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April 11th 2008 - International Day of Truth Action - Photos
14-04-2008 21:35

Brutal eviction of Squat in Vienna (Spitalgasse 11)
14-04-2008 21:28
During the international action days for squats and autonomous spaces many activities took place in Vienna. After a powerful demonstration on Friday demanding free and autonomous spaces, followed by squatting a new place for the Viennese “Wagenburg”, the second day started with a “Bim Party” during which several tramways were occupied. In the evening dozens of people met to discuss queer-feminist aspects of squatting and their practical implications.A success in every way! Audacious Space Leeds
14-04-2008 21:16

London's Shoreditch New Squat Pics
14-04-2008 20:27

The building is in an amazing location. It is not only central, but it also sits right in the middle of an area right next to the City that is being highly ‘developed’. The contrast between the previously neglected building with the new glass and metal towers is almost beyond belief.
The crew maintaining the squat, have done an impressive work to bring a previously ‘condemned’ building back into life. Three floors have now made been available to the community. The space has got an entrance area with a free shop, info stalls, a squatters estate agents, and a café. The ground floor also contains a soundproof room for screenings and music, and in the upper floors there a few rooms (some pretty large) that had an exhibition.
Long and exciting life to the new social centre!
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Squatted Community Garden Reopened in Reading as Part of Days of Action!
14-04-2008 20:01

Anonymous protests Scientology corporation in Birmingham
14-04-2008 17:16

Plane Stupid Scotland Scale Parliament To Challenge Backdoor Airport Expansion
14-04-2008 15:16

Palestine Today 041408
14-04-2008 14:48

Pavilion asbestos scandal
14-04-2008 14:28

Indy Global Report from Bethlehem, on Resonance FM104.4 14 April
14-04-2008 13:36

And of course This week in Palestine brings around up of news from across the West bank and Gaza.
Hackney hostel residents march to demand better conditions
14-04-2008 12:07

Squat days of action summary...
14-04-2008 11:48

The following is an attempt at a non comprehensive summary of the actions, demonstrations, gatherings and various initiatives that happen during the days of action for squats and autonomous spaces. The summary was created from reports on the IMC UK newswire and english language reports posted to the April2008 website.
Note: A more comprehensive summary now exists on the April2008 website..Full article | 1 addition | 7 comments
Action report-Angel Group targetted
14-04-2008 10:52
As part of the days of action in support of squats and autonomous spaces-Action at Angel Group- building graffitied, locks glued, 12 company vehicles damaged.
New Nottingham Defy-ID Bulletin
14-04-2008 07:36

Reclaim the Streets - Defending autonomous space in Wellington
14-04-2008 01:57

A Reclaim the Streets party took place in Wellington as part of the decentralized days of action for squats and autonomous spaces. After a protest against the Labour Party conference, around 30 people marched through town to Upper Abel Smith Street where a group of people was already setting up for the street party.
Portuguese anti-GM crop action classified as terrorism.
13-04-2008 22:24
Portuguese Judicial Police classifies action against genetically modified corn as a "terrorist" act in Europol report.Day of Action for Squating and Autonomous Spaces, Brighton, 12/04/08.
13-04-2008 13:50

Hope not Hate in Wrexham - march and rally
13-04-2008 08:13

[april2008] tour de squat rotterdam
12-04-2008 22:46
Twenty five brave souls motivated themselves to follow the tour de squat in Rotterdam. The weather was fine and spirits were high. We passed the sites of 50 or so squats, some still existing, others from the past.