constructive" Talks
19-09-2006 01:19

SOCPA - protestor held at gunpoint, handcuffed and arrested for swearing
18-09-2006 22:23
outside downing street this evening, barbara tucker was arrested by machine-gun carrying police, thrown against the railings, and rear-restraint handcuffed. her alleged crime? - behaviour liable to cause alarm or distress - namely swearing.SAY NO TO SHELL’S SPONSORSHIP OF THE WILDLIFE PHOTOGRAPHER OF THE YEAR AWARD
18-09-2006 21:15

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SOCPA - babs is back in town
17-09-2006 22:43

Cottage of Content Occupation Comes to a Close
17-09-2006 18:13
On Friday 15th September 2006 the occupation of the Cottage of Content social centre in Sparkbrook came to a close.Smash EDO Demo
17-09-2006 16:29
Report from last Saturday's anti-edo, anti-arms trade Demo in BrightonOperation HASH report back
17-09-2006 14:58
Report back from the Clandestine Insurgent Rebel Clown Army.Phase One of Operation HASH (Helping all Smokers Halt) completed.
WOS4: The Creative Anti-Commons and the Poverty of Networks
17-09-2006 01:07
The Wizard of OS conference is currently underway in Berlin, as is to be expected, the fourth edition of this biannual gathering of proponents of free software, free culture and alternative economics has brought together a fascinating group of presenters and participants.No Deportations to Zimbabwe Pictures
16-09-2006 21:16

Hundreds demonstrate against Zimbabwe deportations
16-09-2006 19:00

Day 13 of Mersey Fire Strike: Negotiations Continue Following Rally
16-09-2006 18:40

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Ludicrous Diversions
16-09-2006 00:14
A new film exposing the absurdities of the official narrative regarding the 7/7 London BombingsLondon 9/11 Truth Movement Protest Video - 2006-09-11
15-09-2006 22:30

Day 12 of Mersey Fire Strike: Massive March and Rally in Liverpool
15-09-2006 19:52