UK Promoted Newswire Archive
Brummies rise up against their shity council
06-02-2008 03:02

'Smarter than yeast' Climate Activities Day
06-02-2008 00:32

Mass homelessness is now official UK govt. policy?
06-02-2008 00:28
According to todays Guardian the Government now plan to create mass homelessness by threatening about a million council tenants with eviction if they can't find work. As there are only 0.6 million vacancies, this makes it impossible for more than 60% of these - at the very most - to find work.Ballymurphy 11 Daughters Campain Tour Report
06-02-2008 00:19
A report on the speaking tour, organised by the Troops Out Movement, by two daughters of people murdered by British soldiers in BelfastTesco Biofuel Protest and Chain mail
05-02-2008 20:23

Gorilla tactics – Every Little Helps the rainforest burn
05-02-2008 16:32

Aldermaston byelaws - judicial review update
05-02-2008 16:26

Palestine Today 020508
05-02-2008 15:45

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911: Taking a scientific approach to the collapse of all 3 high rise buildings
05-02-2008 14:20

Also following are some photos from the 11th January 2008 International Day of Truth Action protests, for videos and more information see

Join us on 11th February 2008:

Bristol Indymedia's Radical Revamp - South West Listings - New Facilities!
05-02-2008 13:08

Anti fascist killed by Neo Nazi..
05-02-2008 11:44
This video is real, and it has every potential to upset some people. However, this is the reality today of the struggle against fascism.
Every Little Helps Expose Tesco Biofuelling Global Warming
05-02-2008 11:17

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Latest Direct Action
04-02-2008 21:44

Palestine Today 020408
04-02-2008 16:05

brian haw 'walk for peace' began this morning
04-02-2008 15:03
this morning brian haw began his four-day sixty-mile walk to oxford to take part in the 'queen and country' debate at the oxford unionGordon Brown Protest Telford
03-02-2008 19:49
On Friday 1st February, our local peace group from Telford , Shropshire, Wrekin Stop War, were protesting at the Telford Holiday Inn when Gordon Brown visited.Full article | 1 addition | 4 comments
Two Weeks in Greece: Banks, police cameras, luxury cars get it; rats saved
03-02-2008 19:03

- Attack against a bank, 14 taken into custody (Athens, 30/1/2008)
- Police camera destroyed, one person taken into custody (Thessaloniki, 29/1/2008)
- Series of incendiary attacks (Athens-Thessaloniki, 21/1/2008)
- Bank firebombed and responsibility claim (Athens, 19/1/2008)
- Attacks on three banks (Athens, 17/1/2008)
- Car dealership fire-bombed (Athens, 17/1/2008)
- Lab-rats liberated from technical institute (Thessaloniki, 16/1/2007)
Sweden: Action for free museums
03-02-2008 14:47

Food Not (Bio)fuel protest Cambridge
03-02-2008 14:32

Police were in attendance, but soon left, leaving Tesco staff so concerned about protester's safety that they repeatedly threatened to call the police when they stepped onto the forecourt. They finally got so fed up that just as we were about to leave they asked us to leave, in the process delaying our departure.
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Greece: Massive riots, police cooperates with fascists, during Antifa demo
03-02-2008 06:17
Detailed update of the events of Saturday 02/02, that took place in the center of Athens, as a response to the attempt of an extremist right wing organisation to commemorate a nationalist anniversary.