UK Promoted Newswire Archive
CIPO-RFM latest (not good news).
30-12-2004 22:24
![The repression is getting worse!!](/icon/2004/12/303284.jpg)
CIPO-RFM organising democratically through an inclusive process.
30-12-2004 20:42
The protest camp raid: Gil's story.
30-12-2004 18:13
![Gildardo at the CIPO-RFM headquarters.](/icon/2004/12/303264.jpg)
The protest camp in Oaxaca town centre.
30-12-2004 17:21
![The CIPO-RFM protest camp in Oaxaca town centre.......](/icon/2004/12/303258.jpg)
CIPO-RFM, resisting globalisation in Oaxaca Mexico
30-12-2004 17:00
![Ricardo Flores Magon. Inspiration to the modern movement.](/icon/2004/12/303252.jpg)
Action against Windrush communications. Pictures
15-12-2004 16:18
![The missing sign...anyone would think they didnt want us to know where they are?](/icon/2004/12/302837.jpg)
The Basement - opening night
12-12-2004 21:26
Sherwood Protest Camp Evicted [Photos]
08-12-2004 00:09
Demonstration against migration management and forced integration
10-11-2004 18:18
The EU-ministers responsible for immigration and refugee policies are convening in Groningen, Netherlands from the 9th until the 11th of November to discuss integration. Integration is the latest part of their harsh immigration and refugee policy. Platform N10 wants to protest and give alternatives to this policy.The immigration and refugee policy is mainly intended to keep refugees and migrants out of the borders of Fortress Europe. Those who do receive permission to stay will not get the same rights as an EU-citizen. By differentiating between two kinds of citizenship, the EU wants only to profit from the labour contribution of these new citizens. However, at the same time, the EU undermines the existence of this group of people by cutting back their social securities. N10 wants same rights for everybody!
Harddrives nailed to Italian consulate in Dijon France
04-11-2004 22:54
![The harddrives being nailed in place](/icon/2004/11/300521.jpg)
Travellers / Hippies / Festivals on BBCfour on Thursday
20-10-2004 22:37
Have advised and contributed to a BBC prog about festival / stonehenge / travellers etc.
There is much about such nasties as the "Battle of the Beanfield" etc .What the authorities did to us, while trying to hold a festival at Stonehenge!
Pictures from the E.F.C.R. and IMC center
20-10-2004 17:12
ESF picture reports
19-10-2004 22:25
Due to the recent seizure of our servers by the FBI it is not possible at present to publish pictures on IMC UK. However a mere 2,000 miles away in Melbourne Australia we are pleased to report that our stuff is publishing so you can look at some of the reports by following the links below:storming the palace (more pics)
16-10-2004 21:20
![breaking into the hall](/icon/2004/10/299283.jpg)
storming the palace (report and pic)
16-10-2004 20:28
![banners on the invaded stage](/icon/2004/10/299271.jpg)
Insurectory pointing in the city.
16-10-2004 00:03
Guantanamo to Genoa panel dissusion
15-10-2004 18:40
This was a really good talk/dissusion stright from European Form of Comunication RightsINDY RADIO PAGE AT
From Guantanamo to Genoa panel dissusion
1 introduction +
2 Diaz school lawyer talks
3 Palistine
4 campagning journalist talks
5 Human_rights_journo
6 Guantanimo_ bay_detainee_ talks
7 questions _to_the_panel
Fox hunters march on Labour conference.
29-09-2004 11:19
Seagulls march on Labour conference
27-09-2004 19:36