UK Promoted Newswire Archive
Veolia quits Green Monday event at Birmingham Council House
20-03-2011 11:23
Representatives of the company Veolia have withdrawn from a business presentation at Birmingham Council House on Monday 21st March 2011 following pressure from the Palestine Solidarity Campaign. Veolia has been the subject of an international campaign due to its involvement in illegal infrastructure projects in the occupied Palestinian territories. Keith Riley, Managing Director of Technical Services for Veolia had been expected to address a Green Monday event of Corporate Climate Change Leaders.Full article | 1 addition | 5 comments
Oxford's Big Society Hospital - Video & Photos
19-03-2011 17:51

Are radical, collective, independent media projects still possible?
18-03-2011 20:30
The following piece about the present and future of independent media projects was included in the latest issue of the Corporate Watch Magazine, which has just been released, on so-called free newspapers. And since it concerns Indymedia more than any other project, we thought it should be reposted here as well, with the hope that it would contribute to a much-needed debate among IMC UK volunteers and users about the issues raised.This Week in Palestine week 11 2011
18-03-2011 17:21

Members of the 0742 club arrested!!!
18-03-2011 16:14
Last night (at approximately 11pm) three people involved in the organisation of the 0742 club (The art collective and squatted building on the moor) were arressted for theft; merely for attempting to take food that had been thrown away from the bins at Waitrose on Corporation Street in Sheffield.Palestine Today 03 17 2011
17-03-2011 16:21

Palestine Today 03 16 2011
16-03-2011 16:37

Full article | 2 additions | 3 comments
The 0742 Club
16-03-2011 14:03
The 0742 Club is now open: the semi residential community art/social centre squat adjacent to Debenhams on the Moor is asking for artists, photographers, collectives and political groups to get in contact and to come down and help make the squat as vibrant and active as Possible.Palestine Today 03 15 2011
15-03-2011 16:40

EDO/ITT Brighton gets paint splatter makeover
15-03-2011 15:20
EDO/ITT defence company in Brighton gets paint splatter makeover in solidarity with Middle East and North Africa uprisings.Today in Palestine 2010 03 15
15-03-2011 11:34
Evil Zionists board civilian peace activists' ship in international waters, er wait a minute ...Sheffield - Cut the Corporate Elite - 12 March Demo Video
14-03-2011 20:58

Policing and barriers at the Liberal Democrat Conference in Sheffield #ldconf
14-03-2011 20:19

Liberal Democrat Conference Protest: Rally at Barkers Pool #ldconf
14-03-2011 19:38

Japan Atomic Emergency Bulletin #3
14-03-2011 19:02

Residents urgently needed at the 0742 club (squatted bank on the moor)
14-03-2011 17:35
Residents urgently needed for sheffield community projectAlt Media, Reporting and Live Info for #26March
14-03-2011 16:22
This Arts Against Cuts March Weekend session on Saturday 14th saw several different projects present their plans for covering the massive March for the Alternative TUC demonstrations and actions on March 26th. Most of these projects rely on people participating in order to make them work! Together we are stronger...
Indymedia London is covering the protests, events and actions in the run up to March 26th and on the day will publish a breaking news timeline, feature articles, and links to other sources of coverage. On the day you can input by texting sms news updates direct to the website on 07943 103736 or by calling in breaking news reports to 07929 469 640. A mobile friendly version of the website is at: - You can also publish your reports, pictures, audio and video on the website, publish an event in the calendar, or highlight other good coverage that's been published somewhere else on the web. Check the website for further information.
VisionOnTv will be running an embeddable live blog throughout the day, as well as highlighting video content and will be working with people out videoing on the streets. See their handy how-to video template guides. A meet up for london video activists is happening this Tuesday 15th at 7pm at the Pembury Tavern, Amhurst Road, Hackney.
x26Radio will be streaming live on the net throughout the day providing coverage and news updates on the hour, every hour. x26Radio is a collaboration between several radical radio collectives including Dissident Island, Radio Kebele and Radio Interference. You can call 020 3239 4569 to record a message, a news update, an interview or speech etc. All relevant recordings will be streamed on air after being recieved. The stream will be available via players on mutliple websites including Dissident Island and VisionOnTv.
Resonance FM broadcasting in London on 104.4fm and online will feature a whole day of programming around the cuts and TUC demonstrations starting at 9.30am on Friday 15th called "Strike, Resist, Occupy - A Huge Explosion of Class Hatred and Anger". They also plan arts and politics programming throughout the day on March 26th. Details of how to input will be published soon.
Sukey, the anti-kettling info service and phone app will be going live again for the TUC demonstrations, providing demo news updates and a live map of protest and police movements, kettles and flash points. There is a smartphone application and a regular phone version that each allow anyone to volunteer and receive information - see the in-depth info at
Sheffield March Against the Liberal Democrats #ldconf
14-03-2011 15:06

Sheffield Community Project
13-03-2011 14:57
New occupied space on the moor in sheffield, next to debenhams. Plans for art exhibitions, music nights, film screenings, workshops, talks and much more.New residents needed urgently to mantain the building call 07949941300 for more information.
Lib Dem conference: Reports from Sheffield under siege
13-03-2011 11:52
A report on actions taking place as part of the opposition to the Liberal Democrat conference on Saturday 12th May.