UK Promoted Newswire Archive
Disarm DSEi arms fair, London - pictures.
08-09-2009 20:50

Palestine Today 090809
08-09-2009 17:16

Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Center, for Monday September 8th, 2009
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DSEi City demo visits Arms Trade investors as police keep a low profile
08-09-2009 14:53
Despite Disarm DSEi's refusal to negotiate with the police, the planned demo visited a number of investors in the Arms Trade. Protestors arriving at the meetup were surprised to find a very small police presence, and a noticeable lack of FIT teams and police cameras.Meeting and greeting the Arms dealers
08-09-2009 06:50
Monday morning, and with ITT sponsoring a pre-DSEi conference at the QE2 Conference Centre in Victoria, a meet and greet event was organised for 8 in the morning. Arriving about 20 minutes early, the first sight to greet the eyes is 3 police vans and a sea of yellow jackets clustered around the entrance door. As I get closer, I see that someone must have got there much earlier, as the central glass panel is redecorated with an antiwar slogan. Railings are being erected around the site, and as I draw closer I am approached by a copper who calls me by a name that is definitely not mine. He informs me that someone has applied for permission to demonstrate, and that they have provided a designated protest area to facilitate our right to protest. I point out that I am nothing to do with the application, and that I would not be joining anyone who had applied for state permission to exercise the right to protest. He then proceeds to threaten me with a SOCPA arrest if I don't enter the pen.
Palestine Today 090709
07-09-2009 16:30

Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Center, for Monday September 7th, 2009
Christian Peace Activist Arrested at War Planning Conference
07-09-2009 15:20
Chris Cole, peace activist, was arrested this morning following a protest at the UK Defence Conference held QE Conference Centre in London. Cole spray painted anti-arms trade messages and poured red blood outside the centre. He has been charged with £2,000 work of criminal damage and bailed to appear at Horseferry Magistrates Court on 17th September.Climate camp Blackheath site now returned to how it was.
07-09-2009 14:12

Fifth attempt to remove Constant Moussavou
07-09-2009 11:48

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Vestas - New camp set up to blockade the blades
07-09-2009 10:22
A new camp has been set up bt the river in Newport to prevent the final blades and mold from leaving the factory. Come and join us, sign up to the 24 hour rota, hold a workshop, chop firewood and prepare for action!Campaign Against Titan Airways
07-09-2009 09:27
Titan Airways removed 10 UK DR Congolese to Kinshasa on Thursday 3rd September on one of their charter aircraft leased to UKBA; the 10 were released from Kinshasa airport after interrogation by DR Congo authorities.Solidarity with Camp Ashraf Hunger Strikers, London - pictures
06-09-2009 09:31

An Israeli in Palestine: Resisting dispossession
06-09-2009 00:35

Disarm DSEi announces meet-up point for start of protest
05-09-2009 00:00
Disarm DSEi will be meeting at 12 noon on Tuesday 8th September outside the Royal Bank of Scotland on Whitechapel High Street, near Aldgate East Tube, before going on to visit several companies in the City of London that invest in the arms trade.A stop in hell: Pagani, a prison for migrants at the gate of Fortress Europe
04-09-2009 23:40

G20 April Fools Prosecution - Space Hijackers
04-09-2009 23:14

Exotic pet store close store early after Nottingham animal rights arrive
04-09-2009 22:26

Climate Rush On Tour
04-09-2009 21:25

Camp Ashraf Hunger Strike, US embassy, London - pictures.
04-09-2009 21:15

Vestas blockade - help urgently needed on the Isle of Wight
04-09-2009 14:48
Workers and supporters at the Vestas wind turbine factory in Newport on the Isle of Wight are attempting to stop the remaining blades being shipped out of the factory. This is the only leverage the workers, who have been hung out to dry, really have left against the company.