UK Promoted Newswire Archive
Liberation & Sabotage: Italy, USA, UK & Spain
13-02-2008 22:14

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Women To Widdecombe: "Get Your Rosaries Off Our Ovaries"
13-02-2008 18:55

Palestine Today 021308
13-02-2008 16:15

British government widens police stop-and-search powers
13-02-2008 14:51
The British government has given the police more powers to stop and search people. It says it will implement a number of recommendations published last week in the report, Review of Policing, by the Chief Inspector of Police Sir Ronnie Flanagan. Using the claim that it will cut the “bureaucracy” that “burdens” the police, Flanagan recommends more stop and searches without the police having to explain the reasons and scrapping the form police have to fill in that records why they stop someone and his or her name, address and ethnic background.first protests against Dresden commemorations
13-02-2008 13:49

End the Siege of Gaza Protest, London 9th February 2008
12-02-2008 20:05

Home Office picketed today in Cardiff
12-02-2008 19:41

Hitting Total in the Pocket
12-02-2008 17:36
Over the last 2 months, activists tired of the lies and corporate whitewash have taken direct action to hit Total where it hurts them most - in the pocket.Deportatons to DRC have resumed!
12-02-2008 10:50
A week ago the appeal submittedby the legal team responsible for the BK case on the
DRC was refused at the first stage. They are now preparing papers to take the appeal directly to the Court of Appeal. In the meantime, the Home Office have seized the opportunity to make up for lost time by detaining people going to sign and by
issuing them and people already in detention with removal directions.
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successful blockade of Portishead Immigration Centre
12-02-2008 06:14
Blockade of Border & Immigration Agency depot steps up pressure to enddawn snatches of families from their homes in the Bristol area
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February 11th 2008 - International Day of Truth Action - Photos
12-02-2008 00:52

French living customers speak out
11-02-2008 22:41

Palestine Today 021108
11-02-2008 15:54

Carmel Agrexco Blockaded Again
11-02-2008 15:49
Protesters Blockade Israeli State Owned Company
Press contact:
07986 764432
07745 817822

11 February 2008
Germany, Munic - Mass Protests against NATO
11-02-2008 09:59

Helen & Alistair Itanje have been 'Snatched'
11-02-2008 07:34

Friends of of Vera & Kenny
11-02-2008 07:30

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Report/Pics-Guantánamo Anniversary Vigil Outside US Embassy
10-02-2008 23:10

Direct Action; USA, Mexico, Spain, Germany, UK & Netherlands
10-02-2008 21:57