UK Promoted Newswire Archive
Sea Shepherd rebuked by IWC as Rumours emerge of Compromise on Whaling
09-03-2008 16:11

Liverpool Women Reclaim The Night...Sort Of
08-03-2008 23:32

Straw Bale work on eco-building in St.Anns Part 27
08-03-2008 20:58

Oaxacan prisoner David Venegas is released.
08-03-2008 19:37
After 11 months illegal imprisonment, David Venegas Reyes 'El Alebrije' has been released.Sea Shepherd Crew Head South In Search Of Harpoons
08-03-2008 17:24
Sea Shepherd Conservation Society’s ship, the Steve Irwin, has broken off its pursuit of the Nisshin Maru to focus on the harpoon vessels to the south. At 1200 hours, Sea Shepherd changed course and began to head due south, as the Nisshin Maru continued westward. Contact was broken off with the Japanese factory ship at 63 degrees, 42 minutes south and 124 degrees, 56 minutes east.“We have chased the factory ship for a solid week as they ran full out, back and forth across the Southern Ocean,” said Captain Paul Watson, Founder and President of Sea Shepherd. “After a chase of 1,776 nautical miles and three confrontations, I’ve decided to go investigate what the Yusshin Maru No. 2 is doing. We still have a working tracking device on that ship, so we know that it is less than half a day away and probably up to no good.”
Aldermaston - camp is NOT closing
08-03-2008 10:11

Invitation to the Camp for Climate Action at Kingsnorth Power Station
08-03-2008 07:58
This summer the Camp for Climate Action will pitch its tents outside Kingsnorth coal-fired power station in Kent for a week of education,sustainable living and direct action.
Everyone is invited to the camp, which is now part of an international movement, with eight climate camps on four continents planned for this summer.
report on 'make wars history' public launch in london tonight
08-03-2008 01:38
around 70 people attended the launch of the international 'make wars history' launch at fitzroy square indian ymca hall this eveningbilled as the world's first mass movement of 'civil obedience', the presentation described how a new international peace movement can grow out of upholding war law and reporting war crime, just ahead of the 5th anniversary of the invasion of iraq
Leon Greenman OBE, Auschwitz survivor 98288 (1910 – 2008)
08-03-2008 01:05
A truly inspiring manAntifa interviewed by Dissident Island Radio
07-03-2008 20:54
In depth interview with Antifa member...Update on four activists in court next week for unlicensed campaign collections
07-03-2008 20:01

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A Victory for Common Sense!
07-03-2008 19:47

Colombia solidarity picket outside Downing Street
07-03-2008 18:05

Infousurpa & Offline now out
07-03-2008 17:38

Notes from the UK Squatters' Meeting 9/10 February 2008
07-03-2008 17:27
This, the first attempt to coordinate a national meeting for some time, was held in a beautiful old nursing home with extensive grounds at Headingley in Leeds. There was a good mixed turn out with squatters represented from many of the major towns in the uk, some protest sites and some travellers attending. All in all perhaps 30-40 people.Japanese Officials Caught Lying on Firearm Use against Sea Shepherd
07-03-2008 14:42

Sea Shepherd: Japanese Scramble to Spin Shooting Story
07-03-2008 11:48
In the aftermath of a confrontation between the crew of the whaling ship Nisshin Maru and the crew of the Sea Shepherd ship Steve Irwin, the Japanese public relations flacks are working overtime to get the spin right. First, they admitted that warning shots were fired, then they corrected themselves and said that only flash grenades were fired at the crew of the Steve Irwin. Then they changed the story again and described the flash grenades as “warning balls.” By tomorrow morning, they may have it spun it again and may be describing them as “marshmallows.”Full article | 1 addition | 8 comments
Shell Shuts Up
07-03-2008 11:44

Japanese Open Fire on Sea Shepherd Crew: Three Injured
07-03-2008 10:17