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UK Climate Chaos Newswire Archive

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Bridgepoint Capital (owners of Leeds airport) Offices in London Disrupted

20-08-2007 09:12

This morning a group of 18 climate change campaigners briefly occupied the offices of Bridgepoint Capital in Warwick Street in London. Bridgepoint Capital, a private equity firm, bought Leeds Bradford Airport in April and is presseing for further expansion.

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BP Headquarters Occupied in Central London

20-08-2007 08:55

Around 30 people have blockaded the BP head offices in St James Sq, london this morning. Some are superglued to each other and some are D-locked to railings on te side of the building.

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Carbon Offset Companies targeted by Climate Camp Activists

20-08-2007 08:23

Activists from the Camp for Climate Action have simultaneously targeted the offices of two separate carbon offset companies. The protestors are dressed as red herrings in order to highlight that carbon offset schemes are a dangerous distraction from taking effective climate action.

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Blockade at Sizewell B nuclear power station

20-08-2007 07:27

A group of five people have locked to concrete blocks in the entrance of Sizewell nuclear power station. They started the action at 7.45am this morning and unfurled a banner reading 'nuclear power is not the answer to climate chaos'.

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BAA Tent Blockade - Nightime Pictures

20-08-2007 02:54

Pics from middle of the night sat / sun at the BAA overnight blockade. Locals supporting the protestors brought food, tea and coffee and a few beers. The atmosphere was upbeat, with live entertainment and a special appearance by the camp white rabbit. Blockaders hope to stay in place throughout the night, although police searches in the surrounding areas seem to be intensifying. Watch this space...

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BAA Blockade Early On - pics from sunday

20-08-2007 00:59

Revolution not Runways!
Pictures of the Heathrow Camp for Climate Action blockade of BAA offices, relatively early on during the blockade when few had yet reached the location.

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Press Release - Climate activists blockade Heathrow freight depot

20-08-2007 00:24

19th August 2007, 21:30

At 21:00, eight protesters from the Camp for Climate Action have blockaded British Airways’ World Cargo Depot at Hatton Cross, outside Heathrow Airport.

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Update on BAA sit-in

20-08-2007 00:24

At least 200 people now blocking the only road access to the main BAA building.

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Photos from BA World Cargo blockade

20-08-2007 00:16

Shortly after 8pm, an adhoc affinity group, formed at the Camp for Climate Action, walked up the perimeter road on the east side of Heathrow. Using metal tubes, eight of them formed a ring and locked on by their arms and blockaded the vehicle entrance to the British Airways World Cargo Perishables.

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Sent home for bad behaviour

19-08-2007 23:26

Police and protestors - 'this is what democracy looks like'
Leaving the camp around 3pm and trying to get to BAA, whilst some people were attacked by police with batons for attempting to exit the field, a group of around 100 protesters were eventually surrounded at the eastern edge of the field and later escorted back to the site

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Audio report from some of those camping overnight at BAA

19-08-2007 22:14

This report came in by phone at around 11pm on Sunday night from some of those currently occupying the entrance to the car park of the BAA HQ near Heathrow airport.

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hurried pics from Sunday action

19-08-2007 21:28

Various goings on from Sunday. I was mostly following the kids forced route march

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Julia's rushes from sunday day of action at climate camp

19-08-2007 20:51

Some running around on the sunday..

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The very peaceful occupation of BAA offices` car park

19-08-2007 20:48

Police trying to clear the way, confiscating images.
Occupation of the BAA car park.

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More Pics of the Kids March from Climate Camp

19-08-2007 20:46

The kids bloc children's revolution starts here...
Sunday 19th August 2007 - Camp for Climate Action

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Video rushes of climate camp - by kryptic

19-08-2007 20:43

Kids March, a view of the site, general march chilled action, and the BAA offices protected by Police

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Late afternoon march to BAA - Cops go crazy

19-08-2007 19:28

When the group left from the rear of the camp, at first mounted police tried to ride into people but soon backed off and allowed them to stream across the field. As the people approched the opposite side of the field there were many vans of riot police arriving in adjacent streets and deploying to meet the protestors. There were even van loads of police getting changed into their riot gear on the M4 motorway before scrambling up the bank. As protestors moved along the fence or tried to climb out of the field the police attacked them with batons and shields. I saw several hit, punched, repeatedly thrown to the ground, pushed into ditches, and sworn at. Over the next 15 minutes more and more riot police kept arriving (something like 100), many running into the field following mounted police that had galloped into a gap in the fence. Police prevented media from entering the field and a high hedge prevented them filming the scenes in the field.

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Pics of Police Chasing Protestors Through Residential Area Near BAA Building

19-08-2007 18:02

From this afternoon - Sunday 19th August - Police were chasing protestors in all directions close to the BAA building on Bath Road - in the back streets they were pushing them both away and towards BAA where a protest was scheduled to take place. Some escaped over fences and others were surrounded by police and kept there for hours - some made it through to the BAA building to hold their protest.

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Climate Campaigners and Residents to demand Government Stop Runway Expansion

19-08-2007 17:55

On Monday 11-12 noon climate campaigners are to demand a stop to aviation expansion at Downing Street. A petition will be presented against Building of a Third Runway at Heathrow and banners held by representatives of faith communities, climate campers, UK and international citizens. All concerned with our planet and children's future are invited to join us - and call for government policy to act - not fly in the face of climate change.
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