UK Climate Chaos Newswire Archive
More mobile pics from climate camp 1st april
01-04-2009 13:37

Riot police at Threadneedle street 1st April
01-04-2009 13:32

Mobile pics from Climate Camp 1st April
01-04-2009 12:22

Climate Camp tents up outside carbon exchange
01-04-2009 11:44

Massing of people at Bank this morning
01-04-2009 11:43

Mobile pics crowd scene outside Bank of England, G20 Meltdown March
01-04-2009 11:32

protest leaders laising with police
01-04-2009 10:35
according to BBC news police have agreements with protest groups.a police spokesman is reported to have said
"Direct action is part of the plan for them. When I spoke to some of the demonstrators last night, they said their strategy was to sit down if anyone starts throwing stones, so that those who are violent can be quickly isolated."
Gordon Brown in Shock Diet Change
01-04-2009 04:00
Here`s some news from today`s Independant that will surprise and open the eyes of many people. Please forward this important news to your friends and family.Full article | 2 additions | 1 comment
G20 - The Put People First march London - Saturday 28th March
31-03-2009 03:20

Media Release: ELF Press Office Applauds the Removal of General Motors' CEO
30-03-2009 18:36

pics from today's 'put people first' march in london
28-03-2009 19:32

Full article | 3 additions | 1 comment
Mobile phone pics Militant Workers & G20Meltdown bloc
28-03-2009 12:49

Mobile phone pics, start of Put People First G20 demo, midday, 28 March 09
28-03-2009 12:15

G20 Map - Squaring Up to the Square Mile - Easily printable versions
28-03-2009 02:30
Get your maps here! Get your maps here! - Map of the Square Mile
Technological gremlins and exhaustion have been banished and more easily printable versions of the maps of the Square Mile and the ExCeL Centre have now been sorted. A3 is the best size for the Square Mile map, so for those without A3 printers, there are two A4 versions you can print out and stick together with old-fashioned sticky tape. The map is downloadable as a JPEG or PDF in A4, A3 and split A3 versions, in black and white or colour.
Here's the full map: Version for printing to A3 - JPG | Version for printing to A3 - PDF | Version for printing to A4 - JPG | Version for printing to A4 - PDF
However, it's best to print an A3 map on two A4 sheets and tape them together:
Here's the two parts in colour: Part One Colour PDF | Part One Colour JPG | Part Two Colour PDF | Part Two Colour JPG
And here they are in greyscale: Part One Greyscale PDF | Part One Greyscale JPG | Part Two Greyscale PDF| Part Two Greyscale JPG
And here's the map of the ExCeL centre: Excel Map PDF | Excel Map JPG
Finally, here's a Button/Banner to embed and link to the map.
Crucial info on Climate Camp in the city
26-03-2009 13:42
April 1st is only a week away! Below is the crucial information you will need for camping in the square mile during the G20.Nuclear power producers scared on wind competition in UK
26-03-2009 00:51
The French government-owned power monopoly EdF and the German power giant E.ON have warned the British government they may be forced to drop plans to build a new generation of nuclear power plants in the UK unless the government scales back its targets for wind power.G20 Critical Mass
25-03-2009 11:03