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UK Climate Chaos Newswire Archive

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G20 London Protests + Events List + Locations Map

24-03-2009 05:40

Google Map of G20 Events at:
Many media outlets have been publishing various lists and maps of G20 protest events,
(eg. )

So here's a more accurate one of confirmed events and initiatives so far from various groups and coalitions (*more events are being announced).

For a GOOGLE map of events, times and locations see:
or full URL:,-0.10746&spn=0.051598,0.154495&z=13

(copied from

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G20 Nigel Rosser exposed

23-03-2009 18:00

Nigel Rosser, journalist
Nigel Rosser is a tabloid journalist who recycles Met police press releases as scare stories in the run up to major demonstrations. He has previously written stories about Mayday and Climate camp.

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Oil Goliath BP Felled By Fossil Fool's Day David

22-03-2009 21:36

*** Art Not Oil press release, March 21st 2009 ***

BP has been forced to postpone its centenary party at the British Museum
on April 1st, as word had leaked out and triggered a demonstration by Art
Not Oil(1).

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Rising Tide releases guide to bogus climate change solutions

22-03-2009 20:29

Only a few years ago, some companies were saying climate change wasn’t a problem. Now, as its impacts become apparent, many of the same corporations are suddenly scrambling to claim leadership on the issue. Desperate to avoid regulation that may hit their profits, they present a dizzying array of “false solutions,” quick fixes that perpetuate inequalities in our society while they can cash in on the crisis. Upon closer examination, many of these technologies and policies are merely dangerous detours on the road to a just, livable planet, distracting us from the root causes of the crisis.

Rising Tide North America is pleased to announce the release of the first short yet comprehensive survey of these bogus climate change solutions.

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G20 Protest in the Guardian

22-03-2009 10:20

Check this out:

The Guardian's bigging up the G20 protests, with a fair amount of scare-mongering for good measure. Still, they say that there's no such thing as bad publicity...

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bp 100th birthday party on April 1st postponed!

21-03-2009 12:37

Due to potential "transportation" difficultuties apparently !

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G20: police expecting massive protests on April 1-2

20-03-2009 18:27

The police are gearing up to expect massive protests at the G20 (Group of Twenty Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors) meetings that are happening on April 1 and 2.

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Climate Camp and Meltdown to Halt G20!

20-03-2009 18:11

Climate Camp hits the City of London on April Fools Day, the eve of the G20 leaders' London Summit. G20 Meltdown also plan to hit with 'The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse' Join us!

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Dissident Island Radio tonight - March 20th

20-03-2009 17:08

tum te tum
Larry Lohmann // FITwatch // legal defence and monitoring group // Smash Miss Contest // Feminist Fightback // Mr Braincell

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Royal Bank of Scotland, Kingsnorth and Shell branded ‘Stupid’

19-03-2009 15:11

Thursday 19th March 2009: Groups have staged a series of actions to highlight the climate ‘Stupid’ and ‘Not Stupid’ of britain.

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Shell end investment in renewables

19-03-2009 10:55

Royal Dutch Shell have ended their investment in renewable energy in favour of fossil and biofuels

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RBS in the stocks – Fred Goodwin slimed with green custard

18-03-2009 18:06

Manchester People and Planet placed a mock representative of former RBS bank chief Fred Goodwin in some medieval stocks outside the RBS regional headquarters in Manchester. Members of the public were invited to get their own back on Fred for refusing to give up his £700,000 a year pension despite the financial crisis and irresponsible funding of climate damaging projects such as new coal fired power stations.

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Protest for a better world at the G20 summit

18-03-2009 00:01

40 NGO's and trade unions are calling for a mass protest at the G20 summit at the end of March under the banner of "Jobs, Justice and Climate."

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Only Entrepreneurs without Conscience support agrofuels

17-03-2009 17:11

Entrepreneurs without conscience - a better name for the event!
Food not Fuel (London) and Biofuelwatch held a banner protest against the presence of agrofuel company Blue NG at the “Entrepreneurs with Conscience” conference on Monday, 16th March. Blue NG are planning to build the UK’s first vegetable oil power plants.

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Water Access for Armed-Conflict Victims

17-03-2009 17:07

United Nations.The International Red Cross (IRC) has called government to ensure that victims of armed conflict or other violence have sufficient access to water.

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Great films at the Great Green Film Festival

15-03-2009 22:07

On Saturday, Nottingham Student Peace Movement hosted a film festival with an ecological theme. The films featured explored the environmental problems humanity faces and ways we can take action to do something about them. It was inspiring stuff!

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E.ON offside: Student activists target FA-Cup sponsors

13-03-2009 18:31

Activists from Warwick University gave energy giant E.ON the red card at Coventry’s FA Cup sixth round match against Chelsea on Saturday 7th February.

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The Age of Stupid

13-03-2009 18:11

Special 45-minute programme on the launch of a major new independently produced, crowd-funded climate change documentary-drama, The Age of Stupid. The film is produced by McLibel producer Franny Armstrong and features Oscar-nominated actor Pete Postlethwaite. This programme features exclusive interviews with producer Armstrong and head of animation Leo Murray plus appearances from Postlethwaite and Caroline Lucas MEP. First broadcast on ResonanceFM on 11 March 2009.

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Important G20 update from the Camp for Climate Action

13-03-2009 13:29

What follows is an important update about timing and texting for everyone
attending the Climate Camp in London's Square Mile, April 1 during the G20 Please forward this to your mates and any
lists you are on.

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Report into police tactics at Kingsnorth climate change protest released

13-03-2009 13:25

A new report about the policing of the recent Camp for Climate Action at Kingsnorth was launched yesterday by, Liberal Democrat Shadow Justice Secretary, David Howarth with the climate camp legal team.
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